Saturday, April 30, 2022

Trying to lose weight after EDNOS

TW: Eating disorder

Hi! I hope this isn't against the sub rules, but basically, I'm trying to lose weight again after years of doing everything I can to not think about my weight.

I'm female, 22 years old, 5'4. I currently weigh 60kg after gaining about 4kg because of lockdown and a sedentary job.

A few months ago, I noticed I was lethargic all the time so I tried to work less and sleep more, thinking that would fix it.

It did not. I hopped on a scale and saw I was at 62kg.

It was really triggering.

I stopped eating bread and rice and cut out as many carbs and sugar as I easily could out of my diet. I also started doing pilates.

I got my weight down to 60kg and started calorie counting again. I've been eating 1,000 cals a day for the past two weeks and walking/jogging 5.5km 3x a week but I haven't lost any weight.

It's starting to mess with my head. I'm worried all my disordered eating habits (guess who used to cry on the kitchen floor while eating a handful of carrots?) have ruined my body. But I'm more worried that if I don't see results from doing things the healthy way, I'll lapse back into old habits.

All I've had today is a cup of coffee and a dessert plate of boiled and salted cabbage that I had to force myself to eat.

Is it just my disordered brain talking or is this weight loss pace normal? And how can I get faster results? I know it's impossible to lose weight super fast without doing something dangerous, but I need to know the fastest, safe way to do it before I end up just not eating.

Please don't say fasting because the temptation to never eat again is there.

submitted by /u/Agitated-Math4574
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ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: My BMI is finally within "normal" weight!

I started in 2018 weighing 245lbs with a BMI classifying me as obese. When I lost enough weight to move from an obese BMI to and overwight BMI, I was too mired in leaving an abusive relationship to celebrate.

But now, I'm living on my own and I've made a huge milestone! Officially as of this morning my weight is 149lbs which for my height has now shifted my BMI into "normal"! 🎊💛🎉😄

I'm pretty darn proud of myself! I've still got weight to lose before I've met my weight loss goal, but I'm celebrating this victory with a Reddit post. I'm also very proud of myself for not celebrating with food that broke my daily calorie intake, instead I'll be enjoying one Lindt truffle with my tea before bedtime.🍬 🫖 😊

To everyone here in the obese range - you can do it!

submitted by /u/Cobby_Kitten
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Home weight loss workouts?

Hi All!

I started grad school last year and I'm working full time on top of it, and with the stress and lack of time my eating has gotten crazy and I've stopped moving around a lot, and have gained probably 30-40lbs. I'm looking to get back into some better routines, so was wondering if any of you had good home workouts for weight loss I could try out? I live in an apartment in New York, so don't have a ton of space, but would love a 15-30 daily workout to get my body weight down and get back into the routine of moving around.

Any tips or suggestions would be super helpful!

submitted by /u/brickwall5
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

does intermittent fasting add up in weight loss in addition to a calorie deficit? if yes then by how much?

i am a bit confused as i don't know whether intermittent fasting just helps you keep a deficit or helps you burn extra calories in addition to a calorie deficit. According to my current plan, i will be able to burn 7kg (16 lbs) in two months with a calorie intake of 1,000-1,500 calories per day which is about 40-60 percent of my maintenance calories. if i am burning 2lbs per week with this plan, will i be able to burn more with intermittent fasting? if yes then how much?.

Also please give me suggestions on how i can maximize my weight loss with a calorie deficit of -800 to -600.

submitted by /u/papu_panchoda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do hot studios help with weight loss or have any fitness benefits?

I went to a Hot Pilates class today. The workout itself was not difficult. There was a lot of core work and squats and stretching. In a regular air-conditioned gym, I could have completed the workout, no problem. What was intensely difficult was the feeling of not being able to breathe properly. I almost passed out at the 40 min mark because I was lightheaded and dizzy. I sweated a lot. The instructor told me I'll get used to it, and to keep trying, but I am not sure if it is worth the effort to go back. I am at my heaviest now and I desperately want to lose 15kg in 3 months. I gym twice a week (strength training mostly), and do a longish bike ride of 50-70 km every week. If hot studios really help with weight loss, then I'm game to push through it. But the question is, do hot studios actually have this benefit, or any fitness benefit, compared to just going to another group class?

submitted by /u/bloopingplatypus
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Slightly silly thing to feel proud about, but I can't eat as much.

So I've really been trying to fix my eating habits, build up a routine and exercise. It's been really tough to get into the routine and I've been out injured for the last 9 days, but one thing I have fixed is my eating.

I used to be a secret eater, a comfort eater. I could demolish a large Dominos pizza to myself, or an entire bag of sweets. Well tonight we ordered 2 medium pizzas (wasn't sure I wanted to as I don't eat much) and after 4 slices I am full.

Stupid thing to be proud of I know, but the ability to eat less and be full easier really makes me happy. If I can just get the weight loss to take as well, then I'll finally be happy and able to reach my goals.

submitted by /u/DialZforZebra
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I was complimented by a neighbor on my weight loss while out on my walk this morning

SW: 265 CW: 240 GW: 185

A little backstory first: My wife of 13 years left me a month ago for someone I considered one of my best friends. This was absolutely devastating as I thought we had a happy marriage, and she refused to give us a chance to work on it. This sent me spiraling for the first week or so, and led to me losing about 12 pounds from just not being able to eat.

As I started processing my feelings and everything happening around me, I decided I would make the best of this shitty situation. With my appetite being very low to nonexistent for the first couple weeks, I used that to transition to healthier eating. I didn't care what food was tasting like at that point, so why not? As that was easy to do, I incorporated a daily walk into my routine. I found a route in my neighborhood that would came out to 1.5 miles, and quickly started doing that route twice each day to hit 3 miles.

So now with all of that, I have gone from 265 pounds to 240 (was 295 at my heaviest about 4 years ago). I know the progress is there in the scale. I was wearing 3X shirts, but I've actually picked up some 2X shirts that fit really well. So I know it's there, but it's difficult to see in the mirror each day. I don't let it discourage me or anything, but I spend a good amount of time alone now so it's not like I have a ton of social interaction for me to get a different perspective (although I am actively working on being more social with my friends).

This morning I went out for my usual daily walk, and in my neighborhood everyone does a polite wave or whatever when walking/running/driving by each other. I don't really know many people though outside of those right around me. I'm early on in my walk, and this SUV starts slowing down and rolls down their windows. I take out my earbuds and she tells me what a great job she thinks I'm doing. She said she's seen me out every day, and can see how much weight I'm losing. I was absolutely stunned especially since I was wearing my 3X Deftones hoodie that doesn't do me any favors, but keeps me warm on brisk mornings.

All I could really do was stand there and just keep telling her thank you for all her kind words. I had to hold in a small breakdown where I spill everything I'm going through and just how much her stopping and saying these things to me really means. My journey is far from over as I would ideally like to hit 185 pounds, but I can't emphasize how much that brief 90 second interaction motivated me to keep it up. Not just for my kids. Not just to stick it to my soon to be ex-wife and my former friend. But for me. I've been fat my whole life, and I am already down to my weight I was at in middle school. I know it won't always be easy, but knowing that others are watching will help me continue to hold myself accountable.

TL;DR Life as I knew it was shattered. I'm making a better one. Someone I don't really know noticed and it made me happy.

submitted by /u/AFarewellToArms
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, April 29, 2022

Is there a point to lifting weight while dieting?

So the basic principle of building muscle seems to be to damage muscle tissue and repair it by consuming a lot of calories and protein. This is why body builders go on bulking/cutting cycles. Weight loss is about having a caloric deficit, which seems like it would impede any possible muscle growth. So I imagine lifting while dieting would be like being in a constant state of not having enough calories to rebuild damaged tissue.

Despite this, people still seem to believe that weight lifting is very good for changing body composition. I know weight lifting isn't really a high-caloric activity, but I do like the general health benefits it offers. Is it worth making it a regular thing while dieting, or should we wait until we are able to eat a caloric surplus?

submitted by /u/Sorreljorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Frustrated yet proud.

I am in the minority as I chose to use COVID-19 quarantine to lose weight instead of gain. I have lost and maintained a 35lb loss beginning March 2020. I am 34f, and I am 5'4".

I have always been skinny. I was a high school and college athlete. I'll be the first to admit my adult life hasn't been as active, and I hate that but it's life.

I used CICO for weight loss. I hit plateaus, and it was so slow going. I ate 1250 calories a day. My starting weight was just under 150lb. Right now I am at 115lb which is well within my healthy bmi. However, maintenance isn't maintenance. No matter what I do my body doesn't want maintenance calories and remains the same at 1250.

I feel like I can't enjoy anything extra or I'll just gain weight. I'm just venting, and I'm grateful for this community. I've learned I have to accept this new norm as forever. I just wish I didn't have to weigh every single thing always.

Thanks for listening!

submitted by /u/Makeupnotwar_87
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 70 pounds by doing nothing, should I be worried?

So to preface this, last year I had my uvula removed because it got enlarged and began to choke me. After the surgery the painkillers gave me horrible constipation that did not go away. So to help I started using miralax.

I weighed 290 before my surgery and I currently weigh 219. My eating habits haven’t changed, I don’t really exercise, eat healthier than before, and I down monster energy drinks like water. But for some reason I’ve lost 70 pounds.

I feel fine, but should I be worried about an underlying cause for this random weight loss in the long run?

submitted by /u/ManniisaNoob
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Prepare for sexual harassment ladies- What they don’t tell you about weight loss.

Of late, I CANNOT leave the house and go about my day without receiving creepy stares, catcalls and approaches from old, musty and may I add a certain demographic of men but I won’t go there…

I am filled with dread to leave my flat and do simple things like go to the gym, library, city centre,because I WILL get harassed. I feel like crap,dirty and constantly uncomfortable.

I can only attribute this to my 60lb weight loss. I dress the same as before, in fact all the clothes I do wear are far too baggy on me as I can’t afford to buy new ones. My appearance is average at best. Anyway, none of that should be relevant. Back when I was 230lbs I still got harassed a fair bit but NOT to this level EVER.

What the f*ck is it about me that attracts this kind of attention? I don’t know what to do. It’s hopeless.

Yes it sucked being fat but at least I was INVISIBLE or less prone to this bullsh*t. I am now thrown right back to when I was 13- a similar weight where I was facing constant harassment and feeling sick and scared in my own body.

This is an incoherent rant so my apologies but ladies if you are experiencing or already have gone through anything similar my heart goes out to you.

submitted by /u/unstable_oracle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to lose weight when diabetic: a self-experiment

Hi guys 🙋‍♂️ As food has been tasting too good over the last months, I have to get rid of some extra kilos. And as there are many rumors about losing weight when type 1 diabetic, I decided to record this journey in order to see, how much truth there is behind those rumors.

I have to say, I do know where the weight gain comes from and its quite a challenge to cut down more than 1000 calories now. However, I‘m not in a rush and take my time.)

Its actually quite easy in theory, however whenever there is a hypoglycemia, I am forced to take calories even though I am not hungry - this can be a challenge.

Feel free to follow my weight loss journey 🙂

[How to lose weight when type 1 diabetic](

submitted by /u/ramalama182
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Having trouble feeling good about my progress

5’5 F, started 2019 at 265 and made it to 199 by March 2020, then back to 213 by the end of 2020. Got down to 179 by mid 2021 and ended up hovering between 180 and 190 the rest of the year.

I’ve been committing again since the beginning of 2022 (with a more relaxed approach so I don’t get burnt out like I probably did in the past) and I’m now down to my lowest yet at 175, which is exciting but it’s hard to really feel good about it since it’s been so long and dragged out at this point. And even though I know it’s been harder work than it looks point to point on paper (since I’ve had to compensate for all the fluctuation), its still pretty hard for me to feel celebratory about my progress when my net weight loss since this time last year is basically 5lbs.

It’s also probably not helping that I know if I just kept my momentum from those good streaks I’d be in a much different position! Not feeling super down about it, just having a hard time feeling good about the progress I have made.

I know I’ve come a long way but the slow crawl aspect makes it hard to feel excited or at least motivated off of my momentum like I have during stretches in the past. Any encouragement/advice to power through the slumpy feeling is welcome!! TIA

submitted by /u/ilcsfycsilcsfyfy
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7 Tips for Ordering Healthy Food Delivery or Takeout

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the number of people ordering takeout or food delivery seems been higher than ever before. With more people reluctant to leave the house, takeout or delivery have felt like safer options. For many, it’s also been something to look forward to after a long week. While we might not be able to go out and dine at our favorite restaurants, we can still look forward to ordering a special meal. Plus, many of us want to do what we can to support small businesses in our community.

While that’s all commendable, what has it meant for sticking to a healthy eating plan?

Fortunately, we believe that you can find ways to order takeout or delivery and still stick to your plans to lose weight. In order to help you make smarter choices, we’ve rounded up some tips for choosing healthy food options for takeout or delivery.

Going Out to Dinner? 6 Restaurant Calorie Bombs You Need to Skip

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1. Remember, it starts with your order.

a woman ordering healthy food delivery on her phone

At Nutrisystem, we’ve always acknowledged that dining out can have a social or entertainment factor that we don’t feel you should miss out on just because you’re trying to lose weight. That’s why we’ve offered numerous tips for dining out that help you to have the best of both worlds. Ultimately, a good majority of these tips boil down to making smart food choices and only ordering healthy meals. Just because you’re dining out does not mean you have to choose the unhealthiest menu items. Well, the same goes for takeout or delivery! Pay attention to what you’re ordering. Choose grilled meats over fried ones. Choose a green vegetable as a side as opposed to French fries. Try to pay attention to how your vegetables are prepared. Ask for them steamed and without butter. Since you’re ordering at home, you have even more time to research your menu options and make a smart selection.

2. Beware of “healthy choice” traps.

a selection of 5 healthy food delivery options on a table

We’ve talked about the fact that a salad isn’t always your healthiest option when ordering at a restaurant. The same is true, of course, for takeout or delivery. If a salad is smothered in a high-fat dressing and/or packed with toppings like bacon, cheese or fried chicken strips, the health factor of the veggies can be quickly negated. Just be wary of choices that sound like a healthy option but really are not. You can make simple changes—such as a lower fat dressing on the side—that increase the health factor of your meal. Since you’re eating at home, you could even use a homemade or store-bought dressing that you know is a better choice!

3.  Skip the drink.

soda being poured into a to go cup

If you are ordering healthy food for takeout or delivery, it’s even easier to forgo the sugary beverage and just drink water from home. Sometimes if everyone else at the table is ordering an alcoholic beverage or a soda, you might be tempted to follow suit. But at home you can try to drink more water and avoid getting empty calories from a beverage. It’s a simple change that can go a really long way in eating healthier. We find that people often underestimate just how many calories they’re getting from beverages in a day. And like meal portions, restaurant drinks are often oversized.

Trouble Drinking Enough Water? 10 Hydrating Foods You Need to Be Eating

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4. Pass on dessert.

chocolate dessert takeout in a box

In the same way that it’s easier to pass on an added beverage when you’re eating at home, you can also forgo the restaurant-bought dessert. You won’t have any peer pressure or feel like you’re missing out. Instead, you can have one of these healthier dessert options that will still satisfy your sweet tooth without derailing your diet. Don’t have time to make something yourself? Nutrisystem has plenty of premade desserts that are ready-to-go when temptation strikes! Instead of skipping dessert altogether, you can simply make a smarter choice at home.

5. Be cautious about mindless eating.

a person eating pizza out of a takeout box as they watch football

We’ve talked a lot about the importance of mindful eating. When we’re not paying attention to what we’re eating, it can be easy to overdo it. The trouble is, when eating at home, we are more prone to mindless eating. If you’re eating in front of the television or even while scrolling through your phone, it’s easy to lose track of how much you’ve consumed. It’s important to slow down, shut off the distractions and pay closer attention. In this way, we end up enjoying our food more, too.

6. Portion food ahead of time.

5 healthy food delivery options in containers

You’re already aware that restaurant portions are almost always oversized and more than we should be eating in a single meal. We’ve provided tips in the past like boxing up half of the meal ahead of eating what’s left on your plate. The same goes for eating healthy takeout or food delivery. In fact, this might even be easier to do at home! Take out a plate from home and serve what you’ll be eating from the takeout containers, then put the rest of the boxes right into the fridge. Do not even give yourself the chance to overeat! If you’ll be able to get several meals out of a single order, divide it into individual Tupperware containers for other days. Now, you have pre-portioned meals ready-to-go.

How to Become a Nutrisystem Portion Pro

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7. Split a meal with the family.

two people sharing healthy food delivery

While sharing meals is sometimes discouraged at restaurants, when you order takeout or delivery, it’s up to you what you do with the food! Order one dinner but split it with your spouse, significant other or child. This is another great way to avoid overeating on oversized restaurant portions. We love that restaurants are being incredibly generous with their portions, particularly during these trying times. But when it comes to making healthy choices, dividing those portions into multiple meals—for multiple people—is the easiest way to enjoy a special treat without overdoing it.

The post 7 Tips for Ordering Healthy Food Delivery or Takeout appeared first on The Leaf.

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5 Reasons You Can’t Fall Asleep at Night

It’s that time of the night when your eyes are glazing over, you’re yawning uncontrollably and your favorite TV show has started to lose its appeal. You’re exhausted and it’s clear that your body is desperate for a little shut-eye. You crawl under the sheets and close your eyes, just to find yourself waiting for sleep that never comes.

Whether you have difficulty falling asleep or you wake up throughout the night, you could be suffering from insomnia. According to the American Sleep Association, there are two types of insomnia. Primary, formally known as idiopathic insomnia, refers to an inability to fall asleep that is not caused by a medical condition, psychiatric issue or medication. Secondary insomnia is a consequence of a medical condition, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or chronic pain.

No matter what type of dozing dilemma you find yourself facing, you need help fast. According to Healthline, research shows that people who do not get enough sleep have an increased risk for chronic disease, reduced coordination, lack of concentration and minor or life-threatening accidents. 

Before sleep deprivation starts to hinder your health and ability to function, it’s crucial that you identify what is keeping you up at night.

5 Ways Sleep Deprivation is Affecting Your Weight

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Here are five reasons why you can’t fall asleep at night and what to do about it:

1. You Don’t Stick to a Schedule

cant sleep

The hormone melatonin is released in the body as a response to a decrease in light says Harvard Health Publishing. Melatonin plays a huge role in the circadian rhythm, which is essentially your internal body clock. During the day when it is bright outside, melatonin is suppressed. As dusk falls, your body begins to release this hormone to help you wind down for sleep. To keep this process running efficiently, try to follow a consistent sleep schedule as recommended by Healthline. Even on the weekends, strive to wake up at the same time every day. Your body will eventually adjust to the routine, helping you fall asleep more easily at night.

2. You Don’t Power Down

cant sleep

If your nightly routine includes cuddling up to your laptop, phone or tablet, you might want to find another snuggle buddy. These close-range electronics can emit blue light. According Harvard Health Publishing, multiple studies have shown that exposure to blue light can suppress melatonin and impact the circadian rhythm. To prevent blue light from keeping you up, it is suggested to set an electronics curfew two to three hours before you intend to sleep. Try to leave your tablets and laptops out of the bedroom. If you sleep with your phone nearby, tuck it in your nightstand drawer or just beyond arm’s reach so that you aren’t tempted to surf the web before snoozing. You may also want to consider replacing your nightly social media scroll with a relaxing pre-sleep activity like reading or meditating.

Phone Beds: Your Sleep Better Solution?

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3. You Eat or Drink Too Late

cant sleep

The National Sleep Foundation suggests that if you want to sleep well, you should pay close attention to when you’re eating and drinking. Eating a large meal too close to bedtime can affect your circadian rhythm and hinder your ability to fall asleep. Try to eat your last meal a few hours before hitting the sack and keep it light.

Caffeine is also a known stimulant that can keep you awake, so be mindful of how much you consume throughout the day says Healthline. If you struggle to fall asleep, you may need to cut back on the quantity or avoid drinking it too close to bedtime. Don’t forget that caffeine is in more than just coffee. Chocolate, teas and even medications can be sneaky sources of caffeine. 

Nutrisystem offers a variety of weight loss programs that can help you create an ideal eating schedule and healthy habits. Click here to learn more >

4. You Exercise Too Close to Bedtime


Exercise at the right time of day can be more effective for good sleep than counting sheep. However, the National Sleep Association states that cramming in a sweat session too close to bedtime can actually hinder your sleep quality. It has been shown to increase your heart rate and body temperature, ultimately keeping you from drifting off to dreamland. People who exercise in the morning typically tend to fall asleep faster than those who exercise later. However, this can vary between individuals. It’s recommended to try different workout schedules to find what works best for you. Hate morning exercise? Here are some tips to make it easier >

5. You Put Too Much Pressure on Falling Asleep

cant sleep

If it’s been about 10 to 20 minutes and you’re still not falling into a slumber, don’t stress. The American Sleep Association suggests that you get out of bed until you are sleepy. Try heading to another calm space in your home and do something relaxing, such as reading or listening to calm music. Staying in bed any longer can lead to frustration or anxiety. By getting out of bed and doing something relaxing, you may find it easier to sleep and can prevent negative associations between your bedroom and the frustrating inability to fall asleep.

10 Ways Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Health

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The post 5 Reasons You Can’t Fall Asleep at Night appeared first on The Leaf.

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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Eat the maintenance calories for your target weight?

Seven years ago I lost 20 lbs before with strict calorie counting (weight goal completed) and maintained that weight for 2 years. Recently I gained it back due to stress and I was going to start calorie counting again.

Question: Let’s say my target weight was 130lbs and the maintenance calories for that weight was 1,450 a day sedentary. I am not active. If I were to do strict calorie counting 1,450 a day, would I reach that 130lb AND be that weight forever?

Technically when I lost the 20 lbs my daily calorie count recommended by Loseit was 1395.

I was wondering if coming up with the daily caloric number for weight loss was as simple as eating the maintenance calories of your target weight & activity level. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Longjump-Cup-1739
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Working out while sitting

Hi All,

I’m on my weight loss journey and so far doing well. I’m down about 15 pounds but have about 45 more to go.

One of the challenges is my job. I work in IT and while I like the work, it requires me to be sitting all day long. My role is literally the poster child for a desk job. I would like to find a healthy way to utilize all those hours I’m sitting.

I’ve seen several commercials for workout equipment while sitting. Usually something like a stationary bike you pedal while sitting. Has anyone tried these before? If so, did you find them helpful.

Any advice on how to best use hours sitting at a desk towards my weight loss journey would be much appreciated. Thanks and best of luck to everyone. This sub has been super helpful to me.

submitted by /u/Dependent-Teacher595
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the difference that 15lbs makes (progress pics)

Hi everyone! I'm currently battling the final 15lbs and this made me want to look back at the first 15lbs I lost along with the difference it made. I would like to use these progress photos as fuel for the final stretch. What I find interesting is how the difference in these photos will also occur to my body as I reach my goal weight, except on an even smaller frame. The paper towel effect. On my last post, kind people also expressed interest in how weight loss looks like on a much shorter person in which at 30lbs loss, my family members couldn't recognise me.

Before and After (Front and Side View)

The 15lbs is actually my pandemic weight gain so I'm very happy that's gone! I'm 4'9" (22 F) and it took me one month and a half to achieve this loss.

I've personally struggled with not being able to see a visible difference in the mirror. In the past few months, I've frequently felt like I was still as "big" as when I first began. Making "before and after" photo sets have been majorly helpful. If you're in the same position, just always remember that the difference is occurring. Look up "15lbs of fat" and it'll show you pictures of massive yellow chunks that are disappearing from your body, but all over or in certain areas before it reaches other parts.

I'd like to make a more detailed post when I reach my goal weight, especially as the mental aspect was the most difficult. But a quick breakdown of what I did: I ate at 1200 calories, walked for 1 hour everyday, did unintentional IF (I've always disliked eating breakfast) and infrequent OMAD.

submitted by /u/midnight_suns
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Loose skin, boobs and sadness

I’m at 7 kg weight loss (84.5kg, started at 91.5kg - need to get down to 64kg to have a normal BMI, so I’m around 1/3 there. Height 161, 30F) and today is the first day I noticed loose skin. I’ve lost the 7kg in 3ish months so not super fast, but still, I noticed loose skin at the bottom side of my boobs, and I could pinch a significant amount of my nipples (sorry if TMI) and it made me incredibly sad and made me cry. I know losing weight is the right thing for me, I don’t regret it, I will keep going.

But I’m just so heart broken. It’s been my first real emotional setback since I started this and I just wanted to rant. I know breasts won’t perk up again and the only way to fix this will probably be through breast lift surgery which won’t be worth it until I’ve reached the weight I want and probably have breastfed as well (once I have kids) - but does that mean I have to be sad and unhappy about them for so long? I know there’s nothing I can do now - no miracle creams, no massaging or anything. Push-ups are part of my day to day exercise anyway, so I know that won’t help.

Sorry for my rambling and rant. I just don’t know where else to turn to. My girls just feel like deflated sadness and I’m just sad.

submitted by /u/flyingmonkey200
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Need honest advice…

Hi all,

So like alot of people I’ve piled on the weight over the pandemic. I’m now the biggest I’ve ever been and really don’t like my body image or how I feel at the moment.

Over the past two weeks I’ve become really motivated and stuck to a practical calorie deficit diet, ensure I hit 10K steps a day and started the couch to 5k running program. It’s all been going fantastic and my motivation and determination has been steady!

Today I saw a photo of me from two days ago and I look absolutely awful. My tummy is huge, my neck/face is massive and my clothes look really ill-fitted. I know that I sound very critical of myself and I always want to encourage body positivity but I don’t look or feel good at all. I understand it’s only a picture and likely a bad angle, but photos don’t lie 😂

Strangely, instead of it motivating me to work that much harder on my weight loss goals it’s made me feel really disappointed and unmotivated. I just feel like I’ll never get to where I want to see myself at. I’ve got a terrible relationship with food and binge rubbish. Seeing that photo has made me just want to throw the towel in and eat rubbish.

Any honest advice or pep talks would really help. I really want to get in shape and be healthy.


submitted by /u/Foxwelsh
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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

If you are a woman ( especially with a messed up cycle) don’t lose hope if your weight doesn’t change after several days of calorie deficit! got to learn to be patient as our hormones tend to mess up water retention a lot!

I have been a weight loss and calorie counting veteran for more than 20 years. Yet each time I start I get so frustrated when I am working out and eating at a significant deficit, yet after 10 days I am the same weight or higher. But right after my cycle I lose all the weight i was supposed to lose over 10 lbs in 1 month. Same happens during ovulation. So basically I only drop weight a few times a month despite the steady deficit .

It is crazy , I had been on a deficit for 10 lbs a month lost since last month, and until yesterday I was only down 2lbs. Yesterday was the end of my fertilization Window, so lost 4 lbs yesterday and another 4 lbs today finally matching my projected 10 lb weight loss!

I might try to go on birth control pill that might help regulate this water retention but don’t want to avoid that.

Well just wanted to say don’t always lose hope from the scale. Trust the calories if you are weighing everything and wait awhile before deciding if your TDEE is lower and making adjustments.

submitted by /u/kitty07s
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Advice on weight loss?

I’m (20f) almost 6 foot and around 90 kg so not considered over weight, but I absolutely hate my body regardless. For almost a year now I’ve been dieting (not strict, as I’ve struggled on and off with an ED and don’t want to trigger anything, but I’ve definitely limited myself a lot) and going to the gym at least 3 times a week, I also work retail 4 days a week so I’m on my feet and walking for at least 8 hours for those days, and I’m just not seeing results, both in my eyes and on the scale. I’ve been in calorie deficit for around 4 months now and that hasn’t changed much either. I’m thinking of going to the doctor and seeing if maybe there’s something else going on internally that’s stopping me from losing weight but figured I’d get some advice on here from other people who’ve tried so hard and aren’t seeing results!

submitted by /u/beckyymilligan
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Feeling terrible

I really want to kick start my weight loss journey everyday but somehow or another I find a way to ruin it.

Just today, I had a healthy smoothie for breakfast and had a healthy lunch too. I felt really good about it but I was feeling a little hungry and just consumed a whole milkshake packed with calories and ate a whole bag of chips. I feel terrible about it.

Because of this I feel that today has been wasted and I’ll continue to eat unhealthily for the rest of the day before trying again tomorrow. This has happened so many times over the last few weeks :( I feel so angry and disappointed in myself

submitted by /u/throwaway12335142
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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

what doctor can I see too help me with weight loss?

I have been struggling to lose weight extremely badly for over 5 months. I count all my calories gram by gram on a kitchen scale and journal everything i eat. I have been on a 2100 calories a day diet for the last 5 months and i workout 3-4 times a week. (Im a 6'1 male age 32) And yes. I count my calories correctly. And i haven't been able to lose weight in this whole time. I have been stuck going up and down from 258 pounds to 253 pounds non stop and i can't do this anymore.
I need medical professional help. But all the weight loss clinics i look up near me is some scammy bs about B12 injections and weightloss pills.

submitted by /u/Altruistic-Contest89
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Failure is not the opposite of success

I've been trying to get more active this past month after years of neglected mental health and so far I've lost 5 lb but this past week has been a struggle working on impulse eating, I'll do fine and then feel bored and eat whatever fried food my mom made, but instead of beating myself up over it I'm reminded of the healthy habits I'm implementing despite those days I eat more calories. I go for walks everyday, I am now at least aware of the caloric implications of food and try to be mindful of portions, and I actively want to be healthier. So if eating at maintenance calories is what it takes to be building lifelong healthy habits, I'm okay with a slower weight loss and you should be too, be proud of yourself for at least wanting to be healthier. Humans always do this thing where we ignore the good things we do in favour of focusing on our faults, but we shouldn't be outside of using them as lessons on how to better change our behaviour, so don't be afraid to pat yourself on the back for those habits you're building despite any hiccups, especially if you're doing this alone like I am we need to be our own biggest supporters.

submitted by /u/fishdeath
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What Was Your Weight Loss "Aha!" Moment?

Hi. Just looking for some inspiration. Been a long time since I posted to an online community like this, so please take it easy. I'm f, 34, and 280 lbs, which-since I've lost about 5 lbs-is the heaviest I've ever been. No kids, just got into a deep depression in my early 20s and lost control of my healthy eating habits and spiraled ever since - was thin all my life up until then and never had food issues before. After years of only semi-trying to gain control of my eating and diet, I finally feel like I am getting there with a goal of at least 40-60 lbs by end of year. I am doing ADF, reducing sugar and ultimately I am looking to clean eat and add protein to help strengthen myself and my body while losing weight. My biggest issue though is my mental. No matter what, I just can't seem to "turn on" the switch that keeps me motivated for weight loss. So, I am hoping to hear from others who struggled until they finally had that breakthrough. I.e. sometimes I've seen people say "When I saw myself in that picture" or "When I couldn't fit in that chair I knew I had to make a change." So please tell me: What is your weight loss why? (And mind if I borrow it :)

submitted by /u/Onlythingsilove
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He is only making it worse and I cannot escape

I (24F) am back living at my mom's house with her and my step dad. My step dad is really, really bad about policing what other people are eating. He says it's just "because he cares", but his remarks often come off as condescending and full of judgment.

I am 240lbs and T2 diabetic as a result, just as background info. My mom has also struggled greatly with weight gain/loss and emotional eating, so she gets it. And she's also had a lot of success with weight loss, so she knows how to do it as well.

Tonight during dinner was really rough. My mom was finishing up her food but decided to give me her extra rice. My step dad snapped at her and said that I can't eat rice because I'm diabetic. I had just eaten exactly the same meal of tacos with a side of rice (which he prepared, no less). It didn't seem like a big deal to finish off hers so it wouldn't go to waste. But he claimed that I was now eating a second meal, and therefore should not be allowed to eat anything else for the rest of the night. My mom yelled at him that he should stop caring so much about what other people eat since it's not his body, and only I can change things. He said that he "has to" because he's the "only one here who cares."

He doesn't believe me when I say that telling me that I'm going to go into a diabetic coma/get toes chopped off/that I shouldn't eat all that, only makes me want to eat 1000x more! He says "oh, bullsh*t" or "that's just a copout." He has never struggled with trying to lose weight or having a food addiction. So he doesn't get it, at all.

I guess I just needed to vent. I am really so sick of hearing this from him every day. He thinks he's helping, is making it worse, and doesn't believe it when he's told that he's making it worse. I cannot escape it and it almost makes me wish that I'd go into a coma just to not have to hear it anymore..
Has anyone else experienced something like this in their household?

submitted by /u/Stormwolf1O1
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Raw or cooked?

Do you guys weigh your meat raw or cooked? I’ve been looking for an answer as to what the nutrition label is actually about and i’ve not really gotten a clear answer.

If you’re supposed to weigh meat raw then that would explain why my weight loss is slower than i calculated that it should be. I could be underestimating my calories by around 20% every time i eat meat (which is fairly often).

Anything would help, thanks.

submitted by /u/Signal_Equipment3537
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3 days a week exercise - weight loss?

Ok so I’m setting myself a schedule..

Basically I need to do 4 things: - Practice Piano - Draw - Read - Exercise

So I’m gonna pair them up, exercise and piano for 3 days then art and read for 3 days. (Sunday off to chill and take care of my pets)

Now my question is, should I exercise 3 days in a row? Or every other day?

Is one way better than the other? Or does it really not matter.

I’d rather do it all in one chunk together then have a few days off, but will it be better if it’s every other day because that will be quite hard for me.

3 days on, 4 days off every week.

Often on Friday or Saturday I will go out shopping which involves a lot of walking so I guess that will also be like half a work out.

submitted by /u/anon-gerbil
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Starting to hate mirrors a little less

I'm down to 287 from a high of 350 last year, and I know I've never really liked what I saw my face in the mirror. I kind of hated it.

But I don't think I appreciated how abnormal it is to always feel worse after seeing my own face in a mirror. Now looking in a mirror always gets me cracking a smile!

And it's not like there's any one thing about my face that I can point to as having changed... it's just every time I see my face I can tell *something* is different in a good way.

That makes me feel like all of this struggling is paying off, and that gets me feeling better even when I'm down. I don't think the person I was at my heaviest (and most depressed) would have imagined that would ever be possible.

I still have a long way to go though. The other day I saw full body shot of myself riding a bike, and I still got uncomfortable and a little down... but part of that might be the fact a lot of my clothes became tents from the weight loss haha, and now that discomfort is mixed with determination to do something about it

submitted by /u/s-pop-
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Monday, April 25, 2022

Back to square one :(

Hi, I never posted on here so general info about me is that I’m 5’4”f started off 156lbs with a goal weight of 121lbs or at least 132lbs, somewhere in between.

I started my weight loss journey during the height of COVID. It was easy to start because back then all of my work and studies are being done at home, which means that I could really focus on losing weight. I cycled every morning everyday for about 2 hours. I did intermittent fasting while also trying to eat about half a plate (my version of cutting calories). I was also taking this weight loss pill, which is actually bad for health, but it did make me lose weight drastically. I was able to lose 20lbs in about a month or so.

I was able to achieve 134lbs, which made me really happy. I stopped taking the weight loss pills and started to ease off the fasting. I was so close to reaching my goal weight. But then, I ran into some really bad problems. Long story short, I developed a panic disorder, which made me lose focus on keeping my weight because I was constantly afraid of getting another panic attack. I couldn’t cycle again because the thought of my heart rate increasing was suddenly scary to me. I ate more and more without minding how much calories I ate because I was too busy trying not to get a random panic attack. It was a really horrible time for me, but I have gone to the psychiatrist for this, so I am a lot better now.

After I was recovering from the panic attacks and felt like I could start losing weight again (at this point I was about 143lbs), I got into a relationship. My boyfriend eats a lot, and loves to buy me food and feeds me A LOT, so now it’s becoming so hard to stay disciplined. I’m now back to square one (150lbs), and it’s making me so mad. When I was losing weight and cycled everyday, I was single and living with my parents who really supported me in my weight loss journey by providing me low calorie, healthy food. Now, I live with my boyfriend who constantly cooks me or buys me high calorie food, so it’s really hard to turn down those foods. I also don’t have a bike anymore, nor a gym membership (too expensive for me), so I don’t know what to do for exercising. I’m just so miserable and tired now.

submitted by /u/mischitato
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Weird posture after weight loss

I've lost over 100lbs over the last year and I've developed a strange way of standing. My belly sticks out and my lower back archers. I have no idea why. It's only happened since losing the weight. It actually looks like I'm pregnant which is not ideal haha especially after dropping so much weight. I only noticed it when I saw photos of myself yesterday! What is that called? And can it be fixed? Is it common I wonder? I've been trying to consciously straighten up but that only lasts a few seconds and I slip back into doing it :(

submitted by /u/distantseagulls
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Saving my life…..and my marriage (Update)

Heres an update to my post two weeks ago. “Saving my life…..and my marriage” has turned into “Saving my life….and my relationship with my son”. My wife has decided that she wants to leave me. It hurts…badly….but after a lot of self-reflection and honesty the part that hurts is knowing I won’t see my son everyday or have my partner to help raise him. We weren’t a great match and we grew apart…The great thing is that this has given me even more determination to lose it. I weighed myself the night of 4/11 and I was 399 lbs. Last night when I weighed myself I was 381. I know there is water weight and what not to be factored in but it feels good to see that number go down. My first week I walked a mile each day and I have been keeping my carbs under 20. On 4/20 I had my first screening with my weight loss doctor and left there excited to tell my wife about it. When I called she seemed disinterested…it was that night she told me she wants to move on. After trying and failing to change her mind I decided its best to leave her be for now and focus on myself. We still have to live together another 2 months. It has been a VERY hard last few days for me…I haven’t really wanted to eat. I had to force myself into eating at least something each day. I know this is awful for my overall weight loss/ lifestyle so I am trying to force myself out of it. Last night I made 4 big pieces of chicken for me to cut up and use throughout the week and tomorrow night my fit friends are going to get me started on weights at the gym. I am curious how much weight I can lose in the next few months. Maybe I don’t need the surgery….Anyway I am 18 lbs down in the last 2 weeks. Heres hoping the scale keeps going down and I can maintain while going through a divorce.

Original Thread:

submitted by /u/ClayTheMage
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First day of trying to lose weight, and I'm feeling great!

Today marked my first day of my hopefully 25-30 pound weight loss journey! Before beginning this, I was admittedly a little apprehensive and felt very overwhelmed, but now that it's here and I'm officially getting started, I am feeling extremely optimistic and excited not only about shedding those extra pounds I've put on since I started working from home, but also just leading a healthier lifestyle in general.

I'm going by the CICO method, and have been counting my calories. I'll admit that this is all still very experimental, as I am trying to figure out what foods keep me fueled the longest (and let me just say, protein shakes are a definite no-go for me, lol). But I do think that even just within my first few hours of officially being on this journey, I've learned more about what my body needs. Definitely reworking some meal plans for the week now that I know my body doesn't like me replacing breakfast with protein shakes, but I stocked the fridge and pantry over the weekend with more than enough low calorie and healthy food options to keep me going! Already looking forward to my dinner and before bed snack I have planned!

Editing to add that I am just absolutely amazed by how much more healthy food I can actually eat for a smaller amount of calories compared to when I was eating unhealthy food consistently. It just blows my mind when I look at the calories on some of the foods I used to eat. I can get so much more with fewer calories and feel fuller for longer.

submitted by /u/Al115
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Eating during/before period


I guess this more a question for women, but I just need some advice.

I'm currently at the start of my weight loss journey, this isn't my first attempt but hoping for it to be my last. I'm currently doing CICO, so I'm on 1,500kcal restriction and increasing my activity.

The biggest worry for me at the moment is the week before I start my period. I suffer bad with my periods anyway severe pain, irritability ect. Increased hunger is also a massive issue and also lack of motivation for anything. I've found this time of the month to be a massive trigger for me in terms of losing weight, it's always the point were I give up or lose control. It's like I'm a completely different person with a different mindset.

So I just want to ask if anyone has any advice to keep this at bay, anyone who experiences a similar situation who has still managed to lose significant weight.

Thank you 🙂

submitted by /u/BeginningCake1266
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ED Warning: Vent. The only way i can lose weight is if i starve myself. I feel like i'm literally ment to be fat.

I've been vegan for 5 years, transitioned from my ED into veganism, because eh, might aswell keep eating veggues, you can't get fat by eating veggies, right? WRONG, not with my body.

My body cannot do anything right, i am chronically constipated and i eat a lot of veggies, i tried smoothies and it still does not do anything. It just doesn't want to pass unless i have laxatives.

I tried "confusing my metabolism", Hiit trainings , on the weekends i walk 11 miles and i cannot lose 1 lbs. I have actually gained 2 lbs since Saturday, after exercising. I walk on a daily basis and i eat around 1200 cals a day, i have tried weight loss pills, lost 1 pound gained it back. I have tired eating even less cals, stating under 900, doesn't do shit.

I honestly feel so defeated and i feel like my only choice for me to lose weight is spiriling down into anorexia and bulimia (i miss the days where i was 99 lbs and everything fit). I am now 160 lbs and i hate myself, emotionally and i hate my body. I would honestly kill myself just so this stupid thing can suffer like it makes me suffer.

So HOW in the fuck do i lose the weight in a healthier manner, because honestly after this post i am about to give up. My SO is not attracted to me physically because of my gain weight, as shallow as that feels, most of my weight went to my arms and stomach and i look 6 mo pregnant even tho i am not. I just look disgusting and i'm tired of nothing fitting me anymore.

Edit: Also, how many cals should i b3 eating? Female, 20, 5'6, current weight 160, but looking to go down to 130. Every app says something different, with Samsung health saying i need 1000 (yes, my info i imput in there is correct).

submitted by /u/Accomplished-Today99
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Sunday, April 24, 2022

60 pounds in 6 months

I know, it’s a very ambitious goal, but after many years of binge eating, depression, and other health issues a switch just flipped inside me. I’m getting married in November, after 3 postponed weddings due to the pandemic (which led to the depression/binging). I recently got my gallbladder removed and noticed it was a kickstart to losing weight so I feel motivated to keep going. I am still 2 weeks post surgery, so not allowed to go fully back to the gym or workout rigorously, but I’m starting with waking and doing what I can.

Has anyone who accomplished a 60 pound weight loss mind sharing tips, motivation, or how to even get started? Would love to hear from anyone who’s been there and what they wish they knew when they first started their weight loss journey.

Thank you in advance for your help!

submitted by /u/runningonmatcha
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Is being overweight most of my life causing me to self sabotage my weight loss?

I have been overweight most of my life as a child and still hit a growth spurt and then I was a good-sized and then I he came over weight again then lost weight after college and then put weight back on and more when I joined the gym and my hunger increased. I have always been a medium sized and by that I mean I'm average size but I actually weigh more than people think. I have tried to lose weight more times than I can count and I am not somebody who is good at pushing themselves or having discipline. I'm wondering if maybe the fact of just sort of always been like this is causing me to self-sabotage my healthy eating out of fear change? Has anyone else dealt with this weird fear and how did they get over it?

submitted by /u/Catmom924
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Looking for a virtual (or in-person) weight loss accountability buddy? Someone to text or call every week about weight loss goals, progress, and motivation?

The title says all! I lost 75lbs two years ago and gained 30lbs back. I feel like because I am losing weight again I can’t really rely on my friends for support/ they’re a little bored of the topic. But weight loss and my journey is important to me! So I was wondering if anyone wanted to have a weight loss buddy through text (or in-person if you’re in Los Ángeles) so we can talk about our hobby together!

We could totally become friends so I will share a little bit about me: I am obsessed with movies (especially foreign, independent, and A24 movies) and work for a film non-profit. I love rap (playboi carti, lil uzi vert, yeat) and indie music (enjoy, title fight). I am liberal. I love funny people :)

Hit me up and let’s exchange numbers!

submitted by /u/Title-fight-fiend
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I got asked if I was pregnant or fat today - I decided to say I was fat and my whole face turned red because I was so upset

A bit of a rant...I am 28 years old (F, 5'11'') and down 11 pounds from 198 to 187 since January 2022. I have made a lot of really positive changes in my life around mind, body, stress, sleep, food, and general mood. What is different for me "this time around" is that I know it's going to take me a while to lose the weight that took me so long to put on so I am looking at my weight loss journey with an attitude of "slow and steady wins the race." My goal weight is 140lbs.

What I didn't realize about this journey was how lonely it would be. My friend and I were supposed to do this together but it's just me going to the gym, doing classes, and changing my diet. I know what I need to do for me and so I am pushing on. Everyone else is enjoying life eating and drinking everything and anything while staying thin and I am doing it in moderation or not at all to stick to my goals that I committed to with myself. This is okay at the end of the day because I really am proud of myself and who I am becoming.

Today, however I was shook to my core. A little back story is that I went to a housewarming party for my neighbor and I live in a boomer neighborhood that we moved into about a month ago. Today was my cheat meal so I indulged in a margarita and half a chicken quesadilla for lunch plus I was a little hung over from drinking last night so I am slightly puffy. A neighbor approached, poked my belly and asked "are you pregnant or just fat?" - to try to diffuse the situation I said "I'm just fat" and tried to laugh it off. She said "I like this one" to my husband who was standing there laughing too because I am sure he could see I was upset and didn't know what to do. I could feel my entire face heat up and turn red. I excused myself and left the party. I am so upset and sad. My husband has been really supportive since we got home.

I know in my heart that I have made a lot of progress and she doesn't know how I looked four months ago and how far I've come. Also, I can't let her opinion get me down. But I need to admit that it's really tough not to see this as a step back. I need to throw away that dress I was wearing too.

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/iloveChauncey
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How do you sit with discomfort/stress without binge eating?

Hello all — I’ve (29M) made a lot of progress on my weight loss journey but a recent job change and some family struggles have halted my progress and sent me back into the overweight/obese borderlands.

I realized today that I definitely use comfort foods (sweets, peanut butter, even sugary coffee drinks) as a coping mechanism for stress. Together, the extra hours I’m putting into this new job + lack of exercise + stressful conversations has helped me add about 20 lbs over the past 4 months, after losing 70 lbs over the past 3 years from my initially obese self. Totally not good, and I feel less in control that I did on the journey down.

Today when in a heated argument with a family member about a personal topic, I literally saw the image of peanut butter flash across my minds-eye and I had a huge craving even though I’d just eaten a sizable healthy meal. That’s when I realized it’s become a real problem. Has anyone else had this happen, and how did you deal with it more sustainably? All advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/Temper03
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weight loss takes so long!!!!

Female 5'4" 172lb starting weight: 189lb goal weight: 125lb

So I had a baby last year so I took a year to just be happy with my body and I started really trying to lose weight about 3 months ago. I've done good I think. 17lb down in 80 days isn't bad.

I've been doing cico and a lot of cardio. My fitness pal is amazing, I even got a smart watch to help track steps and sleep and heat rate. ( And I wanted one lol)

My husband and I set aside 1000 dollars for a shopping spree when I reach my goal weight as a reward and as motivation, which is really exciting I love shopping.

My only complaint is how long it takes to lose all this weight. Before I was pregnant I was about 135 and it took 9 months to gain all this weight.

I just wanted to vent.

submitted by /u/Summertheseason
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So sad, need to rant.

34F (1.65 cm/ 5'4") here. I started this whole affair of weight loss seriously last week. I started at 67.7 kg (149 lbs) and even though I began walking and biking (my back and my knees hurt a lot lately) and tracking my calories (as best I could, but try to weigh in everything whenever possible) I am currently sitting at 67.3 kg (148 lbs).

I'll be turning 35 next month, and I wanted to lose at least 2 - 3 kilos by then. But the damn scale won't move down. I know I didn't gain this in a day so it's stupid to want to lose it in a day. But 2 weeks in and just 400 grams later I feel slightly angry that for how I feel it wasn't at least a little bit more.

I feel so ugly and unattractive. I try to hide how I try to starve as much as possible so that my husband won't notice me trying and failing once again. Now he's trying to gain weight, he has the same difficulty gaining it as I have losing it. I feel so envious, but cannot and will not take it out on him. It's not his fault.

I have dealt with anxiety my whole life and I will eat when bored, sad, upset, anxious, etc... I just overall hate myself.

Sorry about the rant. It's just that I keep gaining and gaining and gaining without stopping. Slowly but surely. I just want to be okay with myself.

It's as if the only damn way for me to lose weight is to damn nearly starve myself. And I didn't want to walk that path again. I got really obsessive with that about 9 years ago and yes, I did manage to get to 56 kg, but it really was unsustainable.

submitted by /u/e_l_r
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Stuck at a Plateau in Weight Loss

I (20 F) have been stuck at a weight of 67kg that will occasionally fluctuate a kilo up and down for the past year. I started at 86kg before I started my weight loss journey and lost what I have in about a year. My goal weight so far is 58kg (as that is what I was before putting the weight on mostly due to Birth Control and terrible eating) Overview of myself: I struggle with Anxiety and Depression but find that rarely gets in the way, however does contribute to me struggling to stay consistent with eating and exercising. I also find myself very low on energy most of the time, always fatigued (probably a little burnt out). I get bloated eating most foods, pretty much doesn’t matter what it is. I don’t eat much, mainly drink tea to curb hungers and help me to get rid of any ideas of snacking. Generally will only eat a mix of eggs/toast/chicken/soup/porridge/weet-bix/fruits/salads and then whatever my partner and I decide on for dinner. I visit the gym between 1-3 times a week and will do home exercises, walks and small runs in between that. (I am also anaphylactic to nuts)

I was just wondering if anyone could recommend some really useful tips on losing more weight and if anyone could recommend a cheap app that would aid in helping me to stay very consistent and to hopefully continue losing weight as I’ve just been maintaining it for now…

Thankyou! Sorry for the long post!

submitted by /u/xox-natasha-xox
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Was I too Small?

Hi, all. I'm trying to assess how much weight I should lose. I've been obese most of my life, with the exception of the brief time period I was dubbed by friends and family members as "too skinny." (That was after my first weight loss attempt.)

I'm 5'1" short, female and was 125 pounds at my lowest. I have a picture, but I guess I'm not allowed to share it. I was thinking about aiming for that as my goal weight again.

But my primary care doctor wants me between 140 and 150 pounds. He says that weight would be more sustainable long term. But, for my height, that range is still considered overweight. I've had a few half-assed weight loss attempts. I want to get it off and keep it off this time. Thoughts?

Thanks everyone!

submitted by /u/ellijustice
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Saturday, April 23, 2022

I lost around 45 LBS in 8 Months

I know it’s not exactly a lot for 8 Months but I’m just posting this because I kinda want to. I’m still kinda chubby so I’m looking to get to at least 145. I’m 15 years old weighing 166 LBS(75.7 KG). I weighed about 213 before I started losing weight. I noticed that I weighed 206 in October so I just decided “Fuck it, why not.” I’ve noticed some stares at school lately and I’ve been thinking why. Is it my weight loss from last semester? Do I look slimmer? Do I seem more attractive? I’ve received compliments from friends saying I’ve been getting slim. Clothes fit me better. I’m a Size L. I have a few medium shirts and they fit great. I’d probably need to start wearing M Tbh. Please let me know your guys thoughts and please, ask me anything!!

submitted by /u/ItsKrizpy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I F22 lost 30 lbs last year and now I’m pregnant, scared I’ll have to do it all over again

So I successfully went from 172 lbs to 142 lbs (I’m 5’9) over the course of 2021 by doing CICO and I’ve been super proud of myself and I gained a lot of confidence. Me and my fiancé recently found out we’re expecting our first and I’m already gaining a few pounds. I didn’t get to the maintaining part of my weight loss journey yet, so I’m having a hard time figuring out how to eat the right amount of calories while eating healthy for me and the baby and also not to eat too much and have to lose all the weight all over again after my pregnancy.

It’s also mentally hard for me to watch myself gaining weight, I try very hard not to see it as a negative thing, even though I know that gaining weight is essential in a pregnancy. To be quite honest, I’m just scared to gain a lot of weight. Please let me know if you have any tips or experiences?

submitted by /u/Subject-Apple8350
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maybe a silly question..

I hope this question makes sense to everyone. I'm 5 feet 7 inches, 165 pounds, and 67 years old. I'm trying to get down into the 140 lb range and I'm stuck. For the first time in my life, I had gained some weight and was up close to 180 lbs. The first 10 pounds came off like a breeze. There wasn't any problem at all, but then the loss came to a screeching halt. My friend suggested doing the 600 calorie a day diet where you only eat around 600 calories two days a week and the rest of the time eat about 1200 calories. I have found that I could do that, but my weight loss has completely stopped. I walk 3-4 miles 5 times a week, have a Garmin and I'm using MyFitnessPal. My question is concerning MyFitnessPal and the calories. Let's just say I eat 1000 calories in one day, but I have exercised and so I've burned 300 to 400 calories. When I'm looking at my total calories for the day, do I look at the actual calories I've eaten or do I subtract the exercise calories to get my total calorie count? For instance, yesterday at the end of the day, I had eaten 1000 calories. I had burned 300 with exercising and so it showed my total for the day was 700 calories. Should I look at the 700 number or should I look at the 1000 number when I'm deciding if I need to eat more or less for that day? Hope this makes sense. I'm tired of being stuck in this rut and would really like to get the rest of this weight off. I'm basically eating between six and 1200 calories a day, exercising almost every day, and it's just not coming off any longer. Thanks for any suggestions.

submitted by /u/Bugga1954
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

what I wish I did while losing 130 pounds

I started in this sub years ago when I was 26, 300 lbs, and had just been diagnosed with being pre-diabetic. Food had been my comfort my entire life through an abusive childhood from my mother and bullying at school. I had never been taught moderation and loved that food actually made me feel happy. I started off by restricting myself to a 1200cal diet and didn't eat anything I didn't consider "good".

The weight fell off and in months I made my first ever post here about finally being under 250. I had never felt better in my life and even got a new job that required me to be physically active. But I restricted even more and some (most) days ate only 900 calories worth of food. I survived off of nothing but salads and low carb shakes. Weight came flying off so I added intense cardio (no strength training whatsoever).

I had done it, I got "skinny" but I was still miserable and was obsessed with the number on the scale and eating only "good" food. There was one day at work where I treated myself to a few cookies and one of the nastier coworkers (a horrid girl that actually got fired for taunting other employees) made a comment along the lines of "Look at you eat! You're going to be a big girl again soon" her comment made me panic and I actually spent my entire lunch that day walking laps around the area, crying because all I could do was panic at being fat again. Doesn't help that I got into a toxic relationship with the first man that gave me attention and used my fear to his advantage.

Yep, I had managed to develop an ED and was in a horrible mental state. It wasn't until I broke up with the garbage ex, that I decided to get help for my mental heath and even saw a dietician. It was the best thing I did. I got my eating habits to a much safer and attainable place and never felt better. Being kind to myself actually worked. Yeah, I gained a little bit of weight back (about ten pounds) but it was okay with me and I started some better habits.

My life today is far different than I thought it would be. I fell in love with exercise as a way to become stronger both mentally and physically. Now I run 5k and 10k races for fun and even plan on training for a half marathon once I hit my strength goals! I love traveling and trying new foods, all in moderation. I am with an person that loves to eat fancy Italian food with my amazing partner as we sample different oddities we found on an adventure, and I also like to lift weights at the gym or go for a ten mile run around my city!

Food isn't the problem. It's moderation and knowing your limits. If you want to treat yourself, allow yourself to have some pizza with your friends or eat the head off the chocolate bunny in your Easter basket.

My advice:

  • Be kind to yourself and be your biggest cheerleader

  • Don't hesitate to tell people to f-off if they are being rude/ judgemental. Toxic people will be horrid no matter what size you are so give them the attention they deserve: none at all

  • accept that bodies change and its up to you to take care of yourself. Maybe you'll have a child, get injured, or struggle with your mental health, remember that you have the resilience to live your life as you please and want to be healthy, not miserable.

  • food isn't the devil and you can eat what you want in moderation. That whopper you ate after a long shift at work doesn't mean you failed. Just be conscious of what you do and balance your habits out.

  • exercise can be your friend for more than just weight loss. It gives you an amazing type of energy boost and gaining muscle is one of the best things you can do for yourself

  • accept that you will fail occasionally and its okay. So you ate like garbage for months and saw the number on the scale change? Time for you to get yourself back on track and check on yourself

  • you don't have to do it alone. Talk to your doctor or a professional about your concerns. The right physician can help you achieve your goals.

Thanks for coming to my text wall. I'm going to make myself some whole grain pasta with turkey meatballs (my favorite), take my dog for a long walk to prepare myself for my long run, and maybe enjoy that half a halotop ice cream in my fridge later on. I am living my best life right now.

If you want to lose 5 pounds or 500 just know that you got this through all the ups and downs. And gosh darn it, I'm rooting for you!

submitted by /u/Prannke
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any app recommendations?

Hi all! I have finally committed to losing weight - over the past 2 years I have gained 100 pounds, but something has changed in my mindset now and I feel really positive.

I know myself though and I can lose motivation so quickly. I need something that can track my progress in weight loss & exercise/movement and keep me accountable.

Does anyone have any apps they recommend or maybe wish they’d have known about at the beginning of their journey?

Free is a bonus, I can afford a small payment if it’s once off but really cant afford any apps you have to pay monthly for unless it’s really low.

Any advice for a newbie is welcome too! Thanks so much in advance everyone :)

submitted by /u/FormalRoach
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2 weeks into maintenance! Calorie advice?

Hi folks, hoping to get some clarity and advice on maintenence calories!

About me: - 39, female, - Met my goal weight of under 170 lbs on 4/7/22 - 50 lb weight loss since 4/13/21 - Workout 6x per week (4 days on, 1 day off) rotating between running, walking, stationary bike and kettlebell workouts, approximately 30-60 minutes a day

I had been eating 1650 calories a day, and since hitting my goal, increased it to 1750 for the last two weeks, and kept my workout frequency the same. I figured I would still be expecting some weight loss at this rate as according to TDEE my maintenance calories should be around 2400 at a "moderate exercise" level, and therefore would be slowly adjusting it up every two weeks until I got to a sweet spot where I was no longer losing.

To my dismay, after two weeks, I'm up 3 pounds already - my lowest was 169.2, and this morning is 172.4. I always weigh myself consistently in the morning before eating.

Is it typical at the beginning of maintaining to get a weight gain surge? Obviously 1,400 extra calories over two weeks isn't = to 3 lbs of weight, but I'm wondering if somehow increasing my calories slowed my metabolism down since my body is now getting an increase?

submitted by /u/Crystalynne
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from loseit - Lose the Fat