Sunday, May 1, 2022

grief and weight loss: how do you find a balance?


caution: trigger warning! sensitive topics discussed below!

I'm not sure if this is the best subreddit for this, but I do use the LoseIt app and I am in serious need of advice to continue my weight loss journey.

I (21F) found out my grandfather passed away yesterday. It was an extremely difficult day and I was distraught, laid on the floor for about an hour. Then I proceeded to stuff my face. I ate about 4000 calories yesterday and I'm on track to eat the same amount today. I am currently 134 pounds. I was 167 pounds when I began my journey.

I have chronic depression and anxiety with a hereditary risk for bipolar disorder via my mother. I am also an emotional eater, have been since I was a child. I was also at risk of bulimia as a teenager but I nipped that bad habit before it became habitual. There's just something about eating till my stomach feels like it's bursting that makes me really comfortable. More to the point, I have been very on track with my weight loss for six months. Counting calories, I have a scale to weigh the foods I cook, I am an intermittent faster, and I go to the gym 3-4 times a week.

But now I want to give up. I am angry and exhausted and I can feel myself slipping into the bad habits I left behind months ago. I have been proud of my progress but the comfort of food amidst my pain has been glorious. I just want to eat and eat and eat and regret it later, feel guilty about said regret and eat some more.

For those who have lost loved ones or anyone really, I am wondering how you cope with grief while also sticking to your goals? How do you see past the fog of your pain? How do you push yourself to go to the gym or weigh food or do anything when all you want to do is lay in bed and grieve? I would appreciate any and all advice as I am tempted to continue eating and never stop.

submitted by /u/blueundertaking
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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