Hello redditors! This is my first post in this thread and indeed on reddit altogether. I apologise if this is a long ass post, but I was hoping I could tap into the collective knowledge of everyone here to help me overcome various challenges I'll face on my weight loss journey. First, a little about me. I'll try be as detailed as possible.
I am a 5"7, 23 year old male who currently weighs in at 106KG. My goal weight is 82KGish. I'm a care worker (with fairly self-sufficient clients so I have a pretty non-active workday). I play rugby, although I haven't played much for a few years now, I'm just getting back into it seriously. I suffer from developmental dyspraxia which affects my hand-eye co-ordination, exercise induced asthma (recently diagnosed) and long standing (but steadily improving) mental health issues, primarily depression and anxiety. I drank a lot and used recreational drugs when I was younger, but I hardly drink now (once a month maybe, although it's usually a fairly substantial amount). I smoked for about 4 years, vaped for 1 and then quit, I haven't looked back since.
My weight problems began when I was 17/18. I moved from my small highland town to Glasgow to go to university, and my weight just skyrocketed. I discovered extremely regular drinking and takeaways and pretty much ever since, I have failed to manage my diet and exercise regime despite still being a keen rugby player for much of my life. Being someone who is broad/thick to start with thanks to rugby probably allowed me to believe my weight gain wasn't as bad as it actually was. I live in ignorance no longer.
I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 2014 (after I had already piled on a substantial bit of weight, probably about 9 or 10 kilos). Whether one caused the other or not, being in a poor state of mind did not help my already poor health habits, and I kept eating whilst simultaneously sitting on my fat ass all day. I've made a couple of attempts at losing weight over the past 6 years to varying degrees of success (with the highlight being a 6 kilo loss a few years ago) but something feels different now. I need to protect my health, get the best out of my youth and improve my mental state (meds haven't done it for me for a long time, I believe that however hard it may be I have to do this the old fashioned way e.g. through self improvement).
My various ailments and personality traits give me challenges to overcome, and I'm hoping that anyone reading this can help me. Firstly, a symptom of my dyspraxia (for me at least) has been picky eating, specifically in relation to most vegetables. It could be a sensory thing I guess, it's hard to describe as I have discovered recently I do like the taste of some vegetables/vegetable based dishes, but I still have a certain anxiety about it. If anyone has experienced this and knows of ways to tackle/overcome it, I would appreciate it.
Secondly, I have pizza tooth. Big time. I get cravings for takeaway/fatty foods like you wouldn't believe. My just eat/ubereats history is scary reading. I guess I never got to have takeaway when I was growing up as my mum is a healthnut and was very scolding about even the prospect of eating unhealthy food (an approach that kept me healthy/fit when I was younger I suppose) so when I got to uni, it was a rebellion thing? Idk. All I know is, I just crave it so bad sometimes. I could not care less about sugary foods, but fatty stuff like pizza I just can't get over.
Lastly, organisation is a big problem for me in account of my dyspraxia. I do of course plan things as much as I can but ultimately day-to-day changes of habit will be the focus of my weight loss, I think. My attitude has changed, I just have to execute it. Looser, more generalised tips will be appreciated.
Part of getting to this point has involved admitting my weaknesses and now I can understand the challenges in my way, I am ready to face them. Any advice of any kind will be much appreciated. Have a good day redditors, and thanks for reading :)
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2LCyuZV
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