Tuesday, February 1, 2022

How do I lose weight in a healthy and sustainable manner?

TW: Eating disorders

Hello all, I have what seems like a very simple question at hand, how do lose weight in a sustainable manner so I don't gain it back? The circumstances around my weight feel very complicated to me, even though I am aware that the formula for weight loss is quite simple: go on a calorie deficit.

Currently, I am 20(M), weigh 225lbs, and I'm 5'11", and have a BMI of 31.4. I have been successful at losing weight in the past. From May 2020 to September 2020 I went from 220lbs to 178lbs. I felt like I had finally conquered my weight issues and I was actually happy with my physical appearance at that point. However, the way I achieved this weight loss was through very unhealthy means. I biked to and from my job where I waited tables, and also did a lot of biking outside of my job. I essentially starved myself for a considerable period of time, I limited myself to 1400 calories a day, and only ate from the hours of 12pm or 2pm until 8pm. To give context, I found out later on that this is 100 calories less than the recommended amount for a 5 year old.

Eventually, I gave up as I had achieved my weight goal, but I slowly gained all the weight back through stopping exercise, binge eating, eating junk food, and depressive episodes.

Now I'm here. I desperately want to lose weight as I am uncomfortable in it and I hate how I look with it. It feels impossible to do, especially since I had gained it all back and the only way I have been successful at losing weight in the past is through unhealthy means.

I'm mostly looking for advice as to how I can conquer my binge eating, and lose weight while keeping it off.

Thank you very much to anyone who took the time to read this, I wish you the best of luck on your weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/mellohiswan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/bUGiM4AWe

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