Thursday, February 3, 2022

Those who've lost a large amount weight, how long was it before you learned your new body's perimeters on things like alcohol or caffeine?

[M, 22, 6', 200lbs down from 345lbs] I started to notice this recently, especially with alcohol. Before I started losing weight I wouldn't say I was huge drinker, but I was a pretty big one (pun only half intented). At least once a week, sometimes twice, I'd drink myself silly with friends. Being as I was massive, I could drink a heroic amount of alcohol before getting too drunk. Not healthy, but my friends and I remember be being able to do this.

When I started losing weight alcohol was one of the first things I put a limit on. I'd drink maybe once a month, and usually only 1 or 2 beers with food. Recently I've hit a (plateau/ slow down point?), I'm not at my goal weight of 175, but I'm comfortable enough where I'm at to loosen up my diet with proper exercise and restraint. I started to allow myself to get drunk with friends again from time to time. Not once a week, never once a week again. Still only like once a month or month and a half, but it's become blatantly obvious my tolerance has gone down.

I went to the bar, where I was once able to down easy 6 or 8 shots plus 2 mixed drinks without getting super wasted, I accidentally damn near blacked out from only 2 shots and mai tai. Similar instances have happened as well. Less alcohol gets me more wasted. It's an interesting observation I made, but it did take me a couple drinking sessions to figure it out. Same story with caffeine for me as well, except learning my new caffeine perimeters was more scary than it was fun, but I digress.

So, have any of you who led an alcohol-infused life prior to extreme weight loss also notice this? How did you find out? How did you take it?

submitted by /u/rantgarbagethrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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