Friday, January 12, 2024

Lessons I Learned from 100 lb Loss

I’ve lost almost 100 lbs over the past few years and I wanted to share some thoughts about it for those starting or currently going through the same

1) Goals are good, timelines are not. I tracked my weight daily and as I scroll back there are some months where I only lost a single pound. That is a WIN. Never minimize small wins because they weren’t whatever you thought you should lose. I lost a pound and kept it off. Win.

2) No one can ever avoid all foods or situations with food. Unless you’re medically restricted, sometimes you’re going to eat chocolate, chips, burgers, whatever your thing is. And it is OKAY. Weight loss doesn’t mean you avoid all the foods that give you pleasure or that you just want. Never beat yourself up for enjoying foods in moderation. Which brings me to my next point…

3) Moderation really is key. If you don’t finish your plate, good news, there is more of that type of food in the world for another day. It actually makes the foods you love more delicious and decadent when you don’t have them all the time. You’ll know when you REALLY want some of that food, and then you’ll have a little, and it’ll be fine.

4) It’s okay to feel a little hungry. Hunger is not the worst thing to feel. See if you’re really hungry by engaging your mind or body with other activities. True hunger will not abate.

5) I used to eat until I was full. FULL. Like, probably honestly until I was so full I didn’t feel good. I finally asked myself why I thought feeling sluggish and overfull was a goal, because it’s not. It was habit. This sounds weird, but like, eat enough to give your body the nutrients it needs to live, but not so much that you feel “full.” If you feel full, it’s too much. Save your food for later, have it twice! Double win.

6) Don’t distract yourself while you eat. I see you over there mindlessly snacking in front of various sized screens. Quit it. Change your mindset because feeding your body is a special way of caring for it. Be present while you do it. YOU are in charge. Pay attention while you eat. Eating should be a separate activity from literally everything else except socializing.

7) I throw food away. I never used to. Throw it away. We can discuss the ethics of this another time. Did you get served a giant plate of food and didn’t finish it? And no one else at your table wants it? Throw it away. Start eating a chocolate bar and you realize you’re actually distracted or full or the hunger was psychological and you didn’t want it anyway? Don’t finish it. Throw it away. You do NOT have to finish food just because you started eating it. You are not a garbage can. You are a charming human being.

8) Weight loss sometimes comes down to very slight choices. Skip the mayo. Cut the crusts off. Diet instead of regular. Cut the burger in half. Fries but no ketchup. Small squares of specialty chocolate instead of a bunch of cheap stuff. Cooking at home instead of eating out. These choices change all the time. If you regiment yourself too hard it’s going to feel like a chore. Give yourself the freedom to have what you like with modifications you can live with. When I have a burger now, I use mustard instead of mayo, cut it in half, and just eat half. Maybe a few fries but not many. You will still feel satisfied

9) Eat and move on. You had your meal. Okay bye. Don’t sit in the kitchen looking around. Don’t look at the dessert menu. Don’t do things that make your brain think it’s still feeding time. Just because you CAN eat doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Did you just eat enough food to continue performing life functions for the next several hours? You’re good. Food is for life functions, super cool nature made it pleasurable, but food is for survival. Can you survive? Cool, get outta the kitchen bro.

10) Learn how to be bored. If you’re bored, there are a million things you can do besides eat. The same goes for emotional distress. I myself eat due to emotions and boredom. Start writing your thoughts, pick up a hobby, go for a walk, call a friend, literally anything. Eating is not a good hobby to have. I discovered some legit enjoyable hobbies once eating didn’t control my life as much.

I hope these help some people. Honestly my weight loss was gradual and not stressful that I’m still surprised when I try on clothes and I’m in M instead of 2X or whatever. It took me about 2.5 years to lose 100 lbs. I had lost before and always gained back because I restricted myself so much and always beat myself up over it. No more. I have kept the weight off and feel honestly like a different person.

I wish all of you happiness and good luck in all of your life changes.

submitted by /u/Apocalyptic_FartShow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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