Monday, July 8, 2019

Some words of wisdom to all of you struggling

I initially wrote this as a response to finding ones-elves in their career professional life, but I realized it was totally relevant to my weight loss journey too:

When I was a young adult in my 20s I tried to achieve success in things that I thought society expected of me. I failed because they were not things I wanted to be successful at, I was doing so out of a misplaced “duty” during the time. In my 30s I stopped caring about what passing strangers and society expects of me and I aimed for succeeding in the things I care about, in doing so has lead me on the road to many wins. I approach 35 in the next month and I find myself in a place of where the sky is the limit, it’s what I decide to spend my time on that counts. I’ve never been more motivated in my life.

My biggest fear in my youthful days was failure. I’ve learned that failure is the greatest of all teachers and when it happens to endure and walk away not with shame but of enlightenment.

Regarding how this is relevant to weight loss. When I was trying to lose weight in my younger days I wasn’t doing it for me. I was doing it to appease adults in my life and become some type of body image that society expects of me. I failed because I didn’t want it. Although I was trying I didn’t want it because I choose to keep binge eating and saying screw it I’m done with this “dieting” stuff. I would pretend I was trying to lose weight to appease others when I wasn’t ready to do so myself. Now that I approach mid 30s and I am a year and a half into my not diet but lifestyle change, I have found a success at 80lbs dropped, now I need 120lbs more to go. What changed this time? I want this for me, for my future, and present. I want to be healthier, move around better, and play life on easy mode for a change.

If you are starting your journey, remember that it’s your journey! Do this for you and only if you truly want it.

I hope this helps thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/Icedearth6408
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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