Wednesday, July 10, 2019

I met my weight loss goal for 2019!

As I have a long way to go on my weight loss journey, I have found it extremely helpful to break it up into smaller, more realistic chunks. At the beginning of 2019, I made a list of all of my ‘resolutions’ for this year, one of which included losing 30 more pounds. When I set this goal, a large part of me was concerned that I was being too ambitious, and that I had my eye on something that wasn’t realistic, leading me to a guaranteed failure. Since setting that goal, I have been consistently keeping track of each calorie lost, and have really found it motivating to see it all add up, instead of just looking at each pound individually. With all of that said, I celebrated my 25th birthday this passed weekend, and allowed myself to take a break on all of my calorie counting; I was determined that I was NOT going to feel bad about having a piece of cake, or enjoying a meal out with family, while still trying to make reasonable dietary choices that helped to avoid a binge, or at the very least, a stomach ache. Before stepping on my scale this morning, I was convinced that I had gained some of the weight back, or had maintained my current weight throughout my indulgence.... man, was I surprised to see that I had actually lost another 5 pounds in between weigh ins, allowing me to cross over my original goal for the entire year! Looking back, I am honestly really proud of this accomplishment, and it makes me want to continue to chip away the extra fat, and allow myself to finally be the person who I am meant to be. At this point, I am contemplating adjusting the goal to a higher number, but I don’t want to get too cocky and overestimate what is realistic for me and my body. Anyway, this was just something small that I wanted to share with you all, as I am so grateful for everyone who shares their own personal stories, struggles and successes on this sub. Thanks for the support, everyone!

submitted by /u/summerfey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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