Wednesday, July 10, 2019

I'm going to stick with it for once in my life -

I'm going to stick with it for once in my life - I am 20 years old, 21 later this year, and I currently weigh 173.8 lbs.

Long story short, I've never been comfortable with my weight and, being honest with myself, have been in plain denial about the my weight for most of my life. Not, "Oh, it's not that bad" or "It still zips even though it's obviously two sizes too small" (think trying to squeeze into a size 6 when I am a snug size 10), but "Oh, this is just temporary! I'm only 10/20/30/40 lbs heavier than I'd like to be! I still fit into the size six, I just need to drink some water and eat healthy for a week and I will most defintely drop down two dress sizes in time for X's wedding! This isn't my real weight, this is just because I had a lot of salt yesterday/ didn't drink enough water / it's that time of month" - the excuses have been plentiful. It was just plain denial of the hard work I needed to put in if I wanted to look good. A lot of my hangups on my weight affect other parts of my life e.g. not wanting to start a new book because, well, if I'm going to sit here and eat an entire bag of family size doritos, what's the point of doing any sort of self-care or being even remotely productive today? I know that I need to stop thinking this way, so I know I need to start today - no waiting until the perfect moment, the next Monday, the next new moon, whatever it is. I need to start now before it's the start of the next school year and I'm worse off than when I started.

I start my fourth and final year of university in late September. My first year my weight was about 155lbs - jeez, I hadn't even realized that until just now. There's been some ups and downs since then but I don't think I've ever once gotten below 154lbs in the past three years. My goal is to get at least to 155 lbs, ideally between 150-155lbs before the start of the quarter on September 26th. That puts my weight loss somewhere between 1.7-2lbs / week for the next 11 weeks. My ultimate goal is to reach between 130-135lbs by the end of this year - I'm not letting the rest of the year go by without making an effort to become the best version of myself possible!

Cheers! and good luck to everyone!

submitted by /u/BurninThroughtheSky
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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