Monday, August 1, 2022

Finally in ONEDERLAND!!! 35 lbs lost since January 1st!

Link to face gains! And bonus pic of my walking partner!

Wanted to post as a huge thanks to this community on keeping me inspired on my continued weight loss journey. If you're interested here was my routine for the past 7 months and what I found worked for me:

My weight has fluctuated quite a bit my whole life and I would always gain back that 20 I lost in what felt like the same amount of time. So this time I took it slow and steady and really focused on one thing at a time to see what was and wasn't working for me.

Started on diet. To keep away the cravings I follow a pretty low carb diet on the weekdays with somewhat of an intermittent fasting schedule - skip breakfast but put creamer in my coffee.

Here is my weekday diet outline:

  • 11:00AM I have a smoothie/protein shake of a half frozen avocado, 1.5 cups of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein, 2 tbsp pbfit (or whatever the cheapest pb powder is), and 2 teaspoons of creatine (this was recently added). Blend and serve.
  • 1:30-2:00PM Normally some sort of protein, chicken or beef, with a huge salad. This has been changing to some low carb casseroles I can link if people are interested in the comments, still with a side salad.
  • 5:00PM Normally a high protein yogurt with some berries, unless I see something else that looks good.
  • 7:00PM Chicken and veggies! Not boring chicken and veggies. Stir fries with teriyaki or zoodles with alfredo! I like to cook chicken every few days to have ready to reheat at any time. This is what I have been doing the past couple weeks:
    • I get a cast iron on medium/low heat with some olive oil and add whatever sounds good that week. This week I have bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, spinach, and some tomatoes from a friends garden. I get that cooking for about 10-15 minutes adding in the tomatoes and spinach last with the cold diced chicken at the 15 minute marker. Add some pasta sauce (vodka this week), and a layer of parmesan and mozzarella and throw under the broiler for 5-7 minutes.

On the weekend I normally try to eat pretty clean but allow myself a cheat meal by myself of whatever I am feeling and normally a meal out with friends or family. Two cheat meals because I hate when I eat something that was bad for me that I wasn't fully craving. I also tried to cut down on drinking and if I am stick to 2-3 drinks. This is really just an outline I made up to follow that worked with my work and lifting schedule.

So that takes us to exercise! From January to March I didn't really do anything out of the ordinary other than walk my dog about 3 miles a day and maybe stationary bike or elliptical in my place while watching T.V. for like 30 minutes at night.

After March I decided to start working on lifting more and joined the gym. I lift 3 times per week. Leg day, chest and back, and arms and abs. Then I do cardio another 2ish times per week. Hop on the stationary bike for 10 miles a couple nights. And if the weather is nice I bike on the weekends one day for 30-40 miles.

I don't know if it sounds like a lot but like I said I wanted something sustainable. I haven't seen the digit start with 1 since 2013 so this was pretty big to get here and want to be able to stay here.

If anyone wants more detail than above ask! I'm always down to help out.

submitted by /u/spivey56
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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