Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Please Share Your Experiences With Maintenance

Hi yall. i joined this community 1year and 8months ago (may 2022) and i've now succeeded with weight loss! i went from obese to slim and mobile, and most of all, i have gained absolute faith in my ability to make meaningful change in my life. i'm so proud, and thankful for this community and the information it provided to get me here.

now, the problem: i've been trying to shift into maintenance for almost a whole month now, but i'm finding it really difficult. eating more food again is a little uncomfortable physically, but the thing that's really getting in my way is the increase in the number on the scale when i eat more food. at the moment i'm only eating 200 calories more than i have been in my journey, so i KNOW that the increase in scale weight cannot be actual fat gain, it has to be water weight, the literal weight of having more food in my body, etc. i'm not even eating at maintenance yet. but what happens is i try to commit to maintenance, eat more calories for a few days, see my weight go up by about 1kg and plateau there, get displeased about the new number on the scale, eat at my normal deficit for a day or two, and the scale goes down again. i've actually lost like 0.4kg while trying to be in maintenance, because i keep backing out when i see the number go up. i know logically that i just need to commit to maintenance and take the weight fluctuations as they come, but emotionally i just find it really difficult when things change in a way i don't expect (i'm autistic, i think that plays a role in how distressing unexpected changes are to me).

my bmi is 20.6, and i don't want it to get any lower. i'm happy where i am. but not knowing what to expect from the scale in maintenance is just making me feel uneasy, and i think i'd find the changes much easier to manage emotionally if i just know what's "normal" to expect. i know this is probably normal, but i think i just need some reassurance from people who've actually been there.

so, to the people who have been successful in maintenance: what happened on the scale when you started maintenance? is it normal for the scale to suddenly go up when you first start? does it go back down again? does it just always kind of fluctuate within a certain range? i just want to know what normal/average fluctuations in maintenance look like, so that i can actually commit to maintenance with the reassurance this time when the scale goes up, that "this is normal, thats just what happens."

submitted by /u/AureliaBloom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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