Sunday, January 28, 2024

How to break out of the cycle of regaining the weight you've lost?

24F, 5'6, 71kg

Last summer I was in one of the best shapes of my life, about 63kg. I was working out a lot and eating well. Just a few months ago I was at a place where I was genuinely happy with my body, I could have lost maybe 3 more kilos to get to my official "goal" but given I had a good bit of muscle I was okay with where I was at. I felt good in all my clothes, everything in my wardrobe either fit or was a bit big.

I moved homes, that threw me off the gym for a bit and worked an incredibly stressful job for a brief period. In just a few short months I completely unravelled my hard work and gained about 7-8 kilos. I'm now considered overweight and a lot of my clothes no longer fit me.

It's a lot of weight in a short time and I was shocked because I really didn't think I eat *that* much. I don't eat breakfast, quite often skip lunch too (at my job I was too stressed or busy to bother with lunch) but of course by evening I'd be hungry and crabby and I'd overeat by a lot. Plus the fact i was often too tired/stress for the gym and my sleep was terrible. When I get honest with myself and really thought about my habits, it's not that surprising. It was a series of small, bad choices that tallied up.

I'm now back on it, in a good swing with the gym and have changed up my eating habits but I feel so disheartened. Am I doing all of this just to look good for a few months and then have to do it all over again? My mile time is now a minute slower than just a few months ago. I was deadlifting 80kg, I could just do a pull up and I could run a mile in under 8 minutes. I feel trapped in this endless cycle where I get slim and fit in the first half of the year, feel good for a while, and then it's like I blink and I'm overweight again and my fitness is back to square one.

How do people stay consistent over a long period of time? Until about 21-22, I was naturally slim (56-60kg) and never had to try too hard to be a healthy weight. Since then I've been in this weight loss and regain cycle and I'm worried it will just get worse as i get older.

submitted by /u/Ridan_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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