Monday, March 4, 2024

i never thought I’d gain it back

I (22F) lost about 35lbs a few years ago. I started tracking calories on MFP in October of 2020, and by June 2021 I was at the thinnest I’d ever been. I continued to track for awhile, and then stopped and just ate intuitively. I managed to maintain my weight loss without tracking calories for a year and a half. In January 2023, I quit nicotine and gradually started to gain some weight (about 5-6lbs). I was okay with this, and stayed at that weight for the next year. But now, since Christmas, I have put on 10 more pounds! I’m now up a total of 15lbs from my goal weight.

I have made a few attempt to get back in the habit of tracking and making healthier choices, but nothing seems to stick. I keep telling myself that since I’ve done it before, I can do it again, but I keep getting discouraged. I guess I just thought I’d never be in this place again. I’m not back to my original starting weight from 2020, have about 15ish lbs to go for that, but I’m higher than I’m comfortable with.

I’ve also heard that losing weight the second time is a much slower process because our metabolisms have slowed from the original weight loss. I guess that also makes me want to just give up.

Has anyone else been in this situation before and successfully lost the weight a second time? And then maintained?

Thank you

submitted by /u/lanadelboleyn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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