Monday, July 8, 2019

Dieting in Dysfunction

tl;dr-Did anyone else live in a house where everyone else was obese and refused to change? How did (or would) you overcome a dysfunctional home life and upbringing in order to lose weight? Do you think I should just try not to worry about my weight for a couple of months until I'm hopefully out of my crazy house and on my own? When money is an issue, what do you do about only owning unhealthy food?

How does one have a proper diet amongst a dysfunctional family? Especially a dysfunctional family that struggles with obesity. I just graduated High School and I've been thinking a lot about my weight, and how I didn't think I'd still be fat after High School. I don't know, I guess I had the idea that'd I'd grow out of my weight. I'm 6 ft tall and weigh around 300-320 lbs (I don't own a working scale.) I've lost a good amount of weight before, around 50 lbs, but I'd eventually gain it all back because of a diminishing homelife. My mom was an abusive alcoholic, now she's just an alcoholic. She's still crazy, she just can't lay her hands on me. My dad is a bit of a derp, to be honest. He has a minor form of dementia and has lots of physical pains that restrict his movement. He and I are close, but I can't really go to him for any kind of advice because of his strange nature and inability to communicate sometimes.

Both of my parents are or were obese. My mom was since she was a child, but my dad used to be a bodybuilder in his prime. He's retained a lot of his muscle mass but eats poorly. My mother had gastric bypass, and she has lost a substantial amount of weight, but because of her alcoholism, she's gained back some of it. My family is definitely on the poorer side. We make around 25,000 dollars a year combined, so we really only eat cheap garbage food. I know a ton about what goes into making a good diet, but I never had the right food at my disposal.

It doesn't help that my parents will sometimes harass me for wanting to eat better. My dad unintentionally, but my mom will become offended if I ever ask about eating healthier because she assumes it's an attack on her as a mother. I also believe my mother has purposefully bought unhealthy food when I was losing weight. That's something my therapist talked about. How people in a dysfunctional environment will try to bring others down if they see them making better choices.

I don't know man, I've been running on the elliptical every day for the past three days, but I haven't been eating the healthy food I'd like. I might be going away to college soon, and I've been thinking that I can just wait until then to focus on my weight. But this is my last summer before the big world. I don't have a lot of friends, I don't talk to anyone really (not that I don't want to.) I want to make the most of this summer before I leave, even though the odds are against me, I live in the middle of nowhere. I'm planning on going to an Al-Anon meeting tonight to talk about my mother's drinking with strangers, just desperately looking for communication, not even answers. I thought about "blogging" on here with the whole day 1, day 2, kind of posts but I don't know how far that'd go. IN CONCLUSION, I was wondering if anyone else dealt with similar things during their weight loss journey? Did anyone else live in a house where everyone else was obese and refused to change? How have you overcome a dysfunctional home life and upbringing in order to lose weight? Do you think I should just try not to worry about my weight for a couple of months until I'm hopefully out on my own? When money is an issue, what do you do about only owning unhealthy food? Thanks for reading, Chunk.

submitted by /u/Capta1nChunk2000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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