Saturday, November 6, 2021

Am I losing too quickly?

SW: 225lbs CW: 207lb 5'4'' F 30yo

I started my weight loss journey with Noom on August 16th. It started off well enough, but I lost motivation due to grief after a friend passed away. I did not see change for a long period- For example I was 220 lbs on September 6th and October 6th. During that time I was sometimes following my weight loss plan but other days I didn't so I assumed the average resulted in maintenance. I still avoided things like alcohol and fried foods on my platuea. My weight would jump around from one day to the next- as much as 5lbs.

The past 2 weeks I have been hyper focused with getting back to it. I bought a food scale and track my calories. I sometimes worry about restaurant meals and tend to err on the side of caution by estimating above the apps recommendation, save half the meal for later, and have a very light lunch that day. Noom tracking is loaded with inaccuracies. Now I also track on fitbit so I can see my macros. My fitbit thinks I burn 1850cal on sedentary days and 2400cal on active days. I am mostly sedentary, getting 10k steps is a huge day for me and has only happened 3 times since Aug 16. I severely doubt the TDEE calculators suggesting a BMR of 1.8k. I aim to eat under 1200cal a day. Some (rare) days I eat considerably less. I do not feel deprived, I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full which usually happens at 300-450 calories so a 900 cal day has happened.

My concern comes with realizing that every day the past two weeks I have lost weight. There have been none of the random jumps that I had become accustomed to in the 2 months prior. From 217.6 to 207.4 in 14 days! That's more than 2x the max recommendation. Is it possible that I was still eating at deficit during my platuea, and I'm just now seeing the results of it? Or should I worry the rapid loss is from a too aggressive deficit and I should slow down to avoid a crash? I don't want to push my calorie intake above 1200 as binge eating is a concern and I'm already feeling satisfied at 1200. Lastly, is my rapid loss just water weight loss and I will see it slow down or spike back up in the coming weeks?

Losing half a pound a day to me just doesn't make sense logically. Some TDEE calculators put me at 1700-1900 calories so that would imply I'm eating sub 200 calories a day ??? But if I consider my actual start date/weight it averages out to a reasonable 1.5lb/wk

submitted by /u/MsSheepie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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