Sunday, February 6, 2022

Tips on creating a beginner's workout/weight loss plan - I am so OVERWHELMED!


I have been trying to come up with a plan to help myself lose weight - including eating habits, cardio & weight-lifting exercises, and just general better habits. Unfortunately, I have become extremely overwhelmed trying to think of how to properly fit all of these things into a "plan." I feel like I always get to this point - struggling to "create" my plan - and then my motivation just sort of fizzles out.

I am hoping that the Reddit community can give me some hints/help in what has worked for you, what I should be focusing on, what a good beginners workout plan would be.... and so on. Any tips you can provide would be super helpful and APPRECIATED!

submitted by /u/SnooRevelations8398
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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