Thursday, May 5, 2022

Snide Spouse, How to Deal?

Hey everyone. Stats: 32F, 5'3" starting weight 160.1 lbs, current weight 156.6 lbs.

I've recently started running again and, with the help of calorie counting, I've lost 3.4 of the 25 lbs I'd like to lose. I was feeling pretty good about myself until this morning, when I was talking casually about how hard weight loss feels with my husband and he said, "well you're not even trying."

When I asked for clarification, he said that he felt I wasn't trying because I still eat carbs. Cutting carbs isn't the only way to lose weight, and not everyone's successful doing that. I told him that, re-iterated that I was using CICO, and he said, "it's not a big deal." I told him it was, we argued, then he left for work without apologizing or admitting he was wrong.

If it's "not a big deal", why cut me down like that? Why say something so thoughtless and inconsiderate, especially when you always have the option to be silent? Now I'm at work feeling like absolute crap because the hard work I thought I was doing apparently amounts of nothing, while he's walking around feeling just fine.

I feel diminished and disrespected, but also very sad that this is how my partner sees me. Has anyone else out there ever dealt with a snide spouse? How'd you keep your spirits up?

submitted by /u/RLovesATL
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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