Thursday, April 14, 2022

I lost 25lbs in two weeks! You'll never believe my secret!

Spoiler: The secret is to gain 30lbs during pregnancy and then deliver a full-term 9lb baby.

Nine months ago, I set a goal for myself: Lose 40 pounds before I turned 40 years old (the end of the 2021). I was on a great start and was excited to lose the weight before Christmas.

I haven't posted anything in 9 months, and I am currently exactly where I was 9 months ago.

You see, almost immediately after setting the goal for myself and starting to lose some weight, I got pregnant! When I first found out, I gave up on my diet and gained 10lbs in a month. After the first trimester, I realized I needed to lock it down. Someone who weighs 240lbs doesn't need to gain that much weight during pregnancy, and certainly not all at the start. I ended up gaining about 30lbs during the pregnancy.

A few weeks ago, I had my baby. Two weeks after delivery, I weighed myself and realized I lost 25lbs from the baby, placenta, and extra fluids that come with pregnancy.

So, I'm back to where I was 9 months ago, with 5 extra pounds. I won't hit 40 before 40 (oh my gosh I'm 40 with a newborn), but I still have the 40lbs goal in my mind.

I'm not being as aggressive with my goal right now. I mean, I have a newborn and recovery alone takes some work. While I'm not being aggressive, I am tracking my calories. This does double duty because it's an accurate food log. When my newborn has a negative reaction to breastmilk, I can go back the past few days to see what aspect of my diet may be an irritant.

I have my calorie counting app set for 1lb of weight loss a week. That puts me hitting 200lbs in February of next year. Here's to the same goal, a new timeline, and hopefully no more big surprises!

40F SW: 245

submitted by /u/40GoalGal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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