Monday, August 26, 2019

NSV - My boss noticed!

Long time lurker, first time poster. Thank you to everyone on this sub, for the record. Y'all keep me motivated and it's so comforting to know I'm not the only one who feels like weight loss takes a century.

For context, I've been struggling with weight and body image since my childhood. My stepdad (lovingly) called me Chubs when I played softball on his team, I was always the heaviest of my friends and I've spent years absolutely HATING myself for it. Now as an adult, I'm definitely worlds more comfortable with my body image, but that doesn't mean I want to stay this way. I recently took an entry position in something that wound up being my dream career: ballroom dance. While for now I just run the desk, one day I hope to teach, compete, and perform. Of course, dancing is HARD on the joints when you're heavy like me (20F, 5'4, SW roughly 220 lbs give or take). My weight was inhibiting my joy, my dancing, and my sex life. I decided I'd had enough. Slowly I started counting calories again, even if I fell off the wagon with the app I'd keep track in my head. Dancing as often as I could, cutting carbs and sugars where I could. My boyfriend notices the difference constantly and praises my hard work, but I never really see it. Finally, the other day, my boss looked at me and said "Wow, varsaat, you look like you've been losing weight!" It's the smallest shit, but I look up to my boss so much and it meant a lot that she actually Noticed.

Sorry for the ramble, but the scale hasn't been moving so I'll take what I can get 😅

submitted by /u/varsaat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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