Thursday, May 5, 2022

Diaries Of A Weight Loss Physician

Curiosity Is Stronger Than Fear.

Dealing With The Boogeyman aka The Plateau.

Before getting into the warm and fuzzy rhetoric…let me first say…bracing for impact is key!

Just knowing that there will be plateaus will keep you mentally alert.

We all wish achieving our goals was a linear process.

I put in X amount of effort and Y will be the result.

But I bet all of us have experienced the exact opposite.

Losing weight? Building a start up? Learning a language?

They all have periods of great success.

But what about those times when the rate of progress slows down? Flatlines?

Heck, sometimes it feels we’re going backwards!

I.e. The good ol’ plateau.

For patients just starting their weight loss journey…ignorance is bliss.

But for those on their 3rd, 4th or 5th try…the plateau is a great source of fear, anxiety, disappointment, discouragement and skepticism.

It’s during these times that curiosity DOES NOT kill the cat.

What if we become curious about the perceived resistance and lack of progress?

The lack of progress becomes a SYMPTOM to diagnose.

It become a CHALLENGE to explore.

It’s a source of hope and EXPERIMENTATION - a code that CAN be cracked.

Yes, you need patience and perseverance. Let’s not be naive.

An experienced guide that can help you troubleshoot effectively is worth their weight in gold.

Yet, using the Calorie In < Calorie Out principle, we can start to become more PROCESS ORIENTED than OUTCOME ATTACHED.

The curiosity will DISTRACT us from the objective measures (weight) and make us more focused on the CAUSE of the plateau.

You’re too busy solving problems and taking action then to be scared and discouraged.

The boogeyman is an attention seeker. Chances are he’ll get bored of you and move on.

submitted by /u/No-Profit8657
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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