Friday, March 22, 2024

Once more unto the breach, dear friends

Over the years I've gone through weight cycling several times and gone from 215 up to 240, back to 208, up to 240, back to 220, and up to 250... Finally I sought professional help. After working with a dietician and realizing I was drastically under eating (I was eating ~1900 calorie a day while trying to lose weight), I spent months working on fixing my disordered eating and building my metabolism back up to where it should be. That brings us to my new starting place. Starting Tuesday of next week, I'll be actively trying to lose weight. My starting point:

  • Weight: 260, 20% body fat, 210 lean body mass
  • Estimated BMR: 2500 calories
  • Total caloric needs per day: 3500 per day (verified with a 2 week period of extremely strict tracking along with weigh ins)
  • Target Deficit: 700
  • Adjusted caloric intake: 2800
  • Targeted weight loss per week: ~1.5 lbs per week

For activity I walk 10k per day, run 3 miles 2x per week and I weight lift 5/6 days per week (3 days on, 1 day off). I am a bit psycho when it comes to tracking and have developed a overbuilt a Excel sheet that closely monitors my calories and macros, along with weight and body comp changes. This is a real experiment in a couple ways. proceeding the attempt at weight loss is about a 6 month period of bulking and metabolic rebuilding, and this will be the most calories I eat as part of a lean out in about 7 years. Also, the real difference is that I am not fasting in any way and instead will be eating 6 times a day. In the past I have intermittent fasted and struggled with low blood sugar in the mornings. I really want to make sure that I am taking this chance to keep my body running at it's best, not just losing weight as much as possible. I hope that being a part of this community helps me stick with it and give this the long term, healthy changes that I need to succeed. Thank you everyone for the inspiration you have given to me to give it the best shot I ever have!

submitted by /u/FormulaFan2024
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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