Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Hi everyone,

This is my first Reddit post and I'm a bit of a newbie. I apologise, I have no idea how you guys put your stats under your user name so here's mine: F26, 161cm, SW: 63kg, CW: 58kg, GW: 55kg. Sorry this is super long, too.

I started trying to lose weight at the beginning of this year after many failed attempts throughout my teenage/adult life. I was hit with a number of overuse injuries towards the end of last year (piriformis syndrome, achilles tendonitis and bursitis, unidentified foot injury), and was told to just stop all my sports hobbies (soccer, touch footy, swimming, running, gym etc) at once. I decided as a goal I would try to lose a few kilos to at least make it easier to get back to running (if that ever happens.. months of physio have not helped at all). I decided to go with 0.5kg/week, so a base intake of about 1200 cal and then eating extra for any exercise (which is currently exclusively deep water running).

The weight loss has been going fairly smoothly, but the last couple months I have been feeling like I just can't cope with anything, I am super irritable and lose my temper over incredibly minor inconveniences. Then, the 1.5 weeks before this week, due to various events, I was eating closer to maintenance and I just felt... so much calmer. It finally occurred to me that all this irritability might be the dieting. I have literally been a nightmare to be around recently, this was confirmed when my partner sat me down tonight to talk about it. Don't get me wrong, I have always been a person who is easily frustrated, but my recent behaviour has been shameful, and my partner doesn't deserve to be around someone who literally loses it because their lunch leaked into their bag a little.

The thing is... some of you guys on here have lost unbelievable amounts of weight (you are all a bloody inspiration and should all get together and write a book someday). I feel pretty pathetic at considering stopping after just 5 kg of weight loss, because I can't control my temper. I would love any thoughts, advice, recommendations or opinions you can possibly offer. Is it normal to feel this way? Is there a real scientific reason, or is the weight loss an excuse, and I'm actually just a... massive bitch (lol)?

Before anyone asks, the rest of my life is very easy (my partner and I on comfortable incomes, no kids etc.). No excuses there at all.

P.S. anyone who has recovered from piriformis issues, please let me know your secret!!

submitted by /u/Exact-Cup6910
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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