Thursday, July 18, 2019

Advice for staying on track while staying over at someone else's house?

Hey everyone,

Has anyone tried to continue weight loss or maintain their weight while staying at someone else's house for vacation? It's similar to going to a dinner party, but for an extended period of time...
Every summer, I visit my own family as well as my partner's family. These trips last up to 1-2 months, during which I stay at the respective home of the family. When I visit my own family, I have free agency over my diet/exercise. However, when visiting my partner's family, it's tricky as I don't want to refuse their home-cooking, and I just generally feel uncomfortable demanding changes to how I (or they) eat. I feel that I'm a guest and shouldn't impose on how they do things in their house, especially given it's my partner's family. The food they cook is very well-rounded for someone with a good metabolism, but I gain weight easily unless I count calories. And at their house, I'm unable to accurately count calories as I'm not cooking the meals and I'm not able to measure my food. In the past, I would just try my best to eyeball everything, but I always end up coming back home 5+ pounds heavier. It's not the worst, but it gets demoralizing to have to re-lose the weight I worked hard to lose. In addition to these technical issues with calorie counting, they like to go out for snacks/desserts as a family. While it's true that I can refuse these things, it gets hard to keep saying no because I start feeling like a buzzkill... Does anyone have tips or advice on what I should do? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/fuyumelon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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