Friday, February 4, 2022

Being called big by ‘well meaning’ relatives as a child does so much damage

Honestly wish more people understood how damaging it can be to call a child fat, chubby, big etc. One because it’s largely out of their control. And two, more often than not it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. You see yourself as a fat person and that’s it, that’s who you are - and subconsciously you start behaving accordingly. Eating more (comfort eating due to low self esteem), avoiding sports because ‘I’m too big’, illogical crash dieting, which just leads to more weight gain. When otherwise if no one had said anything and bruised your self esteem you may not have gained anymore weight at all. The ‘slightly chubby’ child to actually fat adult pipeline is so common.

And even when you do have periods of lower weight, or you have had a successful weight loss journey it’s impossible not to identify as big. I spent several years of my earlier twenties in the mid range of a healthy BMI and I still felt huge. Recently a friend told me her weight and it was 5 pounds lighter than I was at that time. My always thin friend who I look at enviously as one of the ‘tiny people’ and she’s currently 5 pounds below where I was 4 years ago. I’m about 50-60 pounds away from that right now and I’m on the journey to get back. But there’s a part of me that knows I’ll still feel like the big girl even then. And that a lifetime of discomfort in my own body (and subsequent weight gain as a result) could’ve been avoided if adults understood how children process their seemingly offhand remarks.

submitted by /u/Ok_Buy_4218
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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