Wednesday, July 17, 2019

[UPDATE] Having a difficult time reintegrating into society after years of super morbid obesity

Update to this post (can't believe it was nearly a year ago):

I've really settled into my current weight (which is still an obese 220 pounds, down from 440) and I've been maintaining for the past 7-8 months (and that was through my Grandma's death and a couple of vacations). I know it is still a categorically unhealthy weight and I do want to lose more but I'm proud for maintaining a 200+ pound weight loss for as long as I have, because the longest I had ever maintained any weight loss was a couple of months. There isn't anything physical (I've tried anyway) that my weight holds me back from now.

Anyway, I'm happy to report I have successfully reintegrated into society and now I'm once again a fully functional, productive adult. I have a great job now, a wonderful boyfriend, and I'm 4 years sober from alcohol today! I've also started traveling again, which was a long-lost dream that I managed to find again. I'm busier now so I don't visit my reddit weight loss friends as much as I used to, but I wanted to update you all and say thank you for all of your support and kindness over the past year.

I do plan to recommit to my weight loss journey to finish it up and get to my goal weight. I know exactly how to do it but it is more challenging with a busier life, I've discovered. I will post when I get there! Best wishes to everyone on their journeys! change since my last progress pics but here are some anyway. :)

submitted by /u/astraennui
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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