Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Those who have lost the weight, did your personality stay the same or did you change?

A lot of times on this board we see how friends and loved ones react to the larger amounts of weight loss. How they suddenly treat you better or sometimes worse because of the change. I had a meltdown today. I started my journey a little over a month ago and I'm currently down 15lbs ~ I had a major meltdown today about my weight loss. I'm more than proud of what I've accomplished. I've tried several times before and this is the longest I've stuck it out. I looked at myself in the mirror and I just couldn't believe how fat I was. How the hell did I let it get this far? Then the panic set in and then eventual meltdown. I started crying, telling myself that I wouldn't be able to see it if I lost 30lbs or 50lbs and etc. Then I heard this quote from the TV show house. It's an episode that revolves around a teenager that has a facial deformity and he has another illness that is preventing the surgery for facial reconstruction. Near the latter half, House tells the patient after he argues that the surgery will change everything he let's him know that the only thing it will change is his face, it won't change who the face made him. And I guess that's my biggest fear. I don't know why I had such a set off, I guess a trigger was that I got a new bathing suit in my size that had a cute design and it just did not look flattering and I guess my confidence plummeted after that. I'm glad that I didnt immediately turn to emotionally eating. So baby steps. Normally I'd be so sad, I'd just want to stuff my face till I could eat no more. How long did it take for your head to catch up with your body? Any advice or suggestions welcome.

submitted by /u/deathracerchevy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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