Sunday, April 16, 2023

Need Advice - slight TW for past-disordered eating

I’m looking for some advice. This may not be the right place for my situation, if so please just let me know. In hopes of keeping this not-painfully-long, I’m going to use bullet points to lay out my situation.

  • I started my weight loss journey in 2020 at 210 pounds. (5’5 22F, at the time 20F)
  • I developed disordered eating and got down to 110 pounds briefly.
  • During that time, I was doing 2 hours of miserable cardio + 20k steps per day to maintain that weight (plus working a miserable physically active kitchen job).
  • During that time, I was also an extreme alcoholic.
  • Cue 2023, my “disordered eating” flung a 180. I now weigh 140 pounds and work a desk job. 0 exercise, will explain further.
  • No longer an alcoholic (yay)
  • I’m currently seeing a psychiatrist and taking Abilify and Lexapro
  • Eating before 1 p.m is extremely difficult for me (sometimes I throw up, I think this is due to the abilify), but at night I consume the bulk of my calories
  • Occasionally I can force myself to go on a walk, but the lack of energy I have is astounding. It’s baffling. I feel lethargic almost 24/7. I have no idea what to do or who to see about this.
  • I struggle to cook my own meals and enjoy them. I eat the same two frozen meals almost every day (a frozen box of orange chicken OR a frozen pizza) and I’m finding it almost impossible to stray from them. It’s like I can’t enjoy any other foods. These alone push me over my daily calories even if they’re the only thing I eat in a day.
  • I’m struggling with decision making in general. I used to do things that were good for me with ease, but now, brushing my teeth is usually a several hour long battle.

I could go on, but I think this summarizes my struggle. I can answer further questions in the comments.

My main question is, is this something I should seek help over, or just get over myself? Specifically my energy level is what I so desperately want to heal, I just don’t know how to go about it.

submitted by /u/Kratos5300
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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