Thursday, May 12, 2022

[Century Club] May 12, 2022 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you! Welcome back to the Century Club!

Welcome back to the Century Club!

The Century Club is a regular weekly thread that I have been hosting since mid-2020 that started as a bit of a running gag. I often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays, and that joke has evolved into this regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way as well as anyone who is just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Each week I will usually provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by recent posts or comments. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous Topics: Foods You Avoid - Annoyances - Marathon - Serenity - Inconceivable! - Bright Lines - How are you doing? - Worth it? - Self-image and identity - Balance - Comments - Milestones - Life's disruptions - Triggers - Remembering - Mind Games - Starting 2022 - 2021 recap - 2020 recap


I'm not quite sure what it is this week, but it seems like every day a new Centurion has been earning their full-fledged membership into the Club. It always makes me really happy to welcome another user to the Club!

As regular readers may know, I moved in with my partner last August, and we're also in the middle of a small addition to our house. So our routines have been a bit "off". For one thing, since we lost access to the master bath for now, we had to move our body weight scale to the bedroom rather than the downstairs half bath.

Of course that means what used to be super easy: wake up, empty bladder, strip to boxer briefs, hop on scale, carry on with my day. Now becomes: get out of bed, walk downstairs, empty bladder, go back upstairs, strip to boxer briefs, hop on scale.

Adding to that annoyance, my partner's scale (a FitBit Aria) is dying a slow death. There's a known design flaw: Some small plastic pieces break and this makes the scale think that someone is on it at all times and it drains the batteries. Fixable if you have access to a 3D printer, but otherwise not.

Anyhow, it's an annoyance, but I digress.

My constant companion for most of my weight loss journey was my Eufy BodySense scale. It's how I measured all of my progress until moving in with my partner full time. I dug it out of storage since our FitBit Aria is misbehaving. The main reason we don't switch to the Eufy is that the Aria syncs automatically over WiFi, but the Eufy requires an app to be installed and open for its data to be recorded.

So this has opened the door to some experiments as I've never had the two scales next to each other before.

My Eufy has me at 166 lbs, 21.4% body fat this morning. The Aria has me at 166.7 and 21.3% body fat. The last time I was consistently 166 was January 2020 and by comparison the Eufy also had me at 21.4% body fat. So I haven't gained much if any muscle. I'm actually surprised at how well these two are agreeing, as I always saw differences in body fat % with the Aria being quite a bit lower.

Yet, I feel that my fat distribution is quite different now than 27 months ago. My legs are much stronger and leaner, while the remaining fat I have has redistributed a bit to my midsection. Not measurably so with a tape measure, but mostly how my clothes fit. My face also remains a lot fuller than early 2020 when I had just entered maintenance.

I'm still wanting to get back to the middle of my 155-165 maintenance range, and now that I'm training for a 10K in ~6 weeks my calories out are increasing. I'm not doing much if anything to further restrict calories in. Just stick to my usual habits of 400 kcal for breakfast and lunch and a reasonable dinner which I don't measure all that carefully. That should get me back inside my desired range under 165, but maybe not all the way back to 160.

So my question to you Centurion, is how do you measure your progress? What metrics are you looking for and what tools and routines work best for you to measure that? How do you handle when those tools and routines change or give you different numbers?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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