Friday, July 26, 2019

My first post on r/loseit (and on reddit) !! I need to take being healthier seriously and I need a community to support me. You all are lovely people and I hope you can help me, while I return the favor.

Hello everyone!!

I have never posted on reddit before, and I don't really know how it works. I hope this post is okay. I am a 16 year old transgender boy. I am 5'3" and the last time I weighed myself, I was 177 pounds, I believe I have lost some weight since then. I have a puberty blocker implant (my body has very low amount of sex hormones right now) and I will start testosterone in August. If any other trans people could give me advice on how to deal with weight management/weight loss while being on HRT or hormone blockers, I would appreciate that a lot.

I have a lot of mental health issues, and I cope with them by eating. I eat when I'm bored and when I feel upset. I also eat larger portions than I should and have lots of cravings for sugar. I need help knowing what types of food I should/shouldnt eat and how much.

I would like to have someone to talk to as well, preferably someone who is around my age. I have kik, line, and kakaotalk that I can use to text people.

I hope that this community can help me lose weight and be healthy, and that later I can help others. Thank you all so much!! I am happy to be here <3

submitted by /u/leviamos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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