Monday, July 1, 2019

Wooshed my way into the 200s and a 60lb loss!

I (26F / 5’7- SW 358, CW - 297) have been at a plateau for the past three weeks after averaging about 2-3lbs a week. This past Monday, I started at 303 and woke up today to find myself at 297!! Don’t know about everyone else, but a loss over the weekend is a rarity for me.

This sub has been so incredible on this journey so far and I plan to post some photos soon! A bit on how I got here... I’ve always been heavy yet played many sports growing up. After finishing college (and a collegiate sport) I found my weight creep up steadily once my exercising stopped. From 2015 to 2019, I went from 270 up to 358 with minor fluctuations every time I started a new diet. I’m someone that has always battled my weight and have tried every sort of diet under the sun. I wish that I could say there’s a magical diet that just clicked for me, but it really has come down to my mindset. Enough was enough, and I’m tired of missing out on things in life due to my weight.

How I’ve Done It:

  • I gave up alcohol for a month- this kick started this all by dropping 20lbs without changing any eating habits -I count my calories... seriously. There’s no secret to weight loss other than creating a deficit -I plan my meals ahead of time. It’s impossible to avoid eating out and being around food/drinks that aren’t good for you. Realizing that I would likely splurge 1200 calories on a couple beers and a burger Friday night, so my meals for the rest of the day would be light.
  • Set myself up for success- removed snacks at home, removed alcohol, looked menus up before Id go to restaurants, told my support group to not offer me food, etc. It’s extremely hard for me to make the right decision when it comes to food, but removing the decision from me at least gives me a fighting chance
  • I focus on each pound, not the long term goals. It’s easy to give up when I think about needing to lose another 150lbs to be healthy... but checking in and instead focusing on a downward trend makes the journey seem shorter
  • I remember where I came from. It’s so easy to get discouraged during this journey, but keeping some old photos of myself at my SW to compare to myself now.... it’s so motivating!

Thank you all for the support, I’m excited to keep moving forward and will try and get some photos out soon!

submitted by /u/Rcsyb4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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