Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The hardest part of losing weight is to keep pushing. The struggle is real

This is a reminder / inspiration post for you all struggling (including me) from time to time.

I started my journey on Sept 11.

I'm a person with the all in or all out mentality. On that day there's one thing I removed from my vocabulary and it was the word "Failing" I have never really "tried" to lose weight per say. For the past 3 years I've been kinda active, but never really took care of the food part. I would eat junk, I was happy, and I was fine with how I looked. The day I found my "why" I wanted to lose weight is the day my old self died, the day my mentality shifted, the day I knew I was never gonna go back.

We tend to make weight loss overcomplicated, in the last 2 months I've read so much about fitness, nutrition, weight loss. The reality of it is simple, find your TDEE, substract 500-1000 calories from that number daily, count your calories and go to town. Like I said, I'm an all in or all out guy, and I was all in on this. I went the cold turkey way, I cut all soft drinks, fast food/restaurant, deserts, etc. I now only drink water or milk (mostly in my protein shake) I count all my calories, eat as much protein as I can, mainly eat chicken. I'm not going crazy over my diet because this needs to be a permanent change, not something that feels hard or like a chore. I still eat frozen pizza from time to time, but I eat an amount that is an ok amount of calories. For the most part, the diet side of thing has been fairly easy - not much of a struggle on that front, I barely have any cravings, I'm noticing most of my cravings we're actually habits. I drink LOTS of water, which was also helpful.

Now the exercise part is the hard one mentaly for me. Since Sept 11. I have trained (almost) daily. I've only taken a couple days off, (7 days total if I add them up) At first it was nice because it was still nice out to go for walks/run, I would do 7K walking and 4-5k running each evening. I'd be drenched, I knew I had a good workout and I'd feel good/proud of myself afterward. Lots of calories were burned during the last few weeks of fall. I lost most of my weight there, up to 3lbs a week sometimes. The real struggle is/will be during the winter. I started walking to my indoor track and then running there, but temperature quickly dropped, snow started coming in and I lost the motivation to walk there. Mostly because after my workout I'm drenched in sweat, then I'd have to walk 25min back home all wet in the cold winter, that's a dumb way to get a cold. I started going there with my car, I do my daily 30-40min cardio session followed by my lifting session of about 1h15. I'm at the gym for roughly 2 hours. I do this every. single. day. That's where the struggle comes in. That's where I need to put all my discipline. Every workout I feel stronger, unfortunately, muscle just like fat, takes time to put on. It is a slow process which wont show until my BF % is low enough for some muscle to show.

The struggle is real to keep pushing but goals are meant to be reached, crushed, decimated. I will reach my goals and so will you if you give your 100%. All I can think about nowdays is going to the gym, working out. I'm obsessed, probably not the heathiest thing, but when you want something this much in your life, when you're laser focused, that's when stuff actually start happening for you. I will probably hit 295 this week, was 296 as of this morning, I'm aiming roughly 284 by christmas, after that next goal will be 240 - then my final GW of 220-230. I will make things happen, and I know it will be faster than I'm expecting if I'm keeping this pace. I want to be shreded, I want the body I've always wanted aestheticly, I want to be able to run no shirt during the summer and actually break necks. It might sound silly, but hey, that's what's up.

I know results take time to show y'all, even me right now, after 35lbs have seen major difference compared to when I started size wise, but my next goal of 240? That'll be even better, like legit I cannot wait to look at myself in the mirror then and look back 5-6 months to see how far I've come. I'm proud of my current progress, but it's far from over. We got this guys, failure is no longer an option, there's only winning from now on and that's all that matters.

submitted by /u/Noktawr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3cGgIAh

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