Saturday, July 20, 2019

Help/ suggestions for curbing socially triggered eating?

I'm currently 8lbs down towards a 50lb weight loss goal, using CICO, anti-inflammation guidelines & gentle exercise. I lost the weight before but gained it back over the course of two very stressful yet successful years. I know I can do it again, and keep it off this time: I'm determined.

My biggest challenge at the moment is social triggers for over eating.

I have been better about it mainly by avoiding social situations where I know I'd be likely to drink or eat things that are not what I genuinely want in the big picture. I was eating out with friends or colleagues 3-5 nights per week (part of why I gained) not to mention lunches and coffee meetings.

I've started suggesting walks, being firmer with close friends about only eating places with healthy options, I started cooking for myself and my friends more often...

I've failed a few times, and just ended up eating things that I would prefer not to repeat.

There will always be a certain amount of social eating and drinking that I want and need to do for my career and social life. Also a certain amount of that will be with people who I DO NOT want to tell that I have dietary restrictions at all.

I have an important trip next week with a major client (who is a meat and potatoes and fast food kind of person) and I will be with him for four days straight meeting artists and I want/ need to prepare to keep myself on track.

Also, tomorrow is a weekly gathering of friends that I often find myself "grazing" and overeating at in general. I want to cut that shit out while still enjoying the company of my friends.

Please help with your best recommendations for maintaining willpower in social settings!

submitted by /u/061819
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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