Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Weight loss is all or nothing for me, how do you find balance?

I'm 33F, 5'3, HW 267/CW 247/GW <200. Diagnosed ADHD, PCOS, BED.

My problem is this. When I'm not actively trying to lose weight, I feel like I don't think about food at all. I'll realize I'm hungry, decide what I want to eat, and eat it. And then I don't think about food again until I'm hungry again. If I'm sad or stressed, well, then the bingeing comes into play, but I'm still not sitting at my desk planning all the things I'm going to mow down at 5 o'clock, I just see things in the store, think 'yep, that'll surely fix it,' and in the cart it goes. I weigh myself once in awhile, when I remember I haven't done it in days to weeks.

When I am actively trying to lose weight, which I would like to start doing again now, I am constantly thinking about food: what I'm going to eat and when I get to eat it, literally counting down the hours. Then I do lots of math and obsessive tracking.

I have to plan and pre-track everything for the whole day so I won't exceed my calorie goal and also get the right macros. I've heard macros don't matter so much for most people, but because I have PCOS I know I should be eating low carb and since I'm not working out a lot I know I shouldn't eat too much protein, so I gotta track.

And weighing myself? I do it every day, in the morning, absolutely naked. I even take off my glasses and my hair tie. I need to know my exact weight and I do not want even .1 extra.

So can I not do that?

submitted by /u/amberdowny
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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