Thursday, March 31, 2022

Any weight loss/accountability discord servers?

I'm 26f, I've lost 105 lbs and I still got about 65 lbs more to go. I am having a hard time getting back on track and would love having a community where we can talk daily and with people who get it. I do low carb and IF if that helps.

Also I am going through a rough patch in general rn with recently facing unemployment and health issues.. So I feel like me being off track this month was just me falling into my old habits of eating to cope with my sad emotions which sucks. I really wish this was all easy for me like weight maintenence and not eating my emotions. I can tell I'm just going through a little bump in the road in terms of weight loss and mental health so I really wanna change my gears and get back on track. I've come too far to go, back now.

submitted by /u/Icecream786
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I restart my weight loss?

I lost 100lbs back in 2018, but gained it back and more in 2019/2020. I've lost all my self steamand motivation to try to lose it again. Because it was hard work. But I miss how it felt. To be lighter, and to be happier with myself and my accomplishments. Now I just feel like a failure...

My question is, how do I start up again without failing immediately into it? How can I lose 100lbs again just as I did before with little to no hope or motivation....


submitted by /u/meow_dee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

21M I want to lose weight to live life and be free again

I have a horrible eating disorder. I heard that losing weight fast is bad but I am trying to lose weight fast and safely to live my life. I can't live my life I am very insecure with no support around me. Is eating one big meal a day good and healthy? I dont go to the gym because I am insecure and very shy person, I workout at home.

I can lose weight fast and I am highly commited but what I fear is that I would lose weight in an unhealthy way (one of my biggest fears is to be anorexic) I would to communicate with people about this who knows about weight loss and have wisdom. I have tons of questions about losing weight and so on. I am looking for anyone to communicate with me. I had advice where people tell me to eat 3 meals a day. But that leads me to eating disorder because I keep overthinking how should I eat in smaller portions? I do not know or understand how to eat less. Do they mean smaller portions? or reduce my meal eatings? I would also over excercise (1 hour everyday) and I would eat in 200 calorie defecit which is wrong (very wrong to do) I don't really like to excercise but I like to lose weight. There are studies where it says that excercise alone is ineffective for weight loss. There is a saying that says"Lose weight to feel good, not to burn fat" and I totally agree. Excercise isnt most important. It's dieting. I try to eat one big meal and excercise 40 mins a day everyday. Do you think that is effective approach? Please DM me. I need help

submitted by /u/No-Software5654
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What’s been working for me as a 25 year old female who lost 18 lbs in 3 months!

Hi! I thought I’d share how I finally have got this weight loss thing down! Ofc as I lose weight, I have to shift methods... but here’s what’s really been working.

1) cut out lattes for tea 2) intermittent fasting - 17:7 3) a ONE hour brisk walk daily (I work from home so this is important) 4) lollipops - I’m a weed smoker and I get the munchies at night 5) eating my first meal at 1, and my next meal at 6 and a snack at 8. - for dinner? I eat as MUCH as I want. As long as it’s relatively healthy, I’ll usually have about 800 calories to spend here. This is helpful because I am always so hungry by dinner (When I work I don’t notice my appetite so by the end of the day it’s really there)

I also track deficit (600 a day).

I’m still learning but this is what’s made me go from 138 to 120 lbs :)

submitted by /u/lilapplecrumbs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I get rid of that last bit of belly pooch?

Im F/26/124lbs and 5’4”. I’ve been doing strength training exercises regularly for a couple months now but no matter how much weight I lose I always have a bit of that belly pouch. Even at my lowest of 110lbs I still had it! Im at 124 lbs now but still can’t shake off this bit of fat in my lower belly. I’m not sure if it is just extra skin from weight loss or just fat. I am trying to eat more proteins and just get as strong as possible. But It’s practically the only thing about my body that I don’t like. I know we can’t target weight loss but if I were to reach a certain BF% will it be gone or is it a lost cause? I added some crappy pictures for reference. I know it doesn’t look that bad but it’s worse in real life 😂 Any help would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/throwmeawaiii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do cheat days/meals help with keeping your metabolism up?

I have always heard that your body will adjust/slow its metabolism as it gets used to eating a lower calorie diet, thus slowing weight loss. Is there any truth to that, and if so, would having an occasional (reasonable, not thousands and thousands of calories over) cheat day or meal help to keep your metabolism up?

(I’m not trying to justify poor eating habits or cycles of binging and restricting—I am genuinely wondering if there is any scientific truth to this as I have heard it my whole life!!)

submitted by /u/pinkmillennial
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Got out of my plateau by eating more?

Hey there!

I have been eating at a ~300-500 kcal deficit for about 4 months and everything has been going well, I have lost almost 5kg. However, about a month ago I hit a weight loss plateau and have not lost any weight ever since. This week I am visiting my parents so I thought "what the hell" and have been eating at maintenance or even ~200 kcal over it. I expected to stay the same or maybe gain some weight, but I got out of my plateau and lost weight! I am curious as to why does this happen? From what I have read, it is quite common, but I cannot understand the logic behind it.

submitted by /u/Flat_Age_2290
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

I am so fcking addicted to food

Like a crack fiend.

But food is my crack.

My dealer is DoorDash. And I tip him for dropping off my drugs.

I’m not even hungry but i’m stuffing another freaking fork-full into my mouth. No part of me was even hungry when I ordered the meal.

I want to get better but the thought of starting another round of the same-old weight loss circle is seriously depressing.

I don’t want to fcking exercise. No part of me wants to go for a walk. I hate vegetables, they taste like shit. Yes, i’ve had them prepared every conceivable way - they suck. Diet Soda tastes like cough syrup. Water is disgusting - my partner says it tastes like nothing, I say it tastes awful. I could eat pasta every day. With a coke.

I am so fcking addicted to food.

submitted by /u/AstrophysicsTheory
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F/36/5'4/255 > 155 = 100 pounds. Can't believe I did it. May of 2020 to today.

In May of 2020 I decided to quit drinking alcohol (was a heavy drinker,) stop smoking cigarettes and start counting calories. I decided I wasn't going on a diet, I was going on a lifestyle. That meant I wasn't going to cut out the foods I love, I still eat what I want, but I count the calories for it. This was an option that allowed me to still eat good food and desserts. I learned how to cook (I NEVER cooked before... Only fast food and microwavable stuff.) I decided to meal prep and freeze delicious 1 cup meals (lasagna, taco lasagna, breakfast casseroles, creamy chicken chili and lots more!) I used MyFitnessPal and tracked about 1200-1500 calories a day. I'm still on a slow weight loss now and I exercise 6 times a week only because I find it fun (water aerobics!) I'm not sure what my goal weight is, I have more of a goal look/feel and I don't think I'm there yet, but I am happy. The first half of my weight loss was only counting calories, no exercise. I treat my calories like they are money in the bank and only spend them on things I want. I also do not track exercise calories or eat them back, they are my savings account if I ever want a day where I'm just not paying attention to my calories.

submitted by /u/KaleidoKitty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The day my view on food changed forever.

I've recently been thinking back on a particular point in my weight loss journey that stood out in a way that it changed my view on food forever. At that moment i didn't realize how important that small decision was but now in hindsight it was probably the one that made the most drastic change that will last with me my whole life.

At some random day during the beginning of my weight loss i consciously decided to incorporate calorie counting into my plan to lose the weight. you probably think oh wow not a big deal but let me try to explain.

I knew about calories for a long time and i knew what role they play in weight gain and weight loss but i never allowed myself to really look at nutrition and calories in food simply because i didn't want to know how many calories are in it. For some food items i knew a rough estimate like i knew that bananas are high calorie dense or that bread, pasta and highly processed food have a lot, sugar bad, fat bad and so on but that was pretty much it.

I didn't want to know more about it in fear that it would ruin food for me forever. Once you attach calorie counters to everything you eat, it opens your eyes to the reality. If you don't make that step it's like blissful ignorance that allows you to have a worry free mindset when it comes to eating food.

That day i decided to give that freedom up. I stepped over to the dark side, or i stepped into the light, however way you like to see it. Maybe it was naive of me to wait so long before doing this basic thing but I believe that a large chunk of the population has no idea about the nutritional values of the food they are eating. They purposely ignore it just like i did.

Sometimes I miss the old times, the easiness of it all. Just eating without knowing. But there is no going back now. You know what you know and whenever i see a bottle of wine, a bowl of cereal or a handful of nuts now, i see the numbers in my head and it will never be without those facts in the back of mind.

Anyway i think it was the most important decision to teach myself that skill and even though you have to sacrifice a little bit of innocence it was for me the most important step in how i manage my weight.

submitted by /u/1ncu6us
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am frustrated with others’ misconceptions of exercise in the context of slimming down

I run 60+ miles and 10+ hours weekly. Last Friday I underwent corrective laser eye surgery. I must wear a “bandaging contact lens” on my left eye until the optometrist removes it this Thursday. Hourly eye drops, fleeting dry-eye and ocular irritation collectively take a back seat to my displeasure at being told not to sweat or run. Running makes me happy and I look forward to it every day. It also plays a key role in my weight management strategy. I burn at least 600 calories from running daily. This lets me eat more without gaining weight. Now that I can’t run, I’m faced with some choices:

  1. Eat the same and gain weight. It’s just a week, after all
  2. Eat less and maintain my weight. Ew, self restraint and discipline? I don’t like using those tools, they are last resort options
  3. Find some other way to burn calories and time so that I’m not eating (can’t eat when you’re running, and can’t eat when you’re sleeping, and every hour you’re running is one less hour you’re sleeping and one more hour you’re not eating)

So, I started going on more walks. But I thought: “I can’t read, I can’t watch tv, I can’t play games, I can’t work. I also can’t eat all day (or I’ll get fat)”. So walking became a solution to TWO problems: the problem of temporarily replacing my calorie burn, and also the problem of having idle time with nothing to do.

And further into the week I decided, “I should go on a longer walk, like one of my mid-length running routes”. So yesterday I went and walked 9.5 miles while listening to podcasts. I guess it sounds less weird if I say I hiked, which is true since I went up into the hill trails and spent the majority of my walking time in the forest. Later that evening I took a shorter 5 mile walk around town - a slightly shortened version of my “minimum distance run” (my minimum distance run is about 7.3 miles and includes running halfway up a local mountain trail).

So anyways lately (the last 3+ months) I’ve been having trouble getting a nice calorie deficit. When I was heavier, it was easy to reach 500+ calorie deficits daily, for weeks straight. That was back when I was obese and overweight. Today I am 142lbs and 5’7” tall. Basically, I made it. I lost nearly all the weight I wanted to lose. So I lost motivation to drop the last 10-15lbs that I would need to lose to go from 15-18% body fat to 10-13% body fat. Don’t get me wrong - I would like to get to 10% body fat - but at around 15%, which is probably where I’m at currently, I look great with clothes on, and that’s probably why I don’t care so much anymore about hitting nightly deficits.

So imagine my surprise when I was about to go to sleep last night with an over 1400 calorie deficit. I had walked over 14 miles, lifted weights, and eaten over 2000 calories of food (two giant 2+ lb avocado kale salads, several bowls of pudding with fruit - that’s my daily diet lately). I ended up eating another dessert bowl just because “I could” and still ended the night at over a 1000 calorie deficit.

Walking. Wow, seriously, I am impressed. Fucking walking. I know almost nobody who can run for hours like me. There’s only two people among all my friends, acquaintances and coworkers who can do that (I’m not counting my running team, most of them could wipe the floor with my sorry ass). And I think this is the big misconception everyone seems to have about “exercise” and “weight loss”. I think almost everyone, amongst whom all are misinformed, thinks “if I want to precipitate weight loss from exercise, I have to run and grunt and squeeze and strain and sweat until I’m hurting and sore and wheezing and my body hurts!”

Granted most people would feel that way if they tried to run like me every day. But I’m recovering from having one of my eyes’ front literally SHAVED OFF WITH A LASER, and the other eye being SLICED OPEN WITH A LASER AND PRECISELY GOUGED. It’s fucking laser eye surgery, and I am fucking recovering from surgery. BUT I CAN WALK. I can walk and I can shitpost on Reddit. And I burned 1,350 calories yesterday just from WALKING. And you know what? The entire time, until my phone battery nearly died, I was listening to comedy podcasts and playing Raid Shadow Legends.

Ok so why am I posting this? Well, one of my family members is fat and sad about it. Everyone in my family has seen my transformation, and they respect my thoughts on the subject. I’ve given them advice at various times and some of them have heeded it and lost weight. But not this one fat and sad family member of mine.

So I told her, “you don’t need to lose weights, you don’t need to run, you don’t need to do this and that. Just walk”. And I was talking to my family later - “oh we got her a gym membership”… SHE DOESN’T NEED A GYM MEMBERSHIP, SHE JUST NEEDS TO MOVE MORE.

Meh, I’m almost out of the mountains now. I’m gonna check my Raid Shadow Legends game and see if I have enough stamina to run some dungeons, or arena tokens to compete in the player versus player stuff. And gonna get a black coffee with 5 packets (minimum) of stevia and other zero-calorie sweeteners. And you know what? My overuse injuries in my knees aren’t acting up, so after I sip my coffee I think I’ll go up the mountain again. Cuz why not? I ain’t got anything better to do

submitted by /u/frompadgwithH8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting back on the horse!

(Apologies if the flair is incorrect) So around March of last year, I posted on here as a 15 year old girl who weighed 85 kilos with the goal to lose 20. It was a complete pipe dream for me, I'd tried and failed at various weight loss efforts and had little hope that it would work this time. But I installed Cronometer and I weighed myself every day and months later I finally weighed in at 65 kilos. This community encouraged me and spurred me on to reach my end goal, and I did! But then Christmas rolled around, and my family convinced me to do away with the calorie counting. I figured I knew how much to eat now, that maintaining would be easy... I was very wrong.

So flash forward to now, I'm 16 FtM, 5'7" and about 71 kilograms. My GW this time around is 60kg, but also a healthy maintenance plan to keep me sticking to that weight. I'm going to be posting daily on the threads on here to stay accountable. If anyone gas any advice on maintaining once I get to my goal weight, feel free to chip in! It's good to be back, even if I have another difficult road ahead of me lol.

submitted by /u/TheMadPangolin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone found intuitive eating resources that also support weight loss?

After many, many years of yoyo dieting, I have landed myself an eating disorder diagnosis. Hurray! In an effort to rid myself if this burden, I have been investigating intuitive eating. For me (and anyone else who experiences emotional turmoil when dieting) I think it might be a game-changing approach. My weight has been stable for a few weeks and I don't feel completely miserable... Plus I have not been binging!!! This is huge for me, folks! I would love to toss every diet book and delete all my calories tracking apps, but there's just one problem. So far, all my intuitive eating resources support health at any size. Unfortunately, I have full blown metabolic syndrome--type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, basically all the stuff they warn you about when telling you to lose weight. Unfortunately I was born with it, so no amount of dieting will fix it. And yet, I must control both my macros and body fat percentage in order to feel reasonably ok. The long term health impacts are horrifying if I don't keep it under control (necrotic feet, anyone?). Health at any size might be true for some, but for my body the ranges are much tighter and I am currently overweight. I'm still hunting for the right supports, but I'm wondering if anyone has resources about intuitive eating that still guide you towards (emotionally healthy) weight loss.

submitted by /u/concernedcoconuts
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Helpful Supplement Recommendations?

Has anyone found any specific supplement to be helpful in their weight loss journey? Currently I have been loving putting a serving of collagen in my morning tea!

I am especially interested in trying a fiber supplement to help with the feeling of fullness when in a calorie deficit, and creatine supplements paired with increased exercise to help with the body recomposition aspect of fat loss.

I would love to hear what has been helpful to you!

submitted by /u/katrn19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F/30/5’8” (195lbs > 116lbs = 79lbs in 4 years) Inspired by everyone else’s incredible progress, big or small Hoping to inspire others to keep pushing as well!

before and after

TW: abuse

Hi r/loseit! I’ve been lurking on your sub for the past 4 years and am finally ready to publish a progress post of my own.

Back in 2018, I had reached my heaviest weight. I was in an incredibly abusive relationship, completely isolated from my friends and family, and battling severe depression. I turned to food as a comfort and completely lost control of my consumption. When I took my “before” pictures, I calculated that I was consuming about 4000-5000 calories a day. My job has me on my feet and moving around most of the day, but it was not enough to offset the amount of food I was eating everyday. To make matters worse, I was consuming 75% of my calories between 8:00pm-11:30pm. I’d then fall asleep around midnight and wake at 6:00. Not only was I not taking care of my physical health, I also wasn’t taking care of my mental or emotional health. After experiencing a complete breakdown, I decided to take my life back into my hands.

After pretending my scale didn’t exist over the past couple of years, I decided I needed to face my fear and insecurity and see what I really weighed. 195lbs. I had gained 60 pounds in under 2 years. I felt so ashamed of myself. I got on several weight loss subreddits to seek inspiration as I was too embarrassed to consult my doctor after gaining such a significant amount. I discovered the ketogenic diet and felt I would have the most success by cutting out my go-to comfort foods: carbs. I won’t lie, I didn’t stick to it 100% of the time, nor did I set myself up for failure by demanding 100% from myself. I would say I limited my carbs to 20g/day approximately 85% of time. Because of the nature of the keto diet, I found myself feeling not only satiated at the end of the day, but also sick and tired of the limited options after 3 weeks of dieting. Seriously. I could only eat so many pork rinds and steaks before I didn’t even want to look at food anymore. It worked though! I lost 15 pounds in my first two months. I didn’t change anything else. I didn’t exercise, I didn’t count calories, and worst of all (for me), I didn’t address the other problem areas in my life.

As the weight began to come off, I started to get attention from men that I hadn’t gotten in a very long time. Because of this, my partner at the time began to beat me down even more than he already had. I fell into a deeper depression and started to lose sight of my weight loss goals. When he decided to ramp up his cheating, I saw an opportunity to go get help with my mental health. Together with my incredible therapist, I was able to come up with a plan to get out. Once I was able to take back control of my life, I started to put all the pieces together. I began counting calories and macros, I took my dog on longer walks to enjoy the fresh air, I engaged in activities with my friends and family I had lost touch with over the years, and I kept reading all of the wonderful posts in this community that helped keep me inspired.

After losing 30 pounds, I felt disciplined enough to stop the keto diet. I had begun dating and honestly, I didn’t want to have to explain my odd meal choices to any prospective partners (“May I please have two cheeseburgers with no buns and a coffee with heavy cream?” doesn’t exactly set the mood). I now realize I don’t owe anyone an explanation, but I was struggling with severe self esteem issues. I was able to lose another 15 pounds by making conscious choices and being mindful about realistic calorie counts. I actually overestimated by about 15-20% when eating meals I couldn’t accurately calculate (i.e. restaurant meals and meals prepared by others) to help me stay on track.

Fast forward to 2022, and I was feeling like a forgotten balloon you find behind the couch a few weeks after the party. I was feeling thin, but incredibly out of shape. I started weight lifting and practicing light yoga and barre to attempt to tone up. My “after” picture was taken 10 weeks into training. I finally feel not only beautiful again, but I feel healthy!!! For years I just wanted to look as beautiful as the women I see online and in person, but through my transformation I learned that feeling healthy felt SO much better than feeling attractive. In fact, feeling healthy has made me more attractive! My complexion has never looked better, I smile constantly (goodbye RBF), and I look good in my skin! Do I think I look perfect? Far from it. But I’m incredibly proud of the progress I’ve made and I hope to inspire anyone who may be feeling like there’s no way out of their rock bottom. If you or anyone you know is struggling, please don’t hesitate to seek help or reach out! I’m happy to respond to any questions you might have. Thank you for letting me share my story, but most of all, thank you for being my source of inspiration for the past several years.

TLDR: Gained a ton of weight. Lost 79 personal pounds and 250 pounds of abusive jerk.

submitted by /u/amesgetslo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tried many times, but was not working. No more excuses, now it was finally the time to smash the getting fit goal through hard work. Still working on it, but very happy so far!

These were 4 great months, I got from 303lb (137kg) to 220lbs (100kg) in just 4 months. In other words, from 43% body fat to 24%. Still some more work to do, but really happy for now achieving something that seemed to be impossible.

Progress picture:

This sub helped me a lot, so it's time to give back and I hope this can help somebody. It was time for a big change! Just starting with my new startup work-life balance did not really exist and I also needed to get out of an unhealthy loop in life. I am a really hard working person, but I never really focused like this on self-development, time after time weight got worse through multiple small rebounds and felt more unhealthy, so I got a really good suggestion: what would happen if I focus my skills into self-development for some months? I love data and taking a scientific approach with everything, so let's get into the challenge!

Overall speaking about diet and exercise I developed a plan, but differently from the common way of doing it, this time I just focus on not failing to follow it 80% of the time (Hi Pareto!), so even though it might sound really strong I often have cheat days, cheat meals (eating x2-x3) and rest days. I listen to what the body asks for but usually the success rate is above 90%.

Anyway, I did not set a time goal and I didn’t really expect to get better so fast.

It seems that food intake is the most important part, so let's see:

Starting point: Not really healthy...

Diet plan target:

  • Overall target: 1200kcal/day
  • Minimum 140g protein (2gr per body lean mass kg)
  • Minimum 40g fat

Main foods:

  • A LOT of eggs
  • Chicken
  • Raw vegetables
  • Bananas and mandarins
  • Whey protein
  • Olive oil

Eating schedule:

Usually intermittent fasting 20/4 (Fast 20h, eat in 4h) or just eat once a day. The main meal is always after working out at midday.


Main target is 3h workouts 7 days a week (For the first month I had to split it in 2, so I worked out 2 times/day with about 10h rest in between). No planned rest days, currently what I call my rest day is going out of my daily routine and doing a 5h hike. As I said, anytime I feel really tired I rest that day.

My best time of the day for working out is right after I wake up. I get into the gym as soon as it opens and end with a cold shower, that gives me energy for the rest of the day.

Daily optimal workout is divided into 1h strength training (weight lifting) + 2h cardio u/130bpm

Strength training:

Overall I improved weight lifting by about 30% since I started. Usually 4x12 reps, 2x exercises per muscle group.

Day 1) Chest + Triceps

Day 2) Back + Biceps

Day 3) Legs + Shoulders

Everyday) Abs+Lower back

Cardio training:

As I said, I try to stay around 130bpm for optimal fat burning and not getting too exhausted. Although lately I’m getting more motivated some days and I get up to the 150bpm range.

50% uphill walking (10% grade) for the first 13 weeks and jogging/running from there.

50% elliptical (hills mode)


Starting point: I avoided running/jogging to prevent joint injuries until feeling in shape for it.

Week 14: Started couch to 5k 9 week program day 1 on monday, on tuesday I jumped straight into week 6 and finished also the 7th.

Week 15:

Day 1) Finished the 5k in 35 min. Thinking about the 5k to 10k 8 week program.

Day 2) Finished the 10k in 70min.

Rest of the week) 2x 5k + 2x 10k

Week 16:

-15k seems feasible this week, but currently doing 5k-9k u/9kmph.


Starting point: 2h+300m elevation gain

Current: 5h+1500m elevation gain

Target: 7h+2000m elevation gain.

Rapid weight loss unwanted consequences prevention:

The liver has to process a lot of fat and the gallbladder is not used so much anymore as a result of the sudden decrease in fat intake. To prevent liver damage and gallstones I take supplements of Milk thistle, Artichoke and Dandelion.

Same for kidneys, a massive amount of fat and protein is being excreted so I drink above 1 gallon of water (4L) of water per day. When I began I didn’t drink enough water so I got a really high value of Urate in a blood check but it completely went away when I started drinking more water.

Regular blood checks (common stuff+vitamins+minerals+hormones):

- Supplements for low values or deficits, vit c, d, zinc and magnesium.

- All the other blood values are perfect.

Other supplements:

  • Tried tribulus for a month but I didn’t see any difference.
  • Caffeine pills pre-workout make me feel weird when I go to sleep, even after many hours of having taken them. I sometimes take a sugar-less energy drink pre-workout.
  • And no, not illegal stuff.

I had to stop training a few times:

  • A week in the beginning for a corona-like unknown infection.
  • Weight lifting for a week, elbow tendonitis.
  • Finally, the real Corona made me stay 5 days at home with barely no effects.

Mental health:

  • Meditation: Getting seriously into it has been really helpful for this and for many other things.
  • No procrastination or losing any time:
    • Complete focus on things that count positively towards the purpose in life like work, working out and being social.
    • Completely quit watching TV/Movies,...
  • Only positive things around allowed
  • Moving to a place with a mild winter also helped as I was starting the journey in December.

Some more interesting findings:

  • Energy levels are currently massive, like no ever. If anytime I feel tired, that means that is cheat day time and next day I’m perfect.
  • I was not usually hungry for food, it was just my brain enjoying serotonin and dopamine. Awareness for this was a key finding to start viewing food differently.
  • I get asked a lot if I am not scared about getting loose skin, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem for now.

Effects on other previous health conditions:

  • Sleep apnea is completely gone.
  • Back pain from 3 herniated disks has completely disappeared.
  • Blood pressure is now optimal.
  • All blood values are optimal.

Once I get to my target goals for this change (I guess 2-3 more months):

  • 17% body fat
  • Half marathon u/6min/km
  • Feeling perfectly healthy

I will slow down, adjust everything for maintenance, make more free time to enjoy the summer and find new goals!

submitted by /u/nottna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you handle provided snacks at work? I just unintentionally ate the rest of my calories for the day.

I work in the marketing department of a company. Supervisors or outside vendors like to provide snacks or treats often, and usually it's easy to work around, but today I goofed. Our chief brought in Nothing Bundt Cakes bundtlets, so I looked up the nutrition, grabbed a red velvet bundtlet (310 calories) and figured hey, I'll just have a bit less for dinner and less for my post-workout snack tonight and maybe end the day just a hundred or two over my daily goal NBD.

Well, I took a second look AFTER scarfing down the cake. TWO SERVINGS PER CAKE. FUCK. I just horked down 620 calories in less than 5 minutes. Not only do I feel awful, now I've gone right up to my 1600-calorie daily limit, and it's not even 2 p.m.

I know it's not the end of the world, and I'll still eat a very small dinner and small snack after I lift weights, but it's so frustrating. At 75 pounds down now, I STILL don't feel like I can really regulate what I'm eating while eating it. In other words, it's still hard for me to tell that I've eaten enough, I'm full, I can stop. To counteract this, I try to meticulously plan my food each day. I meal prep lunches on Sunday and make sure it's something fun, filling, ridiculously high protein (TONS of fish lol) and will keep me interested through the week. I plan all my snacks too, and make sure to save 500-600 calories for dinner as it can vary night to night depending on what my wife makes. So to do something like this is especially frustrating.

I started focusing on my health back last June. My weight loss has been going much slower since Christmas because of similar things – treats provided at work, meals that don't go as planned, you name it, and I have been pretty consistently going over my goal each day. And while the overwhelming number of days are still in a deficit, the pounds still seem to be clinging on for dear life. Reaching 250 soon-ish will be a nice benchmark and hopefully give me some energy and strengthened resolve, because it feels like a slog right now.

Ah well. On to a dinner and snack of nearly zero-calorie pickles, then on to a better day tomorrow.

submitted by /u/LandonTheFish
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Waiting for everything

Does anyone else have this thing of waiting to lose weight before doing xyz?

I feel like I’ve placed my life on hold because for everything I want to do I think it’ll be better once I lose those 40 lbs.

I’ve recently decided to just go ahead with life. I’ve been waiting to get hair laser removal and eye lasik and even braces because somewhere I feel like the most major change in my appearance will only come from weight loss. But I made my first hair laser appointment today. These are things that have objectively nothing to do with losing weight. But I’ve delayed them so long just because I don’t feel like I deserve them.

It’s also things like not dressing the way I’d like to because I haven’t lost weight yet. I’ve always loved how simple and chic jumpsuits look. But I’ve never bought any because they’ve been a thin persons outfit in my mind. Well I ordered a jumpsuit online today. They make those in plus sizes too.

Do any of you ever feel this way? Do you have any advice or coping methods? Are any of the things I mentioned genuinely impacted by weight loss and actual reasons to wait or is it just me in my head?

submitted by /u/Electronic-Metal-905
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Is 6+ lbs a week normal?

Hi everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster.

24 F 5’3 SW: 216 CW: 204 GW: 120

On March 17th I decided to start my weight loss journey.

The first week I completely cut out soda and sweet drinks - just water or sparkling water. I also started IF doing 16:8, then 20:4, and I felt comfortable enough to add in OMAD.

On Sunday, I weighed in at 211.

This second week I’ve added 2 mile walk/jogs every morning combined with a body specific workout routine. For example, Monday is upper body and Tuesday is lower body… etc. I rest on Sundays. These aren’t gym workouts (although I’d love to start going to the gym next week). I just follow along on YouTube.

I’ve also switched my diet to Keto.

I try to eat as much protein before I get full because at this point I can barely eat anything after 1000 calories. Sometimes I only consume 800. I average about 70oz of water a day.

When I weighed in on Monday morning I was 205.5 lbs. This morning was 204.6

Is this normal on keto or am I doing too much? Thats almost 6.5 lbs.

I feel amazing and I energized but I don’t want to ruin my body.

Thanks for your time!

submitted by /u/Ok-Cupcake4593
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Losing weight faster for medical reasons

I have recently been told I need to lose weight due to a medical issue. Ideally it needs to come off faster than I’ve been losing it (about .4 pounds a week) I really need to be losing around 2 pounds a week which I know is more extreme but it’s really important. On top of that I have injured my lower back and pretty much cannot exercise. I’m feeling so defeated I don’t know what to do exactly to speed up my weight loss especially without being able to really go hard with my workouts. Please don’t be rude in the comments I have had some backlash before or people just posting unkind words I am in a sensitive mental state and could really use some encouragement and helpful advice. I know slow weight loss is good I have never been a “quick fix” person but I need to get this weight off faster for health issues. I also have anxiety so yea … it’s been a rough couple of days. 🥺

submitted by /u/StellaMay13
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Monday, March 28, 2022

It's just really easy for me to lose weight! /s

I just need to vent/see if anyone else has this issue. My in-laws are trying to lose weight. They never count calories and do the most minimal exercise and end up frustrated about their progress. They spoke to my wife about it and my wife told them about my 80 lb weight loss (still have over 100 to go) withcalorie deficit commitment and they said, "Well, weight loss is just easy for him." Do they think I'm fat for fun and can just lose weight by thinking about it? I know it's their own lack of commitment and insecurities coming through, but man it's frustrating. Is this common? Thanks for allowing me to rant.

submitted by /u/IAMTHESMART_S_M_R_T
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Super Weird Question About Laughing After Weight Loss

I'm a 6 foot (183 cm) male in my late 30s, and I started around 317 pounds (144 kg). After about a year and a half of effort and vigilance, I'm now maintaining around 145 pounds (65 kg). I'm working on gaining muscle, and it's coming along (slowly but surely).

The benefits of losing this weight are so numerous I can't even list them all here. I had been obese my entire life, so I had no idea that I could feel as good as I do now.

But there has been one significant change that has bothered me a little bit. When I was big, I had an easy, self-sustaining laugh. A belly laugh, I guess (I had a huge gut). It was easy to laugh and easy to keep the laugh going.

Now that I'm smaller and my stomach is flat, I find it much harder to keep my laugh going. I used to laugh for long periods, easily, and now it's much harder to keep that rolling laugh going. Sorry, I'm doing a really bad job of explaining this, I think.

Anyway, for anyone else that has lost significant weight, did you find it more difficult to laugh after losing your belly?

submitted by /u/xjrqh
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Anyone else develop a mild eating disorder after weight loss?

might not be an eating disorder but dunno how else to describe it, basically i lost weight nearly 2 yrs ago, during lockdown, which probably didnt help. I am now a healthy weight and look normal but I have a fear of food and obsess over it and sometimes do weird stuff like chew food and spit it out...i sometimes even make myself throw up after eating (rarely though, I dont like it). Sometimes I stop being so strict and weird with food, unfortunately those days I tend to eat more. Despite all this I am very healthy, I work out hard every day and almost always eat a very healthy diet. All my bloods are great except mild vitamin deficiencies which i'm fixing.

I get fixated on weighing and logging all food and tracking my weight and it feels like such a waste of time cause I never used to be someone who cared about stuff like that. I used to be a "chill" type of person. I can't eat a little slice of pizza without stressing over it or worrying I miscalculated. I never even eat out cause of it. It is stupid to be so obsessed with my weight, there are much more important things in life, but I can't seem to let it go. It's not like I want to be super skinny, I just want to look fit and healthy with low body fat. The difference in how I'm treated is crazy and it feels like one wrong step and I'll be back like that. I would lose the nice new life I built for myself with a beautiful gf and new found confidence..

At the end of the day, I would rather have this eating disorder than be fat, but I wish is wasn't such a struggle every day. I want to be able to eat normal food without my inner fatty despearate to eat junk all the time and ruin my progress

for ref i am 27, 5'11" male, 117kg to 64kg (257 lbs to 142)

Anyone else gone through this ?? If I have to just accept it then okay, but if anyone has some tips on how to tone down the obsession/ shut up my inner fatty without gaining weight or ruining progress that would be great.

submitted by /u/hanmp
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how long does it take to get back into shape?

for context, i (23F) ended up needing to live in airbnbs/hotels/couch surf for the last two months. i didn't have access to kitchens or fridges in that time and basically ate out 2-3 times a day for those months. although i was able to do bits of exercise here and there, it wasn't nearly as much as i used to and i definitely was eating way more than normal. it's been a rough february and march.

my question is.. is it true that if i just resume my old schedule, i'll see results quicker? or do i really have to start all over again? i've gained almost 10 pounds and i can definitely see it. but when i'm at home, i am active, i exercise, and i cook 90% of my own meals.

if anyone has any similar stories about getting back on track and seeing results, please share or we can figure it out together!

oh and for more context i'm 5'7 and 136 pounds. i was 127 at the beginning of february. typically if i experience extreme weight loss or weight gain, i always end up leveling out at 127 but i'm afraid that with age my metabolism is continuing to slow.

submitted by /u/a_little_saturn
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what am i doing wrong

sorry for the long post but i really need some advice.

started my weight loss journey in december 2021, weighed 63kg as 5ft tall, 20 y/o female. i realized i used to binge eat alot and eat when i was bored/stressed with no knowledge of CICO and was not moving my body enough, i felt v weak and lethargic all the time. i decided to improve myself and calculated my tdee, i kept maintaining the calories suggested to me, while focusing more on eating protein because i started strength training. fast forward to now, march 2022, i weigh between 57-58 kg and even with a reduced calorie intake according to my tdee, i am not losing weight. currently i am eating around 1450-1400 calories. this value was suggested to me by tdee calculator but my calorie counting app suggests i eat 1200 calories ( but theres no way i want to do that at any point because i doubt its safe) my goal weight is between 53-55kg but im not sure why im not losing weight. ive been this weight since February and even with consistent strength training and making sure i walk atleast 4-5km everyday, im not seeing progress. my body definitely looks different and more toned and have dropped some inches around my waist, also i feel much more energetic, stronger and healthier but i would like to know what i can do to lose more weight. i am not in my luteal phase currently, so idk if i can blame this on water retention or period related bloating. i do tend to struggle alot before my period esp because of the increased number on the scale (it was 60-61kg for a few days) my body is also showing some kind of resistance to losing weight because i have been getting sick alot more recently and more prone to flu etc eventho i take vitamin c supplements everyday. i feel very demotivated and confused :( pls help

submitted by /u/Superb_Spot8013
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Sunday, March 27, 2022

Thigh improvements after weight loss?

I’ve lost ~100lbs and maintained it for 5 years! I have been working out consistently for 2 years. When I search for recommended thigh specific workouts, it’s typically already thin people who just want more definition! I feel like I have a lot to work through before I get to that point! I wanted to come to y’all to see if you had any personal success, routines, or recommendations to help me build stronger, smoother legs!

Thank you!

what I’m working with

submitted by /u/calleidi
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Period cravings sabotaging weight loss!

The title says it all and I know I’m not some special butterfly when it comes to this issue but I can’t help but feel discouraged every month when my hunger spikes up and my deficit quickly disappears. Happens a week before and It’s not just a few hundred cals here and there it’s like 1,000 + over my maintenance. I’m not quite sure why it happens. I’ve tried upping my protein, water, sleep, nothing has helped. Has anyone had any success in lessening the damage? I’m not on BC, and would rather not but am kind of at a crossroads. Tia for any ideas!!

submitted by /u/shgeudk185
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Help please.

Hi everyone.

So I just want to start by saying I have 2 kids under 5, after my second child I have lost the ability to eat healthy I’ve never been on a diet and I only walk a lot for work on and off 6 hrs evenings. I’m about 5’0 weighing and plateaued at 135lbs.

I want to lose close to 20 lbs. trouble is I don’t even know where to start, I don’t drink soda I don’t eat candy but I do have the odd in a blue moon small bowl of ice cream. However I do have trouble with portion when it comes to foods like pasta/rice/ bread come dinner I fill my plate and basically treat it as though I’m at a buffet.

But growing up I remember I use to eat such large meals and be so skinny, I want to change that mentality , that I cannot eat small portions I always feel hungry borderline starving lol, I want to eat and eat healthy for breakfast / lunch / dinner.

So I guess I’m curious how can I achieve this weight loss goal, besides portion control, I don’t know how to exercise or what exercise is okay for me, I should mention I have (diastases recti) is there recipes out there that I can trust for less calorie meals? How many calories should I be taking in, in order to lose weight?

I hope I’m asking all the right question, please forgive me as I’m new this board and lifestyle change.

Thank you for the help

submitted by /u/dwninahole
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Weight loss for me has definitely been a long marathon

Been dieting off and on for 10 years, and the only lengthy success I have had was in the 12 months when I started to treat the whole thing as a marathon rather than a sprint where I could reward myself with a bunch of junk food at the finish line.

12 months ago I was at near the worst shape I have been since a decade ago when my BMI was 33. In early 2021 had a BMI of 31.2, I was depressed, demoralized, I had just gotten out of a toxic workplace, into another workplace where no one respected me. I knew I needed to get my life back on track, but didn't have the mental or physical capacity to get out of a bad situation.

So I started dieting. I cut sodas out and immediately replaced them with diet sodas (I know some of them aren't good). I cut the bread and replaced it with a grain free low carb bread. I attended a martial arts class 1 day a week, then eventually worked my way up to 3 days a week. months later I was down 35 pounds.... then I got really depressed again, tough things were happening at work, and the momentum died down.

Something that hit me was to try a different approach, to treat it like a marathon instead of a race. So I accepted that the momentum and willpower to diet was gone, but that didn't mean I had to just give up and binge. I could still loosely stick to CICO and just make sure i never ate more than the maintenance. I often subbed in some of those new eating habits that I picked up. I found that I was used to eating smaller portions. In the end, my weight ended up hovering around +/- 7 pounds over the course of the last 7 months without really trying at all.

A month ago I worked up the willpower to push my setpoint lower, I am once again losing weight at a good pace, and I am starting from a decent spot vs last time where I started obese and in a really bad spot(it is hard to notice results when obese). The momentum is back, and I am really proud of last year's me for choosing to hang in there instead of giving up and binge eating. I only have 15 more pounds to lose.

submitted by /u/AggravatingBid7442
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(25/5'6"/M) I've lost 60 pounds in the past 10 months (138lbs currently). Having trouble getting rid of the last of my belly fat.

My weight loss has come to a bit of a plateau, and has become painstaking slow. I eat 1450-1500 calories daily since I'm a smaller guy and don't really need that much. These meals are all healthy, home cooked, and very limited sugar. I've cut out most processed food, and rarely drink soda anymore. I do cardio in the form of a rowing machine 6 days a week, and I started weight training more seriously 6 weeks ago. I've been making sure to eat enough protein, but since I'm in a calories deficit I should just be maintaining the muscle I already have.

I know I've come a long way, but feeling a bit discouraged recently. I have a vacation coming up 2 months. My goal for the last 10 months was to get fit for my next vacation (vanity, I know), and my deadline is coming up mid-june.

I guess my question is, does anyone have any advice on shedding those last 10ish pounds of belly fat?

submitted by /u/FurryNavel
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Weight loss and dating

How do people feel when dating whilst on their journey? Has anyone else felt like they will be instantly rejected when someone sees you topless?

Some context, I’m a early 30s gay man who was with my husband for nearly 10 years before he left for someone else. When we met I was 12 stone and in my early 20s by the end of our relationship had ballooned to over 19 stone and my 20s were behind me. I finally decided enough was enough last year and I’ve gone from 122kg to 105kg. I’m feeling happy with myself and was thinking maybe it would be nice to put myself out there again.

The problem is when I talk to guys (only online at the moment) I feel like anyone who shows me the slightest bit of interest must be pretending or maybe I take a good face picture and the minute they see me without a top they will be repulsed by my body. This in turn leads me to feel crappy about myself and go back towards food. Has anyone else struggled with this and if so how did you get through it?

submitted by /u/National_Sorbet961
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Stuck in a plateau

24F, 5'4" (162.5cm)

SW- 158 lbs/71.7kg CW- 138.5 lbs/62.8kg GW- 128 lbs/58kg

Hello, I have struggled with my weight for over a decade with my lightest weight being 131 lbs/59.4kg in 2018 and my heaviest weight being 164 lbs/76kg in 2020.

After Summer 2021, at 158 lbs/71.7kg, I decided to take my weight loss more seriously and began lots of meal prepping to help me stay within my 1200 calorie bracket (I changed this to 1400 calories in November).

From September 2021 to early December 2021 I lost 16 lbs/7kg. In December I put on a couple of pounds but I lost this by the end of January.

Since February, I have only lost 2 pounds which essentially works out as 1 pound a month. I currently weigh 9 stone 12.5 pounds (138.5 lbs/62.8kg).

I am doing the same thing as I have been since November which means eating 1400 calories during the week and most weekends not exceeding 1600 a day. There are some days every month that are more if I go out but it's rarely excessive. I use my fitness pal where I track everything and I aim for 100g of protein which I meet around 75% of the time. I definitely don't eat the cleanest i.e. I eat chocolate and crisps etc. but it is all within my calories. I don't do much exercise (lack of time and motivation) but I walk an hour to and from work 5x a week and I get around 14,000 steps a day.

My initial aim was to be at my goal weight by June and then start eating and exercising more to build some muscle and improve my fitness but I'm not currently on track to do this.

Other than lowering my calories, is there anything I can do to start losing weight again?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/cacticool
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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Best use of expendable income for weight loss?

Hi guys!

I recently got my first big girl job so I now have some expendable income.

I have a lot of weight to lose (like, at least 100 lbs). What would be the best use of my expendable income for weight loss? Meal plans? Personal trainers? Etc? What would help me have the best outcome?

Note: I’m NOT interested in anything surgical such as gastric sleeve, etc. Things like cool sculpting are okay, but those seem to be things to do much later in the process.

submitted by /u/banana-mo7
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I quit fast food cold turkey 13 days ago and feel so weak, is this normal?

Hi all! Been eating fastfood for most of the pandemic, put on 60 pounds and almost 2 weeks ago, I finally cut it all out my diet. No more sugar, soda, fast food , trans fat, I now eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, white meat, fish, lots of good things. I want to specify I take a little bit of peanut butter and olive oil to have some good fat, I should now feel amazing ...but somehow I feel so weak and lethargic, is this normal? lol

I weight 228 pounds, 6ft, 2700 good calories a day to be around maintenance, not losing weight yet, just wanted to get off the fast food first but diet is amazing, I eat enough calories, I sleep very well, I just feel so tired and it makes it hard to go to the gym and do as much cardio as I'd like to, which will be a problem for weight loss when I start it.

Is this normal? Is this like withdrawal from fast food? Any idea how long this lasts? I quit almost 2 weeks ago but it's becoming problematic. I was mopping the floor at home and felt so tired I almost collapsed to the floor. lol I take fish oil supplements, vitamin D, blood test was perfect, not really any deficiency that we know of, copper seem to be okay, this is strange.

Thank you very much for the infos and insight, have a good night! =)

submitted by /u/NoriyasuSeta
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1 full year without un-needed sugars. 60+lbs down.

I would like to preface this by telling everyone I wrote this in a rush, so sorry for my grammar mistakes!

Hi yall, It has been a while since I last posted, but wanted to update everyone on my weight loss journey. I will get right to it and say I am currently sitting at 207lbs instead of the 274lbs I was during last March. my physical appearance has changed so much and I am so happy that I started this life improvement journey. I have been very lucky through this entire journey as my family has been very supportive of my choice in losing weight. I have as of March 25th, 2022 have gone a full calendar year without none necessary sugar. This means I had cut all sweets of every kind. No candy, sweet desserts, etc. I have been very lucky to get over the cravings in the first few months and be able to hold so strongly after all this time. The only thing I really fell back on after 8 months of cutting soda was I now drink a sugar-free calorie-free soda every blue moon. One of the MANY things I noted on this journey is that my weight loss was that I blasted off like a rocket when losing weight in the beginning but eventually I hit a plateau that caused me not to lose weight for over 2 months. around month 9 I started to not lose weight as quickly as I did when I first began. I realized this was natural and over the next 3 I had lost slowly but surely another 10lbs. It was very discouraging at first, but after looking at this sub and how other people were going through the same thing I realized I was not alone. Every time I would get nervous or think something in my weight-loss journey was going wrong I would come and lurk here for a little bit and eventually find the right information that I needed. Just seeing how this community was here with all the information that it holds really did help me change my life.

Since summer is starting back after that harsh winter (which was colder than I remembered due to losing the 60+lbs of blubber I was carrying around) I am finally going to start going to a full-time gym instead of just using whatever I can find here at my home. I am also going to start following a set meal plan instead of just waking up and making stir fry for the thousandth time. I just wanted to let you guys know that I have not failed my promise to myself and I believe that if I can do it then most people can. Last bit of advice and motivation I will tell you now that the hardest step is the first. If you have trouble going for a walk getting the motivation for that first step will make you do that walk. Getting out with all your gear and headphones on will make you see you have come too far to turn back now. It is not a race it is a challenge that you have put on yourself to do better. Just one foot in front of the other my friends and take that first step. My final note and the best advice I can give to anyone trying to do the same thing as I did is pick your head up and look at yourself in the mirror. Take a deep long look and ask yourself "Is this the person I imagine myself to be? Is this the person I want to be seen as from the point of view of the rest of the world?" if it is? Then you are good! If not? well, get to it bud because you are about to change your life to what you want it to be.

Sincerely your favorite swallow bore coconut,


submitted by /u/The_Migrated_Coconut
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I'm 5'7 154lbs, & Trying to Lose 20lbs. After 2 weeks, I am still UNABLE To Lose Weight! WTF is going on?!(Male)

Currently 29 years old. Before the pandemic and pretty much most of my life , I was 135 lbs at 5'7. My face was much skinnier, and my gut was slimmer. During the pandemic, I gained so much weight from being lazy and eating lots of junk food + not keeping fit, that I gained a lot of weight. To put things into perspective, in Summer of 2021, I was 165lbs. Face was fatter, clothes didn't fit me anymore, my gut was big.

Late last year, I started walking for 30 min everyday. Along with keeping track of calories, lowering calorie count, cutting fast food, not drinking any juice/soda etc. The pounds went away gradually. From Late February-March, I had an episode of where I lost a dramatic amount of weight and lost my appetite(mental health issues). I went from 160 lbs-154lbs. in that time range

However, for the past two weeks, I have been unable to lose anymore weight! I am still stuck at 154 lbs! Ive been eating at 1500-1600 calories and it feels like hell.

My target goal is to go back to my original weight pre pandemic, which was 135 LBS. Yet I've capped in terms of weight loss. And while I look slimmer, it's not enough. I was way more attractive in my early-mid 20's, compared to being in my late 20's. So I want my face to slim down, fat in my stomach to go away, and to be back to my original weight. i was told that losing weight is mostly diet and I've lowered my calorie intake and cut off junk food,bread, sweets, but still cap in weight


-Originally 135 lbs for most of my life.

-Managed to go up to 165 lbs

-Began counting calories, lowering calorie count, walking for 30 min everyday

-Episode of mine had me lose weight up until being 154 lbs

-For the past two weeks, I have been unable to lose more weight. Need help on what to do next

submitted by /u/Dumbquestion0
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obese ----> casual runner?

I'm getting my mental health in check and things seem hopeful and "easier" now. I'm ready to do this. I know weight loss doesn't start in the gym but once I get a job again I will be able to get a gym membership and I want to be able to make it a habit/start running. now I know I would have to take things slowly, but to what extent? I know my body must be in some sort of shock right now from all the weight perhaps or maybe it's just used to it. I'm not sure, but I know it's not good.

however, I wanted to get an idea of a rough plan that I can make in regards to exercise. so as I have start walking first, then jogging, then running. as that applies to all aspects of life.

however if you started where I was, what was your experience like going from not so healthy to someone that's a bit healthier? what did you learn? what would you have done differently?

I went to the store yesterday and got some running shoes and clothes, so I'm ready. I really am ready. it's just a matter of going now.

my stats are:


hw: 200 lbs sw: 191 lbs cw: 191 lbs cw: 120 lbs (truly I want to get rid of this stomach I've had since at least the second grade/as long as I can remember. body issues. therapy helps)


submitted by /u/steakoutwhoa
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About to explore new weight loss options - if you’ve tried it I’d love some advice!

Truly I’ve tried to lose weight over the last three years but it’s been unsuccessful. I gained about 30 or so pounds in just under a month and a half when I was doing fertility treatments. My depression amplified as we kept losing baby after baby and eventually my issues with binge eating go a lot worse.

When we finally gave up treatments and I’d lost hope we became pregnant and had our first child together. Fast forward to that baby at four months old and we find out that I’m pregnant again. Now, once again four months postpartum and I’ve put on substantial weight. I know I was pregnant two years in a row so I should be easier on myself but I’ve never been this size and not pregnant so it makes me feel…. Sloppy? I can’t find the right word.

I started at 254lbs, before the treatments and pregnancies, and I’m now sitting at 298lbs. I’ve not been able to lose more than 20lbs max even in a calorie deficit, restricting, etc. Heck, I even tried just drinking shakes and no solid food. No success.

My doctor said we could try saxenda as she knows the weight is aggravating not only my mental health, but my heart is developing issues and my fibromyalgia is relentless. I’m nervous that it will also be another failed attempt at regaining myself.

Has anyone else ever used saxenda and what type of lifestyle changes brought about the best results?

submitted by /u/Phase_Designer
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Friday, March 25, 2022

Great EASY Low Calorie Dishes! I'm sharing a few, but also looking for ideas!

I'm down to 180 from 290, and I'm slowly quitting my diet and transitioning into maintenance. During this weight loss I've come across foods that are easy to keep coming back too, and that are low calorie. Wanted to share, and see if anyone else had anything they like. I'm looking to focus on low-calorie not healthy, although most of the items I listed are also healthy.

  • Fries - 1 Large Potato cut into fry shapes. Soaked in Vinegar for 2-4 hours, tosses with Cajun Seasoning, Pepper and Salt (No oils) and thrown in the air Frier. I also mix this with a low calorie sauce I make using 0 Calorie Keto Ketchup and Horse Radish. 200 Calorie
  • Butternut Squash - I love Butternut squash, and I don't really add anything to it. I throw it in the over for a few hours. Then I put it on the stovetop and mix with 1/4 cup of fat free vanilla almond milk. I do season with Salt and Pepper. 100 Calorie per Cup
  • Mixed Carrots, Peas and Corn - I could eat this all day, and I'm not one to gravitate to vegetables. And one of the easiest to prepare. I'm sure others could make this better using fresh ingredients, but I just take 3 cans of peas/carrots and 3 cans of corn, toss it with pepper and throw that in a container which lasts me the whole weak. 150 Calorie per Cup
  • Fat Free Bean Burrito - Spinage Tortilla, Fat Free Beans, Lettus, Salsa, Siracha and Hot sauce makes a great main dish! 250 Calorie
  • Soup - I know this is simple, but I need to remind myself how efficient soup is. I aim for light Progresso chicken noodle, but it's easy to find low calorie soups. They taste great, and keep you full! 150 Calorie
submitted by /u/cdeveringham
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Feeling the difference between healthy and unhealthy eating

Since I started my weight loss plan last month I have been trying to make more nutritious food choices too. More cooking at home, more grilled meats and vegetables, less refined carbs and added fats, more water, the usual sort of thing. And while I think this has helped with my satiety I couldn't claim to notice any difference in my physical well-being. Nor did I really expect to notice a difference any time soon.

Yesterday, however, was an off day. I was massively busy and ended up just never getting a chance to have a real meal during the day and pretty much powered through on caffeine and protein shakes. Between that and an evening out ending with a midnight "I'm starving and way under on my calorie budget" meal, I ended up getting probably 75% of my calories from alcohol and fast food. I was still under maintenance for the day, but man did I ever feel the difference this morning. I had to fight myself to do my morning exercises and couldn't even complete the push-up set that I normally breeze through. I didn't bother to try going to the gym as I had originally planned, because I could tell it would just be a bad, sad, demotivating workout.

In a way it's good to have had this educational experience! I have a better idea of what I am getting in return for (mostly) giving up that kind of lifestyle. It's not just the hope of avoiding heart disease or something in the distant future, I am seeing immediate benefits in my strength and energy level and well-being and I want to keep them.

submitted by /u/SunAvatar
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sometimes I wish, I would be taller :D

Anybody feels the same now and then?

I am 5'6/168cm (and 155ish lbs/70-71kg), so I am of course not super tiny. But sometimes I dream of being a little taller just because the calorie budget would be bigger without more exercising. As a taller person I could just simply eat more, without gaining wait. A dream.

This is of course meant to be a little funny. I absolutley don't want to say with this post, that the weight loss journey of taller people is easier. Also sorry for grammar mistakes, my mothertongue is German.

In the long run I want to gain a little more muscle to bring the budget up, so yeah I know, there is a solution for this. But being born a little taller would just be nice in this case :D

submitted by /u/procrastination789
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Flipping the switch and building that resume. 110lbs down. Before and after pics.

TLDR at the bottom.

Stats before story: 38 year old male. 6’1”. Start weight on 8/1/2020 was 315lbs. Current weight is 205lbs. 110lbs lost. Goal weight of 190lbs.

Before and after pics.

Two days ago, I was in the hospital with an appendix 3 times the size it should be. I had to have surgery. I was to be put on a weight restriction of 20lbs. No more gym. No hard exercise for weeks. My progress would all go down the toilet. I’d just lay around, eating, destroying the work I’ve put in over the past year and a half. These were my initial thoughts. I was bummed. But I decided to take a moment to reflect on this, and share the process and story in hopes that maybe someone would get a smidgen of inspiration from it. Also, just to celebrate what I’ve done and how I’ve changed.

Let me explain my intention with this post before I get to the details of my weight loss. I’ve been a subscriber of this subreddit for many years. Several years before I even tried losing weight, in fact. I knew I wanted to lose weight, but I didn’t have the discipline or mental capacity for it. I perused this subreddit on occasion hoping I’d read someone’s story to get a nugget of motivation or insight to one day make the post that I’m making today. And this subreddit has been there for me as a pure lurker. I watched everyone’s success and trials and failures and complaints. You’re all inspiring. Even YOU, the guy or gal sitting there reading this with no intention of ever posting anything. This is for you. The lurkers. I know you want to change, because I’ve been there. I am you. You can do this. You are my intention.

In August of 2020, the pandemic had been around for the whole summer. I had a moment where the writing was on the wall for me that this was going to go on for many months. And it was that moment that I decided, when this pandemic was all over, after all the shit we’ve all gone through, the isolation, the worrying… if I came out the other end of this the same guy, I just couldn’t live with that. That’s not to say I was thinking of harming myself. I just had a moment where I thought “I can’t live that life”. So, a switch was flipped.

That’s how I looked at this whole process. It was a long, endless line of switches. The first one is the highest, and the hardest to flip. But that’s the one that starts the machine. It started with me thinking “I’ll take it easy. Just cut down my portions. Don’t drink calories. Move around more.”. And this worked! It worked well enough that after two or so weeks of just being mindful of what was going into my body and how I was expending energy, I lost a couple pounds! Great!

But man, it was hard! I was hungry. I thought about food all the time. I didn’t want this to drag on forever. This is when I reached up to the next switch. I thought “If I’m miserable with this, I might as well make myself extra miserable, but for a shorter amount of time”. I researched calories in/calories out, and set myself at a 1000kcal deficit. This also started my other mantra of building up what I call a “misery resume”. More on that later.

So with this aggressive deficit, it was hard. Very hard. But the lbs were actually flying off. For 6 months straight I lost 10-15lbs a month. I was seeing the progress. The first 70lbs or so was all done through diet. I didn’t go for walks. I didn’t weight train. Nothing. Some of you can probably guess where this is headed… to my first plateau.

I knew I had to start moving. I’d been operating on the thought that the more miserable I was, the more progress I’d see. And what’s the most miserable thing a fat guy like me can do? Run outside. Well, more like walking with very brief moments of awkward shuffling lurches. But this was another switch that I needed to flip. I needed to learn to do this. And this is the point where my misery resume really started getting big.

The idea of this is that you push yourself to do the things you don’t want to when it sucks the most. That first day, just getting out and attempting to run sucked. So, the next day you think “well, that first day was horrible. I felt embarrassed. My knees hurt. I was sweaty. But I did it. And if I did it then, I can do it today”. But I built on this. Fasted for the past 16 hours and just got home from work? Suck it up, go run. 36 degrees out? Suck it up, go run. Oh, it’s raining and you’re just getting over a sinus infection? Suck it up, go run.

The idea is that when a good day comes… when it’s 68 degrees out, sunny, birds chirping, earbuds fully charged, just ate a good meal, you have no excuse to not go out and run. You went out and ran the day after you got your COVID vaccine and your body felt like you fell down a flight of stairs! So, you go out and do it today because it CAN’T be as bad as that! Build the resume up so you have no excuses. You get what you need to get done under the worst circumstances.

It took me from March 2021 until September 2021, running 3-4 times a week to where I ran my first 5k in under 30 minutes. And as great as that may feel, accomplishing that… I still put it on my misery resume. It wasn’t pleasant. I hurt. It was a mental battle to keep pace the whole time. But I did that, so I think I can go out and jog around for 20 minutes on a nice day, lazy bum.

Running this way also made me aware of how calories fuel me. It’s silly, but it took me running on an aggressive deficit for my brain to be like “hey, if you want to get better at this, maybe feed the body a little more”.

And that brings me to today… I can’t run. I just have to sit and rest and recover after surgery. I’m reaching up to another switch. It’s the maintenance switch. I haven’t flipped that one quite yet, and I'm flipping it earlier than I anticipated out of necessity. With flipping this switch, it also means allowing myself to put the misery resume on hiatus while I heal. And that “First Run After Appendectomy” achievement will be waiting to be scribed onto my misery resume.

TLDR: The physical discomfort when it comes to weight loss is a grain of sand compared to the mental gymnastics you have to go through to get to your goal. Figure out the thing that will give you DISCIPLINE. We all know our motivations. Motivation is easy. Explore what you have to do to make you accountable and driven. It doesn’t have to be misery. It can be whatever makes you realize your own potential. You got this.

Aside: I’ve also done some pretty extensive (albeit beginner) resistance training, which I can explain if anyone is interested. Let me know. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions, too.

submitted by /u/gweeds
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, March 24, 2022

I'm Fing tired of discipline

I don't know if this will resonate but the narrative that hunger, or eating sugar, or having snacks, or whatever, is a tiger you either cage (not engage with) or leash (do, but have to struggle to control) don't work for me anymore. They make me feel awful.

They make me feel like I am a failure for feeling the want to eat at all. Something I have to do. And I become a mess of shame and self loathing. I believed that when I was obese it was all my fault, that my income, my childhood, my energy levels, and the treatment of myself by others, was 100% in my control. That I am bad for my fat on my body. Worse. Lesser. Stupid. Weak. Uncontrollable. Undisciplined. Disgusting.

I'm furious just thinking about it.

I lost almost 80lbs and I flux 10lbs. Everytime something comes up in life I put on weight because I don't have the money, time, or energy to "cage the tiger". When I do, I lose it again.

But this big scary tiger that is ruining my life? It's just a kitten and it may be big but it is sweet, and it needs love. Care. Tenderness. Forgiveness. Understanding. It needs a flipping hug.

I'm not a tiger. I'm a person. I do not feel good nor comradery when people say "I can't control myself" or "find something to distract yourself" or "just get a good enough routine". Don't. Don't control yourself you don't need more rules you need compassion. You don't need strictness, you probably had that your whole life in ways you never knew. You need to see how much joy you deserve.

This space has lots of love to give. I needed to share that in my whole weight loss journey I never gave myself love. Real love. Everyone congratulated the shit outta me. Everyone. A post to progresspics is my most upvoted submission of all time. I cared how I would look and pretended I didn't. I spent so much time on loss, counted everything, logged so neatly, but never considered if I was running myself dry. No vague mention nor anecdote of "change the inside and out" meant anything to me which is why I'm putting it like this in this post.

If you're like me, and maybe you're dying trying to hold back from some food, there's more going on then lack of self control. You're not leashing or caging a tiger, you're fruitlessly trying to choke it out and hoping it will just die. It's not going to die. It can't. It is you. You deserve better.

Lose 1lb every 2 months, hell don't lose anything yet if it means you won't hate yourself when you eat, doing so because your body is begging you to eat more, eat fast, eat shamefully, eat brazenly, eat with friends, eat alone. The tiger is begging something of you and food is just what it knows to do.

Maybe you didn't have much food before. Maybe you weren't allowed to eat much and shamed when you did. Maybe nobody fed you properly. Maybe you were forced to eat. Your body is begging for care after all you've been through and this is what it knows.

Don't try to shut it up, you can start by telling yourself I'm not a tiger. I'm not a monster. It's going to be okay. I'm sorry. And I love you.

At least for me. I hope this reaches someone else.

submitted by /u/ladyalot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For emotional eaters, sometimes weight loss might be more emotional than we think

When we gain weight sometimes it's because of some thing we're going through, something sad or stressful. Putting on weight becomes a defense mechanism to deal with certain aspects of reality. As we lose weight, we might feel more sad than usual as we start having to now face the realities and triggers that lead us to hold onto the weight. As the weight melts off, the triggers that lead to holding onto such weight might resurface to be processed and healed and dealt with.

Weight loss is always emotional for me and I find myself feeling sad more than usual especially about the things that are the triggers because I no longer react to them by eating and keeping on weight. Not only is the weight melting, but it is also releasing the trauma or sadness that was unconsciously being stored with it.

submitted by /u/ManyCryptographer705
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Where do you all find your recipes?

I search for recipes on Skinny Taste sometimes, but I'm looking for some fresh new recipes. Where do you all have the most success with finding a wide variety of delicious recipes that aren't super high in calories?

While you're here, feel free to drop your favorite one-pot, meal prep, or casserole meal staples that have been tasty and effective on your weight loss journey!

One recent one I've been really into is Skinny Taste's "cheeseburger casserole". I have been making it with veggie meat, Banza chickpea noodles, and full fat cheddar. The recipe says it's 9 servings but I usually divide it into 6 servings and it's about 400 calories and 30g of protein.

submitted by /u/Suspicious_gremlin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What to do if you fall off your weight loss journey for 2 days?

There’s nothing wrong with letting go of losing weight for a few days. Please note this wasn’t a binge and this something I wanted to do and to keep me stabilized in a healthy way with food. Like I don’t feel any shame and overall it was worth it to me not stressing about what I ate or worked out by. I have come a long way so I felt it was deserving! But anyways, I took a break for two days and though mentally I feel great…physically not so much. I feel gross (like bloated and constipated tmi and I’m sorry lol). What should I do come tmrw to not feel like this? Should I continue my regular tdee and just drink a lot more water? Or do you have any remedies? I have not felt this way in a long time 😂.

submitted by /u/-Yooniverse-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What weight did you start to look 'good'?

Started my weightloss journey at around 340. I don't know for sure because I never weighed myself when I was half-assing the beginning of my journey... but when I finally did weigh myself I was at 328.

It's been 3 months since I first weighed myself and now I'm down to 263. I'm a 6' tall male. Obviously at 328 I looked pretty rough. I did not carry the weight well as I work an office job so the majority of it is in the stomach.

After dropping 65lbs I definitely notice some face gains and everything fit better... but when I look in the mirror in my eyes I look like I only lost like 10% of my mass. I still have a pretty big belly, and I still feel 'big'.

The weight loss goal I set for myself was 200lbs. And I've been thinking about how I already lost 65lbsb and I'm not seeing that much of a change in my eyes, and what if I lose this next 63lbs and I still look... fat.

And let me just say I'm not expecting to look 'great' right now. I'm still technically like 83lbs overweight, but I guess I'm still waiting for that turning point where I'm not just obese looking and more of 'oh he's just chubby'.

So my question for you all is, when did you notice that shift happen for you? What weight did you hit where you realized... ok now I'm starting to look good and your features start showing up (jawline, no more double chin, etc).

submitted by /u/dankgreentea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Loose skin concerns after 70+ lb weight loss

I’m not sure if i’m posting this in the correct place, if there’s somewhere better to ask please let me know!!

I’m 24 / f / 5’9, and currently 188.4 lbs. I started out at 260 back in 2018. After my father passed away from a heart attack that year i became motivated to lose weight, and managed to lose over 60 lbs to 198 over the next year. Since then I’ve been slowly regaining and relosing the weight. I hit 225 again in December and am now at my lowest weight in 10 years. I have hypothyroidism and issues with my mental health, so usually when i am off of my medications I gain back the weight, but i’m determined to keep on my meds and keep the weight off this time for good. I am very concerned about loose skin, especially since I still have over over 30 lbs left to lose. I wanted to see if anyone could look at my progress and tell me how much loose skin i should be expecting at 150-160 lbs?? There’s a lot of texture on my stomach, and i’m covered in stretch marks so i’m expecting to have a significant amount.

Stomach pictures here

Also any tips on how to reduce loose skin while losing would be great!!

submitted by /u/notgoodarusernames52
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

NSV: When you thought you binged but you actually only ate at maintenance

Is anyone else at that stage in their weight loss journey where they are starting to redefine feelings of fullness and hunger?

I feel like I've made a breakthrough!

Today, I had takeout for dinner as a treat, and ate a pre-prepared lunch as usual. I felt stuffed! Based on relative portion sizes, and my feeling of fullness, I assumed this was my "cheat" day. It felt like I had eaten a ton of calories.

However, after carefully adding up the calories, it came to a grand total of... 1800 kcal! AKA my maintenance amount! (if I factor in light exercise)

Wow - I feel like I'm finally getting to the stage where I'm no longer sure I could physically binge eat if I wanted to, and boy, does it feel nice.

Anyone had a similar breakthrough experience?

submitted by /u/Minimum_Eff0rt
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