Monday, February 7, 2022

Sugar withdrawal is the WORST

((Sorry - I need to vent to those who may be able to relate.))

Since the middle of December I’ve basically been eating sweets like crazy - primarily in the form of baked goods and flavored with syrup coffees.

I haven’t gained any weight but the processed sugar has completely stopped all weight loss. Even with working out - I’m just sitting at 185/187.

So today is day to finally purge the processed sugar from my diet.

I just finished a great lunch - a clean salad with shrimp and a spicy vegetable soup - and even though I’m full - my body is SCREAMING for a candy. I almost can’t concentrate on anything else.

I am allowing myself one small vanilla latte with half syrup to help me get through this but damn this sugar withdrawal is AWFUL.

I currently have a headache, mild dizziness, exhaustion, and I’m so cranky. My eye is also twitching…which could be from the withdrawal? Idk - but sugar is a poison and I can’t wait to be through this.

submitted by /u/Dbomb2021
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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