Friday, April 14, 2023

Keep MY food and MY body out of YOUR MOUTH

Background: lost 60lb in 2018-2019. Regained 50lb back from 2020-current year. I am 5'7. Steadily working to bring it down again. Also, some people like hearing comments about their body, food, etc. Their opinion is valid but mine is as well too.

From being a smaller weight and bigger weight ive now experienced "both sides" of people giving unsolicited comments about my food or my body. Thoughts they can keep to themelsves but feel like they have the right to say it to me. Here are a few examples:

Me eating a bowl of edamames - "Youre eating all of those? That cant be healthy." (At 210lbs)

Me eating 2 McDonalds hamburgers & fries "Wow youre eating that? And all of it too. Its nice you can just eat anything you want." (At 160lbs)

Me eating fried rice & mongolian beef +green beans. "Yeah I was going to grab that Mongolian Beef too, but I seen how much sauce its on and seen how unhealthy it is so I got something else." (At 215lbs)

Me eating a salad " So thats all youre going to eat? Why dont you eat some real food?" (At 180lbs)

Plus a thousand variations of im eating too little or too much depending on whatever shape I am at the time.

Not to mention when i was smaller, comments like I must be sick or have an eating disorder. My family yelling at me to eat more. Saying im loosing too much weight. When im bigger, comments about me being greedy, eating too much, taking up too much space etc.. ive learned i HATE when people talk about my body now. I love my body though ❤ I gained a lot of self-confidence from my weight loss journey before so I really love myself at this weight and at the smaller. But ive learned my boundary is people dont get to talk about my body or my food. I am not interested on their opinions on it.

I usually say one of these lines, depending on the context, the tone of the speaker, my relationship with them and how pushy or innocent they may be.

"Please dont comment about my body / my food." "My body is not up for discussion." " I dont want to make my body the subject of attention, lets talk about what you did this weekend (or equivalent)

For pushy or severe situations: "Your opinions about my food/ body is none of my business." "Keep my food/ body out of your mouth."

What similar expressions do you use? Please share any comments that also irk you and what you reply to shut the conversation down.

submitted by /u/sunlitroof
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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