Tuesday, July 9, 2019

From believing my metabolism was broken to finding new ways to lose weight

I’m 45/f, 5’7”, and my ideal weight range is between 135 and 125 pounds. Well, I haven’t seen the 130s since ... 2014? Maybe before that? I don’t know. Ever since, the weight has kept creeping up and up until earlier this year, my weight got up as high as 165. Before that, I’d never weighed that much except when I was 9 months pregnant with twins. It was a wake up call and I decided to make some changes.

Part of my problem has been the usual slowing of metabolism that many people experience during their middle years. Add to that some relatively minor but nonetheless disruptive medical issues and injuries experienced over the last few years, and there I was. It’s difficult to explain just how demoralizing it is when you first begin experiencing a slowing metabolism. The tried and true methods that I used to rely on when I was younger to drop weight no longer seemed to work. I’m not exaggerating when I said I’d started to believe that my metabolism was “broken” and that I’d never be able to lose weight, ever again.

The first thing I did that began to turn things around, in March, was to sign up for an online coach with Nerd Fitness. My coach designed a workout routine for me that is fun and fits my aging body and avoids injury. More importantly, through his constant monitoring and encouragement, he helped break me of some really unhealthy eating habits that I’d fallen into. (CICO is my main diet strategy, with a side helping of focus on trying to eat more of certain neglected food groups and macronutrients.) Between the beginning of March and end of May, the Nerd Fitness program was the main thing I was doing and to my delight I dropped about 10 pounds. I know for some that’s what they drop in a month or even a couple weeks, no big deal, but for me, it was huge. Those 10 pounds meant I wasn’t broken after all! I could actually lose weight, if I was only willing to be consistent over a longer period of time (compared to the shorter term investment needed to see results in my younger days). Side note: not everyone would think Nerd Fitness is worth the money, or has the money to pay for it. I’ll just say that I’m not rich, and there’s other things I could be applying that money towards, but Im fortunate that I can technically afford it and it’s been well worth it to me as an investment in my health and in improving the quality of my life.

The second thing I did was start playing VR games. Since end of May, I quit going to the gym entirely and started playing Beat Saber. (I do intend to start mixing some gym time back in, but for now, Beat Saber is my main thing.) At first it was sporadically (I think the first time I played Beat Saber was around January); then around April I started playing once or twice a week; and then finally, sometime in June I started playing pretty much every single day. I play at least an hour, every morning; usually closer to 90 or 120 minutes. I LOVE this game - I would play it even if it wasn’t an amazing workout. The fact that it’s also an amazing workout is a nice bonus.

Anyway, I’ve dropped an additional 8 pounds since I started playing Beat Saber consistently, for a grand total of 17 pounds lost. At 146 pounds, I’m only 12 pounds away from the high end of my “ideal” weight range, and on my way to having the most toned upper body that I have EVER had!

I decided to post because I want to help spread the word on VR in general for fitness and weight loss and about Beat Saber in particular. Believe the hype - VR works for weight loss!

My birthday is tomorrow. Had you told me I’d be celebrating my birthday this year in the 140s, I would not have believed you. I am so grateful.

submitted by /u/eeeyeeeeyesew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/30pFyfs

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