Wednesday, March 8, 2023

My last month of weight loss really sums up the struggle

For everyone on the grind. Just want to give you guys some positive vibes. I would always look at people who lost weight and be like weight loss is just a straight down trend. That was imprinted on my brain. Made me do Fad diets, yoyo dieting the works. I've been tracking my weight especially over the last month as it has been a particularly tough one.

Don't be discouraged when you see the scale go up. Don't be discouraged if you fall off the wagon for a few days. Just pick yourself up and keep persevering. One or a few bad meals is not going to undo lots of healthy eating.

I've lost just over 3 lbs in the last month. While I could be very disappointed in myself. I look at my ability to self correct and stay the course. Something I can honestly admit I never had the will power to do before. There were some large fluctuations, I try to eat a lower carb diet just because being in ketosis helps me not feel hungry or crave. So of course when I do consume carbs the weight comes on fast and furious.

Still quite the journey ahead of me. But I'm glad that I'm doing it in a way that I could see myself doing for a really long time.

Take care and stay classy loseit fam!

submitted by /u/CDNBacon89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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