Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Almost at my goal! I've lost almost 10lbs

So I don't dedicate that much to weight loss, but over the past month ive lost almost 10lbs!

I started at 140lbs and when i heard my weight at the doctors i was upset and decided to do something about it. Since mid-late december I've been able to go to the gym and i began IF and calorie deficit and over the past 1.5-2 months ive lost 9lbs! Im down to 131 and im excited for losing a bit more. (I wont lose much more because i want to be healthy and happy for my height and stuff)

Also i am being as healthy as i can about it and will try to speak with an adult about my diet soon. I've been able to sustain my diet too and i make sure i eat enough+healthier. Im just so happy and proud of myself for showing effort everyday :)

submitted by /u/Ok_Floor4829
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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