Monday, July 22, 2019

Gf saw my stretch marks for the first time today.

I have stretch marks on my arms, hips, boobs, and thighs. They have been there since I've been borderline obese 3 years ago; now that I've lost a solid amount of weight they're of course still there. My girlfriend had never noticed them. But today she did, and pointed them out.

I can hardly be mad at her. They're there, she wasn't judgmental about them, she just noticed. I explained to her where they came from and that they're not going to go away. She said they "look like tiger stripes" and I knew she found that phrase on some misguided Tumblr post. When I started crying, she did not understand.

My stretch marks aren't "tiger stripes" or "lightning bolts" or anything of the like. They're there because I gained too much weight too quickly while falling into depression at age 15. They're there and they're never going to heal. They will forever remind me of how bad a job I once did at taking care of myself. They will always flag me down as someone who once lost control. They aren't pretty, they aren't a sign of beauty at all. Call me vain for hating them, I probably deserve it. But for the life of me I wish I had not done this to myself throughout my teenage years, and I wish I did not now have to spend my adolescence trying so hard to undo years of disordered eating. I wish I did not have stretch marks.

I explained all that to my girlfriend. I think she understands. She's been nothing but supportive throughout my weight loss journey; I love her even more for it. I know she wanted to say something nice, to let me know she loves me with my stretch marks. But desperately trying to see beauty where there is none is simply futile.

submitted by /u/iamprobablywriting
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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