Monday, November 22, 2021

The Weight Loss Chill is REAL!

When you lose a lot of weight, your tolerance for cold goes down. You lose a lot of insulating body fat, so it makes sense that you wouldn't be as warm. I knew this. I've read about this. I expected this. But JESUS CHRIST I did not think it would be THIS bad.

I used to be 'that guy'. The guy that basically never wore a jacket. I could go out in a t-shirt in 30 degree (-1c for our metric friends) and I'd be perfectly fine. I wouldn't even wear more than a hoodie until it was in the teens. But now? Can't do that now. Even wearing my nice leather jacket tonight, it was 20 degrees and I was freezing. I was literally physically in pain from the cold. There's a lot of benefits from weight loss, but this, this sucks.

Stay warm my fellow losers, winter is coming.

submitted by /u/bertzie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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