Thursday, January 11, 2024

Is it bad if I have one or two cheat days a week?

I'm new to weight loss and so far only lost 1 pound after starting about 2 or 3 weeks ago of serious dieting.

Changing my diet has been drastic for me and hard to maintain so to keep myself sane I allow myself to eat whatever I want on Sundays which is moslty fast food and a bunch of chocolate snacks I store during the week (lol) like oreos, brownies, candy and all that unhealthy stuff.

I would like to keep the cheat day to at least Sunday, but I tend to have leftovers from the day before on Monday so I allow myself to eat that and enjoy.

I feel like "rewarding" myself after suffering is the only way I'm able to eat only healthy during the week with only a couple of pieces of dark chocolate a day for snack.

But I'm wondering is this going to hinder my weightloss process in the long run.

For the record I'm female 5'3, 195, age 33.

ADD: Also, Sundays is the day friends and family usually wan to go out to eat after church so its hard to say no.

submitted by /u/FunDependent9177
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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