Monday, April 24, 2023

My weight loss has been less than half a pound a week for the last 4 months and I am good with that! Focused on lifestyle changes vs temporary

I finally saw 150 today. I have been trying to get myself down to 145 for YEARS! I just struggle past 155. The last small amount has always been the hardest and I feel like I would give up when I would hit 155.

My weight loss journey has been a constant fluctuation for the last 7 years. Switching from an active job to sedentary was brutal on my body and weight. I know that weight loss is a journey and not just a short diet. All my changes are intended to be lifestyle changes, not temporary. I also work out quite a bit for my own mental health and well-being so my changes may not be for everyone.

So here are my changes.

  1. I paid attention to the foods causing me problems and eliminated them from my diet.

Details: I knew dairy always made my throat hurt and wheat/gluten caused minor skin problems. However, I gave those foods up 100% and so many other health problems went away (I will stick to the weight loss ones on here). For my body, I lost a couple pounds of bloat within the first few weeks, then finally I was able to start putting on muscle. I have struggled with absorption issues for years so putting on muscle was a struggle. So long story short here, if you know a food causes you problems, you may want to look into that more.

  1. I am not eating out as much at sit down restaurants (especially dinner)

Details: of course restaurants closing and my diet changes above restricted me a lot. When I would go to a sit down restaurant I would order an appetizer and a meal. This was mostly just weekends, but I am realizing how many more calories I consume just sitting at a restaurant. I still do takeout, but for some reason it’s easier for me to stop eating when I get full and put my food away at home. I also don’t have an appetizer.

  1. I gave myself a NEW exercise goal

Details: I play sports every year and without that I had to get creative. Now that my diet changes gave me more energy my daily run went from 3 miles to 5-6. So I said screw it and did a half marathon and trained for 3 months. That break in my routine made me push myself differently. This also made me work on my body and force myself to stretch and work on weaker muscles (I.e. my hip would ache on long run days and I would know that I needed to strengthen it to get to my goal)

  1. I got a fitness tracker and integrated it with my fitness pal.

Details: I am usually good putting exercise into my fitness pal and underestimating it. Now the watch has made it easy to track, more accurate, and is nagging at me to do more. The goals and challenges supplement my own goals. I found my half marathon training program in it which got me motivated to keep at it.

  1. Walking is keeping me sane during all this.

Details: I have added a 1-3 mile afternoon walk. Just so I am not cooped up all day. Pretty simple.

  1. Hanging with friends outdoors and not at some bar.

Details: we used to go to the bar and grab drinks and sit around. Now it’s hiking, walking, outdoor yoga class practicing/hitting a ball around.... that’s been huge. It’s so easy to get into a routine where you sit around and drink and consume calories. Now we are doing something active (still drinking afterwards a bit but we are up and doing things)

  1. I put on muscle and added strength training

Details: I had some before but as I mentioned before I didn’t gain much muscle until I fixed my diet. I ate protein, but my body struggled to use what I ate because some foods were not working for me to put it right. Once I saw the muscle come in it was addicting! The scale didn’t budge, but I focused on my arms and shoulder definition. New definition in my legs. The scale totally plateaued during this time, but I didn’t care because my body was changing!

Figured I would share my changes for this year in case anyone else comes here and see people losing a ton of weight and feeling the struggle of that end point.

submitted by /u/gaabbsri
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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