Monday, July 22, 2019

Fun Question: What’s the most awkward thing someone has said to you when discussing your weight loss?

Ok so I’m 5 foot 5 and starting out was about 175 pounds (12 and a half stone, or about 78kg, female, 29).

I’ve lost about a stone so far (14 pounds, 6.3 kg), which isn’t that much but it’s a start.

My dad, who knows I’m trying to lose weight, put his foot in it so thoroughly yesterday.

Dad: “it’s funny, your face has really started to change! You can really see it.”

Me: (uncomfortable and awkward, makes lame joke): “I’m going to be really pretty soon.”

Dad: “Yeah, just like the old days”.

Good. Lord.


I mean, I think what he was trying to say was that I was starting to look like the slimmer version of myself, before injuries and mental health took up residence on my hips and stomach, but it did not compute. He was mortified and backed out the room very quickly.

submitted by /u/SuccessInProgress
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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