Wednesday, March 2, 2022

A few things I realized after losing the weight

Well, not ALL of it, but I am roughly 80% of the way there, with a loss of 52lbs currently. I wanted to share some of the changes that happened in my life that some people might not think about or expect, or for people who have lost a major amount of weight already, maybe they could relate to me.

  1. The amount of energy difference is more than you can imagine. This one seems obvious, but I from my perspective of being almost or above the obese line all my life, and now I am not, I did not realize the sheer difference of cardiovascular health and endurance. What I thought was normal was not normal, it was just all I knew. The amount I can do without getting winded is not even comparable. My resting heart rate went from 92 to 64.
  2. Getting new clothes is expensive, but you'll 100% want to do it. I suggest everyone put money aside for some basic replacements because you will drop entire sizes of clothes. I went from a XXL to a L. Nothing stops you from wearing baggy shirts or a belt that keeps your jeans on, but 99% chance you will want proper fitting clothes that not just look how they should, but show off your progress. Sometimes it is hard to get rid of that favorite shirt that no longer fits, but you'll love the difference.
  3. Your weight loss will trigger others to want to do it. Personally, almost everyone in my family has taken up wanting to lose weight after seeing my progress. It will motivate others, even if they don't tell you. Prepare for a lot of questions, a lot of people you know wanting to start (and a good amount not doing it in a healthy way, you decide if you want to teach them how you did it or not), and sometimes, dealing with jealousy.
  4. It won't be as straight of a track as you'll plan for it to be. You will hit walls. You will maintain instead of losing even when you feel like you should be losing. You'll go ham on a special dinner. You'll give in to cravings. It's okay. You don't ruin progress by one meal, the average is what counts. In fact, if you go too hard on dieting and cut out all "bad" food, it isn't a question of if you will fail, it is a question of WHEN.
  5. At least for me, I forget the difference in how I look. When I go to the mirror I expect to look so fat, and still catch myself being like "oh damn". I'll go to put my hands on my hips and expect to make contact at a certain point, and I won't, my hips are smaller than that now. Pretty cool, and a reminder that you're on the right track or positive reinforcement that you've made that progress.
  6. You'll dread hearing excuses from other people on why they can't lose weight. This goes hand in hand with #3. People will give a lot of excuses as to why they are heavy and cannot lose weight. They don't have time. They ate less once and it did nothing. They have bad genetics. Doesn't matter what it is, I can tell you that after you go through it and know just how possible it is through hard work and a frame of mind change, hearing others almost downplay your achievement by making excuses will most likely anger you because you know it isn't an excuse.

I'd love to hear other's stories, perspectives, and thoughts on these points!

submitted by /u/TheChatCenter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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