Saturday, March 9, 2024

Down 40Lbs but my belly hasn't changed a bit, Any Suggestions / Personal Experience to share ?

Hi everyone !

  • 23 / Male
  • 266Lbs (Started at 304lbs 10/26/23)
  • 5'10

So im currently on my weight loss journey and Im constantly recording updates of my physique every week to see the progression over time. Im down roughly 40lbs and I like the changes I see so far. I mainly I notice a lot of my back fat is starting to shed, and my arms are slowly getting there as well, but the thing is my belly does not look like its changed the slightest bit.

Although it is a bit discouraging being 5 months into the journey and not seeing any changes to it, I still plan on putting the work in for the rest of this year to hit my goal weight of 180lbs. I do think that I might be a little too paranoid and that over time as I lose more weight the belly will also just start shedding naturally but Idk, only time will tell I guess .

So I say this to ask, for anyone who has been on a weight loss journey, how long did it take to start seeing changes in the belly? Did you do exercises that targeted that area to speed up the process? Any specific dieting tips ? What do you think could be the reason why there hasn't been much change in that region? I know everyones body is different so there wont really be a clear answer as to why I dont see any progress but I'd love to hear anyones input who has been in a similar situation.

Here are 2 photos that are 4 months apart to highlight the progress ( Yes I know It doesn't look like much but jobs not finished :P )

submitted by /u/-4lorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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