Friday, January 19, 2024

Things I wish I knew before I started losing weight / Discussion

Hi! I was thinking about my experience so far with dieting and losing weight and wanted to put my thoughts out there for anyone who cares or wants to share their own. To preface, I started weight loss in February of last year, I was 18 years old and 340lbs at 5'11"(male). Today I am 242lbs and I am back on the dieting horse after taking it easy and gaining about a lb over the months of October->December. I was diagnosed with what they called a binge eating disorder. I personally do not believe that I have an illness that forced me to overeat, I think anyone could get as heavy as I was if they were eating like I was. Eating was a coping mechanism that I had to slowly work through over the last year.

First, I had a pretty terrible experience with a dietician; they tried to sell me a weight loss drug, told me to eat vegetables, stop drinking diet soda, and to come back in a month for more pills. This really irked me and I never really quite knew why until recently, and its not just because that's a dumb, predatory prescription for weight loss, It was because it lacked any kind of explanation or reasoning.The biggest benefit to this process has been learning about things related to weight loss; What is a calorie? What is maintenance? What is a calorie deficit? Why should I eat vegetables? How much protein should I eat? Why shouldn't I be able to drink diet soda? (the answer to this question is you can drink diet soda, there is almost no valid proof that it hurts you). Even when talking to professionals, you shouldn't just be taking their word for everything. Ask questions, and do your own research! How can you go all in on something you know almost nothing about?

Second, you have to understand that each weight loss phase/attempt will not go perfectly, and sometimes you will fall off of the horse, especially when starting. Ive noticed that it takes me a couple weeks of to get into the swing of a diet, and that cold, empty feeling in my stomach that makes me want to sprint to the fridge and start eating only lasts for about 2 weeks. You shouldn't be angry with yourself for failing, you should be angry with yourself for not trying again the next day. I have failed on days 2-5 of the diet several times, and while I do beat myself up about it, I still try again but harder.Its very unhealthy and I would never do it again, but at the peak of my dieting, I was losing almost 6lbs a week as someone who has struggled with obesity since childhood.(I seriously do not recommend doing this, it messed up my hormones up pretty bad and led to a mental crash where I quit my job and fell into a slight depression for about a month). I have a new job now and feel better than ever losing 2 lbs a week). This is just to prove that you can do anything you set your mind to, but you can't just give up after it fails once.

I may add to this but I want to see what other people think. If you're reading this, have a great day and know that you can do it!

submitted by /u/Traditional-Signal55
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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