Friday, January 12, 2024

Nutritionist advising me to overeat?


I have been attempting weight loss seriously since march of 2023. I was at a high of 250 pounds and began working out 4 days a week and decided to see a nutritionist for healthier eating habits and a good number of calories to consume for sustainable weight loss. Upon my first visit I was advised that I was critically undereating and steered towards 2500 calories a day. For reference, I am a 25 year old male. I average 12-15 thousand steps a day for work and am doing an intense workout regimen. The first month went great and I dropped 5 pounds. Over the next several months I dropped to 215 pounds before my next follow up visit. At this visit I was told I was still under eating and to up my calories to 3000 a day because I was in "starvation mode" Since I have begun eating this way I have ballooned back up to 240. I would describe my diet as very healthy besides the actual caloric amount.

Is this advice from a professional as stinky as it sounds? or is there any merit to eating more calories with a very active lifestyle.

I feel very frustrated because all traditional wisdom is CICO and then I am being told to eat like a rooting hog and that restricting is causing my weight gain.

submitted by /u/Accomplished-Echo771
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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