Saturday, August 10, 2019

Slightly worried - dif between fasting and disorder?

Hi, I've been getting a little worried about how I'm approaching weight loss, mentally. I can't really talk with friends/family off-line, I've always been really thin so if I bring up work outs, dieting, or my emotional concerns, they just roll their eyes and the conversation ends before it starts.

Well, I'm older now and I can't just eat whatever and laze around and stay a size 2. I have to work to stay anywhere near a size 6. Which brings me to my worry:

I'm worried about it becoming an unhealthy fixation. Like, at what point does intermittent fasting turn into anorexia? I'm currently doing 16:8 fasting 4-5 days a week. I suspect I might be having some mental disphoria, too. Like, I know rationally that I'm not overweight, even if the tape measure tells me I'm the biggest I've ever been. But I keep thinking of myself and seeing myself as 1-2 inches overweight. (I don't own a scale, probably for the best.)

Are there warning signs I should lookout for? Ways to deal with how I see myself? Also, any exercise tips for trimming down a waist? I'm at 27" (it was 26" 3 months ago) and would love to get it back down to 25" (where it was for most of my 30s.)


submitted by /u/Idontburn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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