Saturday, November 6, 2021


At my highest weight I was 216; that was on September 21st in 2020. I have been struggling with my size my entire life but that was really the height of it all. I'm a 4"11 female, so you can probably imagine how I carried the weight. I looked and felt like a ball of fat.

I've dieted forever. Genuinely. Done keto, paleo, veganism, vegetarianism, fruitarianism, even weight watchers when I was 13. I've starved, thrown up, exercised excessively, binged, the whole nine yards, you get it.

I can't explain why nothing has worked for me long term in the past. I would diet different diets, but not in a yo-yo fashion. I'd adopt an eating lifestyle for months, and some for years, but nothing continued to wield results past a certain time. The furthest I got was 20 pounds down with keto, but after 4 months the weight loss came to a complete halt and wouldn't continue. I was so frustrated and angry and everyone who I spoke to about it wouldn't believe that I was truthful in how I ate. They rolled their eyes and be like "okay yeah for sure you're healthy" despite my absolute best efforts to shed the weight. I doubt that I'm alone in this experience but skinny people never seem to believe it when I say I'm healthy.

I'm rambling so I'll get to the more positive things, I just wanted to give some background.

On September 30th this year, a magazine that my town puts out had a thorough and fascinating article about veganism. I was really inspired and after reading it, scrolled through Netflix to see what documentaries they had since the article had gotten me so interested in it. I'd been vegan before but something made me want to think about it again. I watched the documentary "What the Health", and despite having some of it really edging on exaggeration, at times even ridiculous, it got it's point across and it really struck a cord with me. I went vegan again the same day, and started eating 1,100 calories. I use the app MyNetDiary, which I love, love, love, and have been absolutely adoring the lifestyle since.

On that day in September I was 194.2 pounds. Today is November 6th and a few days ago I weighed in at 186.6 pounds. It may not seem significant, but damn! I used to be 216 pounds! I am literally ounces away from my short term goal, which is 185. And I might already be there in the morning! I punched in my information to a few BMI calculators, and I let out a thrilled yelp to see that I'm no longer morbidly obese! I'm just obese now at the BMI of 37.6, and I couldn't be more excited! Sure it may be Class ll obese, but no longer morbidly!

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about a year and a half back, and I've read in many medical journals of people who swear it's reversible. So if that's true, I'm right on track. I'll be 22 tomorrow (happy obese birthday to me :)) and I eat 1,100 calories a day. I'm plant-based and eat whole grains, loads of vegetables, tons of hummus, and water whenever I remember to.

I don't know why I'm losing weight nicely this time instead of the other dozens of times I've dieted, but maybe it's to do with my deficit. Who knows.

My advice, and this may be unhelpful, but don't be afraid to cheat sometimes. I mean this very sincerely. I won't let myself go to sleep hungry because I will become resentful of my diet, and I reckon that's why many people fall off of theirs. I think critically about how I feel when I go to bed and sometimes I eat some liquorice until I'm full. A diet of resentment IS NOT sustainable.

It feels great to be in the 180s again, it's been many years since I have been in here. I'll continue to post my progress if it continues, and I'd like to thank this community for always being so helpful. Thank you all :)!

submitted by /u/yellowskulls
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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